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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. "Ah crap, the lights are out, get the kitty!"
  2. to answer your question, I find that obsidian has a solid fanbase and reputation, and I'm looking forward o playing their future console games, I would have gotten NWN if it was for 360.

  3. I have pretty big hands, and I still find the controller very comfortable.

  5. Reported for telling Kaftan to shut up and saying his head is filled with crap. OHHHHHHH you're gonna get banned!
  6. hahahahaha, yeah "Behave yourself" or Hades will have to do something about it.
  7. I really don't know what you're talking about. I told you I had it but I don't remember you ever PMing me for it.
  8. I hope I still have Crackdown, but I might have traded it in. I'll check when I get home.
  9. I'm just saying I could sell you a copy of Arcanum for around $10. Do you care to work something out?
  10. Tale I could sell you Arcanum for like $10 or something.
  11. I'm in Web Animation class right now. I learn how to make simple cartoons using Flash. We start Gaming Theory soon. Oh joy.
  12. I assume you like the KotOR series then? Eh, even those two I've only played through once each.
  13. No I'd rather stalk you. Lust over love anyday </3
  14. shutup you're giving away our hiding spot!
  15. I really hated that game Nick. The game got tiring for me after the level where you kill the bug that killed your dad. It was like target practice. Go here, bugs come out of snow, shoot orange spot, repeat. The multiplayer was for a while.
  16. Why don't you get out of tADS and go hang on your IRC channel. We'll meet you there. ;-) EDIT: Way to edit your post and make me look like a jerk. I mean a bigger jerk.
  17. I'm not really interested or anything, I just enjoy making the kid think I'm stalking him.
  18. Didn't you say that was your favorite game? How can that be if you've only had it a few hours? WIERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD.
  19. Eh, I don't really have a favorite. I played the crap out of Crackdown, but that was only because it was Co-op. Not saying it was my favorite game, but just that it kept me entertained for a really long time.
  20. I'm not here to help you fix it, but I've never played Deus Ex, BG1 or 2, Fallout 1 or 2, NWN (any of them) or anything like that.

  22. I'm sure you'll be allowed to join. Maybe. Kind of.
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