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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I beat wanted:weapons of fate in 3 hours... It's good while it lasts but there isn't enough manipulation of adrenalin and so on. They give you awards and their hype was around "you can bend bullets and hit two people with the same bullet!" and I was only able to pull that off very early on because the targets keep moving. If there was a way to engage bullet time AND the bending mechanic it'd make more sense. The story and characters are even stupider than in the movie... but not such ___holes as in the comic. but the gunplay and cover system are fun. (if they gave gears the cover mechanic in Wanted it'd be dreamy)
  2. The biggest problem I had with FF12's battle system is the simple fact that you either had to grind yourself retarded, and once you had done that you sat there doing NOTHING as your characters did everything via AI.
  3. Well what did you expect? you guys were the best Tank/DPS mix out of everyone without changing specs!
  4. Well, Kotor and carth were very simple and shallow... Deus Ex:IW's mechanics were quite shallow (and the plot was about knee deep).
  5. I'm kinda looking foreward to this but I want a different battle system than in 12.
  6. Lulz. No wonder you think KotOR is so good. I also think Invisible War is one of the best games I ever played. I guess I'm just not part of the RPG elite. no... you just like things simple
  7. I got Company of Heroes Multiplayer workin!
  8. Worked... sat around and lounged. Thought about day after tommarrow
  9. at their most draconian my parents made it so that I could only look at a screen for 30 minutes on a weekend and never on a weekday unless they said so. was annoying as hell because they were extending it to friends houses (when I was in middle/highschool). Anyway, for the kid I'd suggest a nintendo system. those are much easier to find childrens games for Taks.
  10. my fury build is looking interesting!
  11. I watched the one on Samurai... and it seemed less about the samurai and more Musashi and Schappert. It focused too much on the one character rather than the warriors it was supposed to be about.
  12. grats Launchie? REALLY!? hmmm will there be an Obsidian reunion?
  13. an arguement could be made (I think) that he didn't get a fair trial by jury because of the fact the juror fell asleep. If that happened to me I'd move to have a trial without a jury
  14. Decided I'm gonna make 14 "counted" posts on the weekend and my 5000th counted post on my birthday for giggles.
  15. Yes, and awards also generate more coverage in the 'mainstream press' - I read about the BAFTA video game awards in the Daily Telegraph - and so reaches people who don't normally seek out gaming news. This is important if gaming is to continue its move out of the margins, so that it's normal to know something about games even if you're not an avid gamer yourself. I would watch awards shows on TV if they were available, or at least I would record them and fastforward through all the stuff about action shooters until I got to a game or developer that I had at least heard of (probably Bioware). in a side note Game Developers chose Fallout three as their GOTY.
  16. why do I think there will be a mistrial (well there would be if it was in the american system of justice) because the Jurors had already had a conviction before the case was even started and didn't bother to pay attention to the trial itself. (at least that's how I read it)
  17. Ratchet and clank are good. LBP is one of the best games I've seen recently. If you can find a PS2 you could pick up all the Jak and Ratchet games pretty cheaply (GREAT platformers). Also Ratchet has some DLC and I think another game coming out soon (dlc is already out)
  18. Calax


    I only read one pern novel and it struck me as less traditional than most... people got along and musicians were great... it's like all the good stuff from the Renaissance, mixed it with traditional fantasy, and removed the concept of war (instead any disagreements were handled in knife duels). but then my window was rather small (I read the "Dragonharper of pern" or whatever)
  19. That's how it is in Naxx... we tried ulduar but our instance server kept crashing like a mofo
  20. my point is that at least at one point there was prestige attached to it. Games haven't had any rewards with Prestige.
  21. Which is why I'm thinking that an awards ceremony similar to the Academy Awards would work for the games industry. Right now there is little... attention paid to the shows that are on because they're more a media circus than actual awards. If they had the Game Developers Choice awards on tv it'd probably have better value because fans would put more stock in the devs choosing amongst their peers rather than a corporation choosing what'll net them the most profit.
  22. yeah I ended up just taking Fury (already had a spec for it and KINDA knew how to play it) still gotta glyph the sucker.
  23. Huh? My mage has a strength of like 25. Im lucky to be able to move under my own power, lol. So after playing around with the dual spec thing its no big deal. It was a total was of 1k gold for me because up untill yesterday I had never even respeced once before but eh, I can afford to piss it away. Went with Arcane for my dual and I think I actually came out better on my Fire tree with a much smarter selection this time around. Not a huge difference between the two, Arcane providing more mana and higher overall crit percentage at the expense of fire focused crit percentage and Fire having better AoE, CC and fire focused crit. Havent had a chance yet to see which is the better dps. my friend has an arcane mage. One thing about arcane is the threat reduction (40% to all arcane spells), certainly helps me keep my agro on the target. I'm just wondering if I should go Arms or Fury for my dps spec.
  24. So... am I reading this right in that the OP is saying that modding was better when it was only for the l33t crowd?
  25. http://calax.mybrute.com/fight/?d=bradyar;k=695e6478a9bb freaking knife throw!
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