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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Calax


    Read American Gods. It explains what mead is.
  2. besides we don't want to go to jail... unless you want to go to amsterdam that is.
  3. then because all games will become AO then we can see some
  4. well handmaiden is there too
  5. but the court ruled that the three districts couldn't lead the children into saying it because it would be too much like brainwashing.
  6. the rules of star wars are simple, everything must have Blaster, concussion, ion, or proton in it's name if its a personal weapon.
  7. Pope: do you run your scouts like a freaking army regiment? I hated my old scoutmaster for that... and he was a little on the controling side of things
  8. What i'm saying is that in the average church there's probably not a person who believes with all their heart and soul that in their time of need god will give them divine inspiriation. or as the WOD puts it, has true faith. About the pledge I find that the main reason most people are opposed to the removal of the phrase is because they think the two words were there since the inital inception of the pledge. if you were to actually tell people and hammer it into their brains that the phrase wasn't origionally there i don't think there would be as much opposition.
  9. I doubt there is one person in the average christian church who truly believes that god exists... Now give me a second to find my axe
  10. try dynasty warriors then Alan
  11. BFG, that's all they need, a BFG
  12. I should point out the noteables: Mohammed (to the best of our knowledge) the initiator of islam Emperor Napoleon III of France Adolf Hitler Columbine High School massacre Lee resigned his commission for the union. My grandmother was born.
  13. I read, and
  14. Given your sn is male I hope so too, or sombody would turn it into a comedy. STERILITY FTW!
  15. ummmm ahhhhh ummmmmm ****?
  16. and his consort is: Oprah! Unfortunatly I don't have any Oprah Manips.
  17. yeah rocket launcher would be to Unstarwarsy, they'd have to be "proton Launchers" that can blow a fighter out of the sky :D
  18. I never actually used him except on telos, Never saw a reason to use his shield breaker.
  19. Ultimatly what EA does is tries to get the most people to play their games, thus they end up alienating the group that initially made the game a hit. But some of their newer stuff is actually pretty good if you like that sort of thing (DefJam). I just didn't like the fact that they made a brand new strategy game and attached Command And Conquer to it to get more people to play it.
  20. I think that it's been released in Korea... One of the Koreans died from playing it for 3 days strait, no food or water or sleep breaks.
  21. too bad you cant move your brains to your buttocks. That would throw the Flayers for a loop
  22. And young... I actually prefered the Boss to Ocelot in that game.
  23. Babies have titanic heads.
  24. to make the Phrase "under God" work one must also add "under Allah, Yahweh, Odin, Zeus, Osiris..." you get the point. This would achieve Religious equality to the best of our ablity. But because people don't want to give a speech when they say the pledge just remove the offending phrase... And add "One nation, Killing God,"
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