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Everything posted by Calax

  1. in the movies nobody has hit points. you get shot you die. you get stabbed you die. there's a stiff breeze you die. you get the point
  2. but all us younguns are immortal and know everything.
  3. i'm saying this happens without a quest being fufilled.
  4. with what? you snappy whit or by flying over here and actually shattering my back? I would still love to see a Exile or Revan lovechild
  5. i find it odd that you visit revan's homeworld because in kotor he has three, one for each base class.
  6. if we could become a big angry mob that burns down lucas arts we would but we cant because A) we'd be run down by some exec who thinks that we're there for target practice for a new game B)We have no clue where eachother is and C) we don't have any torches
  7. sidious you avatar scares me. And i don't think this would work at all.
  8. i don't think meta is soo much a star wars geek. that 's me anyway he's just a lerned one and i'm in the boat with him on the action figure. Course i feel the same way about clothes. Why spend over a grand on a set of clothes that you only use for 6 mths when going through puberty?
  9. it'd be cute if the planet's evolved as the amount of gametime went up. After six hrs a wookie rebellion kills all the czerka so if you were helping czerka you would be in deeep poodoo. or on tattoine you could have several settlements and the npc's trade off settlements. Tuskens' take this one settlers take that one then they have an ongoing war with every so often a tusken raid party appears in the walls of a settlement killing and slaughtering everyone. Also i would love to see more than one landing zone on each planet.
  10. we're allowed to be that way. we're geeks. i think that a portion or a minigame could be like a rts to either fight off the sith or to kill the republic's planetary defenses
  11. Kingdom hearts' command and conquer, C&C red alert.
  12. boy we really have a way of killing a thread don't we?
  13. their not the same age. Exile is much older (at least that's the feeling i'm getting over all) Gahhhhh you changed you avatar right in front of me scary!!!! Malak and Bastilia and Revan are all the same age... imagin school, they were in the same classes always. (makes me wonder about their social groups and hs romances.
  14. so he's got all the stat's and feats of handmaiden hmmm must be really funny to watch him echani strike sombody in a battle. he's supposed to be a blaster boy.
  15. huzzah for the bunny
  16. Course they probably didn't have the confidence problems or scatter brain of Bastilia.
  17. Is this in NVN?
  18. It would fit! he's already metro why not go all the way to cross dressing?
  19. Personally i Love HK. but i think they nutered him for Kotor 2. In the beginning at least you could repair his memory core for bonus's. And yes i know you can do that with T3 but they also changed how HK talks. He would always put in somthing about how we should leave a trail of death and destruction in our wake just for the hell of it. He doesn't do that anymore. and i find it odd that dispite his ability to kill jedi before he gets tossed like a wet rag when up against a jedi.
  20. Personally i think they should go back and do a prequile(?) about Revan and his adventures during the mandalorian wars. End with the finding of the star forge. Imagine being able to see exactly how Malak lost his jaw and all that good stuff!
  21. So when you equip Handmaiden everything double's? wonder what Disiple looks like in handmaidens' thin robes
  22. I NEVER SAID THERE WAS ONE FOR GODS SAKE!!! IVE SEEN NUDE DYNASTY WARRIORS BUT NOT KOTOR (that one was wierd and we've gone wayyyy of topic i wonder what fin will think)
  23. all i would use force speed to do is go through the civilized areas because otherwise i'm trying to earn exp. and that was mainly in kotor 1
  24. wow you go to sleep for a couple of hours and look what you miss. (ok so its 5 hrs. so what)
  25. ahhh the glorious power of force heal with a really high wis/treat injury.
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