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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Could you perhaps at least give me a larger version so I can study it closer? Yeah... "
  2. Could you PM me the full picture? I think I know who she is.
  3. Explain the above statement. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The whites in Cali are less than 50% of the total population. The state is indeed quite different from the rest of the US. However, there are still quite a few white-exclusive hang-out places here. I walked in a bar one night to ask for some directions. It was really weird with 50 drunk white men staring at your every movement.
  4. Umm...me neither <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 'Tis nothing but a lame joke as in "Malak is OUT of the hot tub". As for how DL and Draken applied their imaginations, you will have to ask them yourself. :D Anyways, just found some amazing artworks posted before that some of you guys might have missed: (by Janson) (both by lady_winde)
  5. Wizard 25% Combativeness, 40% Sneakiness, 88% Intellect, 47% Spirituality Brilliant! You are a Wizard! Wizards are spells-casters who study powerful arcane magic. While Wizards tend to be pretty fragile, some of those spells can pack quite a punch. Unlike Clerics, Wizards aren
  6. That wasn't a joke. The song writer is serious and I am borrowing his song to express my love for the Holy Spaghetti Monster and Its awesomeness.
  7. Nothing to see here, children. " This is a follow-up to the Malak showering scene. Again, click at your own risk: Malak out of the hot tub
  8. It's 'caffeine'. ^_^ Actually, I could use a name change myself. Anyone want to swap names?
  9. This may not be necessarily true in some cases. Many Japanese war criminals from W.W.II were put into key positions in its major corporations during the 60s and 70s. However, banning Japanese products really doesn't solve anything. Conquer hatred with love! I believe in humanity! p.s. Sounds like I am trying to convince myself.
  10. I think the lightsaber could have been longer, but great work nonetheless. p.s. Is it just me or does Kreia seem to be pimping with a fur coat?
  11. Me. Fearsome, no? This is Petay: Maybe he should have kept the '12'. :D
  12. Btw, since you are from Turkey, doesn't Malak mean 'King' in Turkish?
  13. I remember seeing that on the news. From what I remembered, it would have killed Osama if he wasn't tipped off by Pakistan intelligence. I could be wrong though.
  14. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. -------Jesus Christ Don't laugh at those who are less fortunate than you.
  15. Research has clearly shown that females have much less sexual urges than males. Less than 10% as I remember. Though the research is most likely done by men, but I doubt they truly wanted to portray men as horny animals.
  16. Then you are probably better off doing it yourself. It's a proven fact.
  17. Are you really a girl? Wait, you must be one of those feminist types, right?
  18. Aren't most scary movies just sex related teen movies anyway?
  19. Maybe this can cheer you up: This is merely a joke to cheer wolfie up.
  20. Hmm... 'Miracles' do happen in life or death situations. Some six year old kid once carried his 300lb dad out of a burning building. But in this case... How long do you think will pass before Mr. Calax's 'stuff' is all used up? "
  21. I think they are one and the same only the former doesn't have to involve any woman, though 24 hours is probably a stretch for any one.
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