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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I'll join in the scores party! Socializer 73% Achiever 53% Explorer 46% Killer 26%
  2. That sounds like somthing I would come up with... I like XML2 personally, a smaller area that's connected with several others. Orgasmic
  3. blades, it's always the blades on this board. If you want a challenge go toe to toe with a vibroblade and every turn go to the inventory and either shoot up on stims or med pack yourself.
  4. The Men in Hot Pink and Green.
  5. I hate sugar boy... he hurts... I guess I should whip out Cyke Wanda Magneto and Sunfire... and play the run and shoot game..
  6. I like the "secret Character" that you find pieces of through out the game.
  7. yeah... usually in these games I get stuck at some point in the arc... it gets psycotic how powerful the bad guys get..
  8. Just got it, it's installing in the backround right now
  9. Eh either blizzardcon or the Expansion of WoW (they were hireing testers for the expansion if you looked on their sight for a while)
  10. either get the last amount of playing time I can out of my stuff, or sleep with as many women as I can
  11. but we don't know because Ender is taking a "leave of absence" because of his problems with the mods.
  12. they could try to adapt the Ep 3 duel mechanics to kotor, they'd have to work on the fact that all you have to do to win is block everything but it could work. The blood that gave the game the teen rating is the one around the dead bodies in the sith academy. And lightsabers cauterize the cuts they make.
  13. Unfortunatly the funeest version (collecters CDrom) doesn't work on the XP. It just doesn't work, everones tried but it doesn't X-wing Alliance is good for a Star wars Flight sim. It's the last incarnation (tho lucas should have milked one last Tie Fighter out of the franchise) of the X wing series and has by far the best graphics. and it has :gasp: a psudo storyline attached to it.
  14. I think it's hard to have combat like Oblivion and have it be more than a simple click fest. And I feel like a duck out of water... Nice to see that your Back Paladin
  15. If god told him to invade Iraq... and god told the hijackers to blow up the WTC... Methinks we have a very capricous god
  16. I don't think the under the table shot would work on HK... That screen shot makes me sick
  17. backstroke og the west is always good
  18. didn't think you would believe it because of the source
  19. this has got to be hijacking in it's purest form.
  20. yes.. I think it was Darkside that gave it to him.
  21. perhaps somthing akin to the Pirates! fencing system.
  22. Is making Splinter Cell 4... Just thought I might toss that out. For evidence (most of you won't believe this) one of my Buddies in City of Hero's works in montreal. His friend works for Ubi. His wife let slip that his friend is building lvls for Splinter Cell 4
  23. Actually it was Calax who made it, but it's a cropped version of one of the panels found here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually VG did it themselves in the avatar area. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks for informations you guys! :D Don't be shy to show more of your work on the Star Wars thread calax, I'm sure it will interest lots of us. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i don't do art... I have the hand eye coordination of a three year old thank you... I just find good stuff.
  24. it's vg cats... it says it in the top left corner.
  25. you have to build it before you can actually start getting them
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