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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I must say this... it's BIG. the concept is good if a bit twisted. and now we get to have a full sephiroth v/o!
  2. Just got Kingdom Hearts two... OMFG the main villian is voiced by CHRISTOPHER LEE!
  3. if there was a secret poliece force that had total carte blanche to act then you'd quickly see a coup because one of the higher ups would decide that he might as well run the country.
  4. I go back and forth between my pc and my ps2
  5. Can't find Freelancer!
  6. going to point out htat hitman contracts is garbage.
  7. Hence Eldara
  8. More like "gay-den"! Oho, zing! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I guess Pixies wants to "tap" Ryu then? and Freedom force vs the third reich caught my attn
  9. Zone of the Enders 2 is good, Lego star wars, Red Faction, Xenosaga (if you like stories... not as good as Xenogears but still quite good). you have to play a Dynasty warriors game at least once. Devil May Cry 1, MGS2 (I liked it better than 3), Prince of Persia, and the XMen Legends games.
  10. they are up to ten ROTK games in the main series. Kessen 2 also dealt with the three kingdoms. As did Dynasty Tactics 1&2, and Dynasty warriors 1-5 plus the XL's for numbers 2-5 and empires for numbers 4 and five.
  11. mmmmm penuts.... anyway. Have fun in the dominican... and remember, cheeseburger is Haburgeso-con-queso, and fries are papas
  12. Atton... you could slaughter school children and get influence with him after you had just fed clothed and played the banjo with the same school children for influence.
  13. the jumping the JUMPING! btw I'm the alt of Grey Jedi Knight >.> <.<
  14. I'm just wondering where game companies draw talent for the voices of the various characters. I admit that I'd love to be a voice actor but I doubt that'd happen.
  15. so what exactly does a grand elixer of exploration do? explore stuff while you sleep? Edit: Neaver mynd... Didnt' see the side bar of stuff it does
  16. Chris Metzen is a god.
  17. reminds me of "Kingdom of heaven" where Balins father says he fought with an arrow in his testicle for three days. and that's about all i can contribute as I don't have the game and my computer would scream bloody murder for five seconds before exploding if I tried to play it.
  18. going to point out that the illumanati are actually several organizations with the same name... the closest anyone came to having the illuminati run the world was i believe the romanian... they just got crushed. On a side note, the Knights Templar are not in any way associated with the Illuminati except through the deranged imagination or the the inspired imagination. oye... why does everyone thing that the first labor union is a giant conspiracy?
  19. Calax


    actually overall people prefer DC to Marvel at the moment... Mainly because Marvel decided that they needed to make one writer write six different series. and infinate crisis is much better than House of M. I haven't seen anything about Civil war.
  20. sinces he's an inch from being banned... and the way i fight stress is I go grab a fps set the difficulty to minimum, then put in codes and rock and roll
  21. if you don't mind my asking jojo... why is your sig showing gdi blowing the bejeesus out of a nod fortification when you evidently are an evil nod follower?
  22. my god! a serious eddo post!
  23. Calax


    Ladies and gentlemen... Crisis of Infinate earths has been retconned... Superboy slept with wonder girl... jury is still out on the question of a superwonder kid. Also... the current superboy (the clone) is being killed (we think) by the pre crisis "superboy prime" (From the adventures of superman while still a boy!)
  24. actually I've gotten to keep the hand of nod... I used it as a sacrifical lamb to the air strikes.
  25. What's the highest hill in Denmark btw Lucius? " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Some 170 meters I think. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> is that above sea level or just over ground?
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