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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Latest one I've played was FireRed. I tried Ruby but got bored of it. I've been considering getting Pearl/Diamond but I don't have a DS.
  2. On the upside, the girls agreed to pay. I feel like a jerk, so I'll order the biggest popcorn they have.
  3. I'm being half-dragged to see something called Fred Clause with a friend and two girls.
  4. The majority of the time (whenever I play on Live) I play on a 32 because it's close to my computer/internet connection. But when I play awesome single player games I like to play them on the big screen.
  5. That's sweet LadyCrimson. I play my 360 on a similar setup.
  6. Apparently not, or he would have unlocked the door.
  7. I'm never online before 7PM. I get home from school at 3, but then I've got hockey practice. Every day.
  8. Whoa I'm all for him getting a 360 but him getting Live and playing with us is a different story!
  9. I am a MASTER
  10. Warthog driving is simple. Press forward on the left stick to accelerate, use the right stick to turn.
  11. "Watching a movie"
  12. Do you have all your connection settings set to "Automatic"?
  13. whats your gamertag? I don't know if I've been playing with you or not, but you arent on my friends list.

  14. Sand is just jealous because we all have a big group of friends to play with now and he's left alone with his PC and a bag of Cheetos.
  15. They need an Infection based RROOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKKKKKKET RAAAAAAAAACE gametype.
  16. Maybe I found Crackdown boring alone because I had always played it in co-op. Anyway, now that you have Live it shouldn't matter Kor, as you could do both.
  17. If you have someone to play Crackdown with, it's fun. Don't get it unless you plan on playing co-op cause single player gets old. I had an Overkill in Halo before, that's 4 kills in 4 seconds.
  18. more like :brows: ha-ha-ha!
  19. Crackdown was an awesome co-op game.
  20. to bad we can't play as . then bok would have Halo!
  21. I'll Double Kill you both.
  22. I'll get on that. Calling them right now.
  23. A PC can be just as much a toy as a console. It all depends on how you use it. PC gamers always seem to think it's more mature to be playing video games on a PC, rather than on a console. Maybe you guys just thinks it looks better, when you're 30+ and you don't want to have your girlfriend saying "Oh, is that a Nintendo? My little brother has one of those!" Instead you can just say, "This is just my computer!" I've got nothing agaisnt PC gaming, I have a few games (that my PC can manage) but overall consoles are easier for me. Plus, my 360 doesn't get viruses.
  24. You also missed my suckage.
  25. I'll tell you whatever I want.

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