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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Wheres the manditory Family Guy pic?
  2. and a thousand sushi Dinners cry out for vengance when you awaken... or is that the Kraken.
  3. Man Is Awesome N00B :D
  4. Ive never posted the same topic in 2 different threads before and im a Newb <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He hit the button twice and it registered twice... I've seen Ender do it, Eru's done it, Metadigital has done it... You'll do it.
  5. It runs through your Net History... I've been zipping through my City of Hero's forums and found these... http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showflat.ph...3846432#3845271 http://www.alternet.org/columnists/story/26402/
  6. Calax


    Try one that splits slides under it's opponent and lifts tossing it into a hazard... If that doesn't work watch the old shows, "Biohazard" and "Subject to change without notice" did extremly well. Yes this used to be a show on Comedy Central. Donno what happened to it, I think it got turned into TLC's robot wars or somthing.
  7. guys don't go overboard on him... we all do it once.
  8. ahh the good old days... Wait... I wasn't around for the good old days... just the good fairly recent days... when Jediphile, and metadigital would argue about EU... With page long posts.
  9. call it divine insperation but why does everyone in starwars loose their hands? Vader, Luke and now Kreia...
  10. Fighter 70% Combativeness, 43% Sneakiness, 50% Intellect, 25% Spirituality Good at hitting things and with a definite violent streak; you are a Fighter! Fighters are the basic martial combatants in D&D. Their abilities and skills vary wildly between individuals, but they all share one thing in common a definite preference for violence. You're either really defensive, have an unhealthy fascination with sharp objects or you just like hurting people. Either way, you should probably try and keep your cool. Being able to hack someone into pieces maybe a useful skill in most RPGs, but in real life it will just get you into trouble.
  11. 'E's dead Jim...
  12. " Ohhh Hanharr your so manly!"
  13. American revolutionaries were terrorists to the british... And that's all I'm going to say.
  14. anyone got a 10 dimentional sythe they can loan me?
  15. Back to grammer school for you! I like cats... just got to get them to sharpen their claws on the catnip sharpener rather than the handrail.
  16. Calax


    dancing on the graves of the unfortunate and downtrodden!
  17. Can't wait for geriatric Snake to roll out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Must.... subdue.... desire... to... post.... VGCats... again!
  18. No I didn't actually make those... I found 'em. Just like Darksides Avatar.
  19. Cheers for MGS!
  20. It's scared me... When I say Call of duty, or Medal of Honor, or Command and Conquer and a jock says "I've played it" Takes away my specialness :'(
  21. And for Phantom dust (screwy game if I do say so myself.) :Takes a bow:
  22. Hades is the one with the sentinel power. Isis has flood the nile which increases the food output. Ra gives you rainstorms. Congratulations!!! You are a proud member of the Greek Pantheon. Renowned for their cleverness, the Greeks, like you, were great at absorbing other's knowledge, technology, styles and people and quickly transforming them into something uniquely Greek. Always looking for the next new thing, your and your Greek pantheon explore all the worlds within and without with frank enthusiasm and a solid assurance that you're the pinnacle of creation. You'll enjoy the rocky sunlit Greek isles, worship in the elegant temples and delight in a bounty of delicious food. A firm hand, a godly horseman and a mythic weatherman, Poseidon rules the sea. Water always symbolizes emotions so mythically speaking, this means you can stir up other people's emotions to get the advantage. Your tendency to think you know what's best for everyone is double-edged: your subjects and allies readily come to you so you have a good sense of what's going on everywhere, but you often get distracted in peripheral details to the detriment of your main goal. Stay focused. God Power: Lure. Create a stone that draws wild animals.
  23. There already is TV-series though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Buffy?
  24. you added ghost in that post because... It doesn't have a story? I find that Warcraft 2 and starcraft were their best games. D2 became too much of a "Phat L00t" contest to be fun and D1 was just hacked byond repair. WoW is to complicated for me to get interested in.
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