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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Calax


    Just put a Password block on the thing. It works against youngsters. for old people yank a cord, any cord, and walk off with it
  2. How did this thread get revived?
  3. I haven't been moderated except to have one or two of my posts "pruned" my the great green dragon.
  4. Ulic is an enigma so we really can't count him... I'm going to have to point out that "good" and "evil" are just points of view. While it has become generally accepted that the Sith are evil somtimes the Evil people can actually be better and more honorable than those that are good. Food for thought
  5. I usually don't kill Kumus but I do tell what really happened to him. Amazingly I get a DS point for that
  6. well the feelings thing does come up in some convo but I don't remeber where. you get insinuations of it when Brianna fights Atris and looses, and there are a few Kreia comments on that. But I'm guessing that this sort of personal attachment in the Order can only come from a Master-Apprentice relationship between opposing genders. With the same gender the Master falls into a role of parent because the Apprentice never really had one. But when you have opposing genders you have a possibilty of and Oedipus complex or a reverse Oedipus (if I spelled that wrong I'm sorry) where they child or parent falls for the other side of the relationship.
  7. seems very... Dinsneylike. at least some of their stills of the older not-meant-as-comedy characters
  8. You like guy's who use guns, Lesbians, and Sith, and a guy who spouts "wisdom" every chance he gets. Hmmmmmmmmmm sound's typical young male (I shouldn't be talking but :ph34r: )
  9. Did anyone read today's FoxTrot? http://images.ucomics.com/comics/ft/2005/ft050809.gif The Mother:"and WHY isn't Donkey Kong wearing pants!?"
  10. what like Bastila and Kreia being one and the same? I like the idea and would like to see somthing akin to the ROTS combat but i would like more guardbreak attacks becaue ROTS was about guarding 90% of the time. Best guess is that If you were good enough and had the proper tools you could splice ROTS's combat and Sims 2's "homemaking" aspects and throw on a story while your at it to make the game. But that would require somthing of a monumental effort to get the tools and to know how to extract the ROTS levels and the combat system to make somthing new as well as getting the Sims 2 to cough up it's secrets.
  11. You should be happy no one has chosen to rate you. That way you can still fantasize that you're a "deep" fellow. (I've never been one to tell if sombody's deep or just a surface person) And yes this logic works for me too.
  12. I guess these scores are like publicity. Anyscore is a good score... And I will never ever rate people because I am not able to percieve people very well over texts........................................................................... ................. I do know my netiquette is far below anyone elses. ha HA!
  13. Ohhh don't forget they try to make Cross platform RPG's/semiRPGs that end up being great for the Console but have more bugs than the earth does on the PC.
  14. At least the First RE movie had an explanation why it didn't follow the Games plot. Also I had thought they were on some deep space research station. It was somthing I had seen on IMDB. Guess I stopped reading after "Research Station"
  15. Black And White 2 Black Kingdom Hearts 2 JE for the PC (If they ever decide to release it) Battlefield 2 City of Villans And that's all I can come up with right now.
  16. No... I think you could grab a chaingun with that saw to fight the HellKnight. Or a shotgun. Shotguns are nice.
  17. notice that the Treya name came from the word Betrayer. or in really really fast talk Betraya.
  18. I only used a shield on Paragus. Simply because there were enviromental hazards.
  19. Thus my theory about being able to depopulate planets and not get a single ds point. Anyway... I would think that either Atris or Vash would be Exile's master. Simply because of how Atris responds to him in the beginning of the game. While Vash I just pulled out of my hat because we really don't know all that much about her.
  20. If I remeber correctly until the time of ff7 there was no real RPG genre other than FF. then people began to make other styles than "Jrpgs" and this exploded into MMO's
  21. I'm scared of it because not only does it have the Rock in it, but it doesn't even take place on mars
  22. I'm going to agree with darque. I was a fan of Diablo but 2 just became a Lootfest later on. Didn't two of the guy's that helped form Blizzard and make Starcraft and Diablo end up going away and making Goblin Commander?
  23. best guess? a squash. But then I'm not entirely sure it's a fruit...
  24. no just "They don't ever make em like they ought to"
  25. It can take over an hour if you looking for just the right combo of stuff. When I was on there were entire "supergroups" dedicated to lookalikes. I saw several Cyclops' and amazingly enough Power Rangers. Most of the power rangers to identify themselves would put somthing on their chest. I've seen DBZ characters, Supermen, And sombody other things that make my eyes water because of the color scheme. They also gave you a free comic book to go along with the game. The comic was trash but in the back of each one was a City of Hero's comic by the guy's who do Ctrl-Alt-Del. One of the more Memerable ones for me was a superhero coming into his apartment sitting down and reading the newspaper on the can. then he dissapears in a flash of light as his buddy uses "teleport other" on him.
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