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Everything posted by Calax

  1. PC gamer just published in their most recent issue most of the stuff you should have been told without going through all the laptops and phone messages.
  2. he's a fifth dimentional imp. oh yeah.. they added stamina so you actually have SOME limit... but you restore it by going strait up.
  3. the biggest problem with this game is that the ground combat is horrendus.... it feels more like a game of chess where you can't see the other player and are just shooting in the dark. Plus several units can shoot outside their sight range so...
  4. Calax


    well I just got Avengers TPB #2 Sentry... in the back it had about 30 pages of B villians. All are currently escapee's. Also picked up Majestic which was... intersting... it's about a guy who is build with the exact same powers as superman, except he prefers to use fear and authority and gather it around himself. it's done by dc so no copywrite infringement.
  5. elves weren't prancing idiots. they were the harbingers of doom in nordic mythos.
  6. selkath didn't make it into the game. and you never EVER blow up sullust. It's one of the only places capable of producing capital ships.
  7. I'd want to see thrawn in all his imperial might
  8. the main problem with the story I saw was that you had to find EVERY part of it if you wanted to understand.
  9. ouch... vics vs mon cals... that's pain incarnate.
  10. it was never proved or disproved aobut the "hands"...
  11. Power makes paranoia. Power breeds a lust for more power. Power=bad. oh and I'm a kinda middle of the road here.
  12. 42... but one is an asteroid field. Each one has a DIFFERENT MAP for a ground battle. just a tidbit. and for gabs... and others... BBQ... Gungan style!
  13. a little zappy beam of doom... kills most things in one shot. and yes you can build shipyards in asteroid fields.
  14. Bizzaro and Mr Myxl<whatever> will also appear in this... and WARWORLD!
  15. just going to add that WoW is seriously not solo friendly... you try to solo you spend more time getting to your corpse than you do actually playing. Wanders back to COH :D!
  16. Bastilla:ooohhhmmmmm (battle beditation) Mara: Huh.... stupid idiot (smacks bastilla then starts kicking her while she's down)
  17. EU was made before the love rules, so in NJO they redid all of the rules for the jedi order and made it so you were allowed to love and have children. and Jade was trained enough that she was on par with Luke during the Sarlacc fight. (one of the major plot points in Heir to the Empire is a dream where she snags lukes lightsaber from midair when he tries to grab it.) but the emperor didnt' train her beyond a point because he didn't want her to become a threat to his power base.
  18. I did find a topic on lucas arts where sombody said that kreia was bastila...
  19. she's just the force sensitive hand of palpitine... think vader... only without the military back up and more covert... oh and she weds luke later in the EU.
  20. which one?
  21. I'm happy it doesn't have base building and actual resourse management in ground battles. but it doesn't make for much in the way of a big fight on those puny maps.
  22. Malak is underestimated but I think some here also underestimate vader. Vader has a reputation of cruelty and malaise that one doesn't pick up by being a simple thug. Malak picked up the thug type. But vader... well vader had more finesse to his brutality (if you understand what I'm trying to say). Read the radio drama scene in A new hope where vader torchures leia... it's pure cruelty. imagine vader more like a rapier and malak like a broadsword. Revan would be more like a katana. Sidious was just a poisoned pin, and Dukoo would be more like a foil. to the lighting ruling vader, put it this way. vader's grounded... yes he'd pick up the burns but his electronics would be unharmed. If you set these two against eachother I think it would be more like a protracted seige than a battle.
  23. Zhan's Mara... nobody else can actually write her well enough.
  24. Ok we've seen the dialogue endings if you make certain people jedi (ie the REALLY EASY ones) but what about if they aren't jedi? do things change?
  25. don't forget that one may still refer to onesself as the padawan of master X. So playing with language you could your self the constant padawan of several masters.
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