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Everything posted by Calax

  1. i hate looking at malaks missing jaw when he gets it worked on, it just gives me the willies... why didn't he put a cheap blaster in there?
  2. eh palp was just trying to kill luke with his electric bill But I think the point is moot because little mr conflicted did join the battle...
  3. wait's for ghost of anakin to come and yell.
  4. "Somthing wrong" "How did you know" "because when you think your face screws up like a kinwrath pup's"
  5. like bush and the world opinion...
  6. ummmm you did have a lab station in the med bay (where disiple sits like a puppy dog who's been bad) and I think that Goto could be used as a suicide bomb. just have a small factory in the back that's pumping out gotos and have them detonate their proton cores on the opponent...
  7. Well Alderran didn't really make an appearance in Sith war, It was just mentioned as the Qel-Droma Homeworld. Also Yavin 4 had been consumed by a firestorm at the end and finially Corellia might not have been put in place by that point. (meaning that they were moved at some indeterminate point in the past before the books movies but 4000 years is a long time so...
  8. You seem to forget that in Naga Shadow's bid for power he wiped out the entirety of the other lords.
  9. it's because they were trying to remove the romances from Kotor2
  10. it's been a while since I read the Fall so... I'm not sure about the planets. And if the counsel didn't accept Jolee then they would have serious problem keeping the order on its feet considering that most jedi will break the Code at least once and several won't even pay attn to it. Those who remain static will eventually die (Vrook). I must say that the Counsel you deal with in Kotor2 reminds me of Buddhist monks. always looking for the possible evil in any action whatsoever (I figure Meta's going to love this " )
  11. where did you get these descriptions? they seem to be from the post rotj era... Alderran would be fun to go to but I think that they should have Kessel at least.
  12. Weapon Master/Murader I tried to be a watchman/assain but just got squashed in the Tryus Acdemy.
  13. CAFFINE I wish they still made Jolt Kola...
  14. I think its the love thing but i'm wondering why juhani isn't considered a part of the order was she killed in the interviening years? or did she just make a Rimuko takahashi character death.
  15. being forced into a discussion about why it is necessary to wipe out a massive number of people, Why is it possible to wipe out entire cities while still being a lightside master. And Jam a lightsaber down Kreias throat
  16. imagine if you were to remove all inertia from yourself or you vehicle?
  17. Ah the joy's of living in America...
  18. Buddy i know this But i can't find the people who want to get out with me, Best guess is that Mira isn't considered mandalorian because she doesn't live by the code of honor that they do. Only Mandalore would be able to confirm her (i know it sounds like it's a church but it's not.)
  19. according to what i heard we get it in sept...
  20. the only way that we'll know this is if we get George Lucas in here and have him tell us, Vader's Tie Fighter had to have a hyperdrive because if it didn't he wouldn't have survived the aftermath of Yavin.
  21. talk to dark lord not me... "actually im an almost agless entity. why do you ask?"
  22. score one for flipside.
  23. in Kotor one i liked the "actually i'm a hutt in human form, What the heck do you think i am?"
  24. Hoth is in every game that was made about either the Galactic Civil War or afterwords. They didn't do it in Kotor because it's just a frozen ice ball with Tauntons and Wompas, be a great place for a jedi to hide though
  25. Lessee We have heard about the old sith because their great "empire" contained only korribon and that was pretty much depopulated. Naga Shadow at the end of the sith empire ran away to Yavin IV where he performed genetic experiments on his little helpers and actually made them into the Massasi we see in Dark Lords of the Sith and the Sith war. I would think that the Council would treat Jolee as an possible hostile, the jedi refer to those who try to take the galaxy as sith because that's what sith always did....
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