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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Wow. Mothie has turned into tombs royalty somehow. <_< Jealousy is brewing over here...
  2. I think Kor's probably right. You don't see a woman grabbing another woman's breasts and act it's all normal, do you? He's definitely a perv.
  3. Congrats. Your friend does a nice Jack Nicholson impersonation.
  4. Hard to choose. For me, thickness of hair has always been more important than color, but I will go with pitch-black.
  5. I thought there is a trial version somewhere. Maybe you can try it out for a few days before buying it.
  6. Eye of the beholder? Care to explain?
  7. Can't tell, though Chinese mostly cook with green onions. I must thank America for introducing me to onions in general.
  8. Have you tried fried sliced potatoes? (Though it's gonna be tough to get them into your mouth without chopsticks.)
  9. Personally, I like my potatoes toasted or stewed.
  10. julianw


    I drove a Nissan Stanza during high school. This is pretty much what it looked like: I sold it at $1500 a few years ago.
  11. I take it that the 12-year-old isn't going to get the part, or does she actually look convincingly older than you?
  12. We wish you a Chinese happy new year!
  13. Dumplings with shrimp fillings. Yum...
  14. I am sure Kafty liked it very much! )
  15. Wasn't he in Rush Hour? He still looked okay. I remember seeing him in Footloose. What happened since then?
  16. ^Maybe this helps: "As long as humans exist, there can be no peace." ------Hades.
  17. I doubt you can find a single Israeli happy about this result, but here is their official response.
  18. Let's get Lou Gutman on the case! Excellent review, Mothman. You are going to be drowning in cookies very soon.
  19. What kind of hat is it? A pirate hat, then yes. Btw, I think the second outfit does look quite dashing.
  20. Asian or not, the Huns invented pants. All hail the great Hun people!
  21. Then perhaps the fault lies within the society itself and not its religion, and it's fortunate that the religion that preaches against cruelty and inhumanity actually reached the people that practices so much cruelty and inhumanity. If religion was not present in the region, things just might get infinitely worse.
  22. Zulu - I have always thought Juhani a bit creepy (It must be the eyes. :ph34r: ), but you actually made her so pretty. And cute Jawa, DL! How's school lately? Reajeasa - Welcome aboard! Very nice drawing of the Exile. Keep it up. I want to see more!
  23. If you take away the dazzling special effects, there really isn't much content to the first film. (Of course, there is always Kate. )
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