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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Or she was his best friggin chance of contributing to the gene pool
  2. And nothing at all....
  3. I think you would be better addressing the reasons why the 90 year old billionaire married Anna Nicole-Smith. And he didn't need to, he wanted to. Think about that. @Calax: why would she want to marry you? What are you bringing to the bargain? Unadulterated adoration? That will change once you're sick of the sight and sound of her. And she'll tire of it, too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not saying I would do it, I'm saying that sombody would. not me, I'm not the type to go for a Trailer park minimal IQ sap who thinks the Backstreet boys are everything in the world. If I can't carry on a conversation of substance with them I don't get in a relationship at all. And I have attachement issues but that's a story for another time.
  4. Right. Until you sleep with one, then you might be a little more discriminating. This is my point, people espousing this sort of nonsense obviously aren't getting any. Does her husband look like he is enjoying himself? I would bet that he is a hot candidate for adultery, if he hasn't already committed it. She is bad news. The sooner people stop lauding her because she has straight, white teeth and an empty head, the better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It'd be easy to cheat because she wouldn't be able to put two and two together, much less one and one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But what's the point? Why not just sleep with someone whom you want to sleep with? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> to be get a life of luxury... and money, money is always good.
  5. Right. Until you sleep with one, then you might be a little more discriminating. This is my point, people espousing this sort of nonsense obviously aren't getting any. Does her husband look like he is enjoying himself? I would bet that he is a hot candidate for adultery, if he hasn't already committed it. She is bad news. The sooner people stop lauding her because she has straight, white teeth and an empty head, the better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It'd be easy to cheat because she wouldn't be able to put two and two together, much less one and one.
  6. Id is good until you find out his secret, I prefer the "most powerful man"/wiseman... I will give Xenogears props for having very very complicated villans.
  7. Colossus. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank-you. I thought that might be the case. So he's gay, then? S'funny, he doesn't look gay ... " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We ain't sure, some think in the Ultimates he is. He's not in the regular universe and we have to wait a year for the movie
  8. Wow, I only lurked for two weeks. Welcome anyway! It's great to have a new face around here, especially with so many active posters falling back to lurking, or worse, disappearing altogether. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> twenty minutes was my lurking time grand total...
  9. Best guess the only mod to get paid is Fin. Maybe Hydrogen but because Finovar is the chief and god of the boards he's the only one to get paid by obsidain.
  10. Definitely, even though she has the brains of Jell-O. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For some people having a hot rich girl wanting to sleep with you would be just fine...
  11. Eldar I know isn't a Mod from the time before time. and from what I can tell you haven't seen mods because you don't exactly leave the Spoilers and General Kotor2 boards. Way Off topic has a lot more mod interaction... And Finovar has been on vacation so you don't see much of him.
  12. Wait.... Petay your saying that in real life you accidently burn yourself to death on a regular basis trying to work the stove?
  13. Zez just seems kinda... not there. he has no actual interaction with the Exile except when it comes to trying to keep mira alive. He seemed insubstancial...
  14. you mean the communistic "Death to the rich people Glory to the Poor!"?
  15. Booo Wine!
  16. I also would have like to be able to actually go there with the hawk... I mean you get one shot to do EVERYTHING which kinda bothers me.
  17. Revan remebers more as time goes on, so it doesn't surprise me that the presence of the Star Map on Dantooine, like Bastila's proximity, triggers some memories but leaves others dormant. But I meant that I thought it highly unlikely that the Jedi Council could have just taken a stroll through Revan's psyche to look for and weed out memories. If they could do that, then they would have just found out where the Star Forge was, and the whole game would never have happened. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So your saying that his entire life is dormant? then wouldn't his sith training come out by physical memory? because you can't erase physical memory and from what I can tell the Sith use a much more... aggressive and powerful style than the jedi do. It would be hard for him to retrain using the Jedi's style if he had been trained in some ancient sith way, mainly because they would be utterly different and his body would want to fall into ready stance and fight like it was origionally taught. that way the Jedi and co could figure out who he was like an echani would.
  18. Zez Kai-Ell is the name you are looking for. I pick Kavar. He seemed more in touch with the world
  19. It's because he wants to eat me!! (old joke, you probably won't get it...)
  20. Ummmmm Iziz is the name of the city according to tales of the Jedi, they didn't have much of a choice concerning the name there buddy... I actually kinda like the sky ramp, at least it was relavtivly strait forward...
  21. Of course, what could you give god as a sign of your affection? he already has everything....
  22. whaiiiiit a sec... he's a mod? when did he become a mod?
  23. suggestion read the rant at ctrlaltdel from earlier this week. (where ethan "dies" in front of a delivery guy
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