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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I still get a horrible feeling of dejavu. I 'm remebering a thread that I can't find where sombody gave out a sit where one fell to the darkside and the options were Exile, Revan, Conversion, draw, both die. OR somthing to that effect. But for this thread I'm going to say Revan.
  2. It gets to be a lot of running and no actual RPing.
  3. This has been done a long long time ago. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=32050&hl=
  4. Well we forget that Maul could have tried choke the guy's in the hangar before they left his view. but he didn't. I guess I could see where ender is coming from but the only problem I have is who in their right mind goes around say "Horray I'm the goodest person in the world, And i use the Dark Side to do it" From what I understand every single culture considers Darkness to be touched by evil in some way shape or form. Maul from what I understand is the Closest thing we ever see to a "grey" jedi, only problem is he feels the Jedi have wronged him in some way.
  5. SG1 Atlantis Battlestar and I don't know because I don't have TV :'(
  6. And I never was able to get oneonone time with a good fps so I sucked at it. It also just got repetitive (dedust was the major one)
  7. Some of the bosses could be pretty difficult under certain circumstances or if you didn't know how to beat them (Giant beastie, and Hanharr come to mind)
  8. your responsible for yearly killing and exploration? sounds like a tour of duty.
  9. At least in most others you have some sort of backround in firearms. But anyway I like to nit pick. not the real ones just details.
  10. I hated when counterstrike was the rage. Mainly because people would wander off ingame and not use any tactics what so ever. Also there "teh r0xx0r snipah man" who tries to get all his kills with the Magnum.
  11. I wish davinci's workshop was the same in Civ3 as it was in CTP.
  12. so we have a guy with super dooper body armor and the ability to smack anyone or anything to death with a briefcase... A MIT grad with at least 2 PHD's who can outdo the US Marine Corp when it comes to E&E and fighting off alien invasions. And yet somehow a corprate heavy weight comes out on top. I find the incredibly odd.
  13. but that still shouldn't make him a world class shot and able to take down elite marine units. And how does a guy with a briefcase get around without getting his head ripped off by Xeno's? does he have a perfect Dark-esq laptop gun?
  14. I'm happy about the Expansionistic tendansy's being whacked. I was never Expantionist I was a cultural Marvel tho.
  15. I am going to have to point out that Keria Knightly was also in EP 2 for about 40 seconds. She got off the ship on corecant and died in Natalie Portman's arms. :D Anyway, I'm surprised Mara's actually up there while the ones in the actual movies are not able to be chosen. Like Kiera Knightly
  16. There is no way to not be "in her service". At first she won't let you help her. then she causes you to be the center of attn. in the galaxy.
  17. Can't be as bad as "Join the Motor Pool! Repair exotic vehicles like this 67 VW bug! and kill people with the excess anger."
  18. This time you have Maintence. I hope they dont' try to borrow Rebellions maintence system, That flat out encourages Expantionist tendancys.
  19. I liked the Halo and Halflife series. Only problem I had with each was that one (Halo) had a very thin story. They didn't give you anything for a basis of power for weapons on the ship (I mean the Pillar of Autum) so you didn't know if you were fireing a peashooter that couldn't take down a dude in a 60's space suit or the death star cannon. Halflife the origional Had a different problem, how on earth can this double PHD scholar from MIT be the best shot in the known universe? also early on HL didn't have a very good multiplayer until OpFor and TeamFortress came out. Then came CS and the rest is history. Halflife2's multi I haven't played but I have played Halo2's, While it's good its not great. Unreal Tournament (the origional) Had a better Multiplayer system set out. Halo the radar is based on motion. So if you don't move you don't get seen. this can lead to some nasty ambushes. In Unreal you knew at least where people were to some extent. Not always the level but at least you could tell where they were at all times. Also Unreals levels were varied. From Operation Overlord to the most basic two person map. Then there's the larger amount of Modes in Unreal and an Engine that can stand up to todays to a minor extent. Especially considering that the Unreal engine was the benchmark for which all FPS games were set (Even Deus had a heavily modified form of the UT engine) So ultimatly FPS is much much better when made for the PC. Simply because they are bigger badder and can be patched easily.
  20. Me LIKE! Also I like the fact where there doesn't have to be a single winner.
  21. Calax is: My Real Name is And my second name (the one I use if Calax is taken):
  22. It's on IMDB but we're not sure weather it's been canned or not because the entry hasn't changed since '04
  23. it's spelled the same, what I'm asking is why he pronounces it differently
  24. Also if you miss anything it's usually pretty close to the landing site or they have a little man waiting to take you to camp.
  25. I think the reason the thinkers didn't get very much is because people like the idea of bashing sombody elses head in.
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