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Everything posted by Darth_Schmarth

  1. Might wanna warn Meta about that too. :D
  2. If I truly were the arse that you imagine me to be, I wouldn't have made those comments to Darth Launch in such good jest, now would I? I just think that that little exchange of posts, like so much else, must have passed above you're head like a morning breeze. Are you familiar with the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", Schmalax? I see that you too might wanna look above you with the occasional post, but nooo, irony schmirony I see... Check your nipples for detonation caused by excitation. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did, but I'm not entirely comfortable with telling you what I saw, okay? :">
  3. There's no such thread. Check with the Thought Police if you don't believe me.
  4. I don't know what you're talking about, Schmalax.
  5. What does poor Jodo have to do with anything?
  6. This is exactly the kind of crap that makes us Europeans laugh at you Yanks behind your backs. You seriously need to deal with those kinds of wackos.
  7. Yet I believe even the Green Giant isn't as touchy as you are about closing this, closing that. You are a good contributor to the forum, so remain such instead of taking on the Godly Shape reserved for people like Fionavar. This thread was pretty much on topic until you came in, you know.
  8. My avatar is from British Fast Show. He's a nostalgic football manager called Ron Manager.
  9. Please try not to embody all my prejudices against you, Gabs. Darque really got me into behaving exemplary in here, but you just had to call for closure, didn't you...?
  10. KotOR2 wasn't so much "everything is falling apart" as "wow, here's a chatty old hag running the show while I feel cool trying to find a fanboi colour for my saber". The sad thing about KotOR2 was that even if you picked Revan to be evil in the early Atton conversation, the Republic was alive and well having forgotten all about he Star Forge quite the bit ago...
  11. You were just never able to soften them up enough.
  12. Yeah, I know the feeling. Hits me every time I enter a Ladies' sauna.
  13. Shut yer hole, Schmalax! Jolee could be an aged Judge Judy for all I care, the two of them don't look alike. And don't eva accuse me of being an arse just for the sake of it! I'm only an arse when people like you turn me into one with their incoherent gibberish, understand?
  14. KotOR2: an entire game based upon a guy who doesn't get it.
  15. I heard you can type "Redhead Action XXX" into the console to turn Mira into a full DS Sith. But that's just second-hand rumour.
  16. Meta is full of schmuck and you know it! Besides, we're not bickering!
  17. Since I feel like everyone is going insane except me, my advanced mind starts telling me it's the other way 'round!
  18. I thought Malak lost his jaw because of looking down the ignition-hole of his lightsaber when switching it on for the first time.
  19. Does that count our conversation? Because if it did, I wanna reiterate that I think spam is unavoidable! :cool:
  20. No. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This guy is a creepy version of Charles Manson on a good day it seems. I bet his boss is standing behind him at work this very moment to interrupt, only distracted by the "Call Me Names" note on Groin's back...
  21. Or K2: This game schmucks. Think about it.
  22. What collective jedi group consciousness? The Exile was the only one to reject the dark side - all the other jedi either died or fell to the dark side and joined Revan and Malak in the conquest of the galaxy. Don't forget that the Exile was the only one to ever return to the face the jedi council. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Eh, the very same Jedi Council that rejected the dark side I'd presume.
  23. No, the problem is they don't. Perhaps I'm biased because I'm a WW2 buff and have watched Band of Brothers a couple times too many, but I just can't see how Ron looks like Carth or vice versa. Your fangirlism is getting our of hand here, even you must see it!
  24. The truth about what, my friend? That fancy speech counts for little when so thoughtlessly extracted from an irrelevant context. Call me over-curious, but I just can't help myself from investigating when someone comes in with what appears to be a sole purpose of slagging stuff off. Then as I point this out, you spew out a lament with little to no connection to the previous post at all, apparently just trying to sound cryptic. Please clarify. In the meantime I promise to ponder the point in knowing how to spell dead Russian dudes' names.
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