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Everything posted by Calax

  1. they did make a crack about violence in video games on lucas's computer (I think) I wasn't bothered so much by the necro than the RESULT of the necro scene.
  2. it was a random pick of the letters.... (pronounced kal Axe) because I got tired of using names from books.... had it for about 12 or 13 years now.
  3. My perfect girl would have the quintessencial geekiness... and then have a body of a supermode Honestly... I really just want a geek gamer girl who wouldn't mind being the family worker...
  4. personally I don't think this game needs the rumble pad...
  5. Only character that can do that in later parts of the game is hammer paladin. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> really? cause the ice sorcerress certainly looks like it's just a spam the button character
  6. Calax


    superboy's powers were origionally powered by tk. But it seems that the older he gets the more powers he grows into of supermans. this is probably because superman is literally solar powered. the more sunlight the more power he's got.
  7. The elbonian kind
  8. been there seen that, got the teeshirt... I've never actually NEEDED my cell... except when I was at college and didn't want to pay for a local phone... the only reason I keep it around is if I'm attacked by aliens who need to phone home or maybe if my car breaks down... (I've driven for four days without realizing that my radiator had cracked... that was... interesting to say the least.)
  9. grabs an aussalt rifle and several grenades then proceeds to find a futuristic pop-gun looking thing that blows holees in stars... Where be he?
  10. Calax


    Teen titans has gotten pretty good... especially considering that a teenage superboy comes into his Xray vision when he's sitting with wondergirl in a restraunt... fun scene where people have no clothing (but they cover up the good stuff )
  11. the ddr games were tough the first time for me because of my ADD... makes my reflex's garbage but when you got the feel for it I got to be very very good... on a side note... when did bums in abandoned subways become the norm for saviors? there are like fifteen games that make these guys into heros of the planet or of a war or somthin... One interesting thing I found was that whenever they had a model interaction of some sort they would make sure to somehow cover the interaction... For example, Early on the character wants to grab a glass of somthing, when he does you see the camera get moved so that his body is blocking where the hand would grab the glass. When he either is holding the object or is done with it the camera finishes panning back to see his hand holding it. This is also done in some kissing scenes. except that there one arm pops up to cover their lips by wrapping it around the lovers head.
  12. I played the game... I got to the subway and reformatted... so right now i'm at dream sequence numbah 2. the major thing that bothers me is: Just going to point out that the computer control scheme is created that way because it requires the least amount of translation from the ps2 control. the arrows=dpad the num pad arrows=X O Triangle and Square. the mouse stands in for the two sticks and the enter is a catchall.
  13. Calax


    Frank also did the Dark Knight Returns stuff. I'd also recommend Joss Wheaton (he did Astonishing Xmen for the first year), Judd Winnick, and Gail Simone (who also plays city of hero's in the Pinnacle RP Congress if you care about that game) Almost forgot Mark Waid (JLA year One), Bindis (Currently doing new avengers, and Ultimate Spiderman), Kurt Busheik(Marvels, Liberty Project, and Conan are His comics), and Troy Hickman (Common Grounds, and He did some work on City of Hero's own comic which you can pick up in PDF format at the website.)
  14. Calax


    heh... I'm a comic nerd... I'm gonna post this linky... it's to the supreme power issue one online just to give you a feel for the way it goes and for the puppy incident that Surr talked about http://www.wizarduniverse.com/magazines/wi...030815-sp_1.cfm
  15. ooh... forgot that you can have her NUDE when your telling her what to do for the next week. AT ANY AGE....
  16. well lassie girl can become a prostitute. and there are several senarios that put her in an adult situation... and given the game is anime in nature nudity is OK!
  17. oye... this has been billed as a primairly hentai game... just ask baley
  18. Calax


    How do I know the new version from the old? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> simple... go to your local book store, find the trade paperbacks of comics and find the supreme power paperbacks... they don't have an "old" version.
  19. Calax


    no.. the ass is his girlfriend... and nighthawk. Hyperion just wants to help but because he's left the government they decided to make him into an enemy. (great sequence btw) To make the government understand how powerful he is Hyperion created a geologic event on the north pole that measured at 10.5 on the richter scale.
  20. X2 should have been a anime or cg movie VIII needed to simplify their system and work on the battle lvls... you could technically hit max lvl in the first dungon. X was probably the best story telling VII was my favorite... it had a good enough story to survive a few drawbacks. VI I've never been able to beat... the problem i had with it was that it's so LONG!
  21. Calax


    personally I love the "3 blocks away a boy just got kissed by a blonde girl and now he's... Well they didn't tell me about that in biology." and the marvel version of the JLA is the Avengers.
  22. Calax


    Well I guess I'll make a new topic. I made this because I thought you guys might want to check out Supreme Power. It's published by Max (think Virtigo... only for marvel) so it's got boobies. The main plot revolves around a superman style character (right down to lazer eyes and super hearing) who is raised to be a perfect citizen and a weapon for the government... except that when he finds this out, he goes rogue... it's quite complicated and fun.
  23. heres' to the main character being deadpool!
  24. F.E.A.R. managed to scare me more than Doom3 did. It also did some things that no other fps has done really well, like bullet time, and the environmetnal damage. AI is relatively supurb. And Kaftans pet peeve about the click once fires 3 shots, well most guns have that as one a selection in fire rate I think it's more authentic than the everything being semiauto.
  25. Whoah! You mean like this guy? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> bah... Mcgyver rules you!
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