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Everything posted by Darth_Schmarth

  1. That's it, I'm moving to Liverpool to set up a tropical fish store.
  2. I missed it too. Wound up finally turning that console into an ex-console.
  3. It makes for fascinating sensations, such as that of being taken seriously. You assume that Dostoevsky was a mysogynist and base your barrage of bollocks on that because you failed at spelling his name? Royal Schmuck ain't good enough for you? 'Cause I'm not stretching my offer!
  4. That much I understand. :D
  5. I see that you have read through every single post in all eight threads, so that you now get to call the creativity "deader" than a Russian writer whose name you can't even spell. I herewith welcome you to the forum by dubbing you a Royal Schmuck. Congratulations! It is an honour few would achieve with only one post.
  6. IF this game is good from a gameplay/graphics point of view, I firmly believe it'll be great. Good old Duke Nukem 3D still ranks as a favourite in the FPS category, even if it merely does so as a "classic" these days.
  7. Handmaiden's voice actress also did Dynaheir in BG1, I think. Can't remember if I found her annoying or not, though.
  8. Yes she does. But she reminds me of Mazzy sometimes from Baldur's Gate 2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, and with good reason, since Jennifer Hale indeed does the VO for Mazzy too.
  9. I see that this mini-you also has a username that is uncomfortably close to mine. And he registered before me! I think I need to sit down and have a glass of water... :'( Hold on, I'm already sitting down drinking water.
  10. I deeply apologise, Ma'am. Let me actually set a good example and get back on topic, sharing my fondest RPG moment with you: Me and two cousins were playing a pen-and-paper RPG (this was back in the day when I was a little teenager). Call of Cthulu I think it was called. We somehow wound up in a forest with tons of enemies all over the place. We managed to take out a few, but all of a sudden hordes of enemies came swarming in the dark, and all we could do was hide and sneak back to our car. With lots of cunning moves and luck, we got back to a clearing close to the car without a scratch, where we saw some (probably very evil) spirit coming out of a cave, hinting as to why all the enemies were in such a rush. Scared to death we just ran off to the car, which I proceeded to drive into a tree trying to get away as fast as possible, causing us both major injury... Need I say we felt stupid, having made it that far without a scratch, only to crash the car when we were already virtually safe?
  11. How is that trolling? I'm actually trying to explain to you how and why people end up in the Sandbox. Learn from it and use it for your noble cause instead.
  12. So bring it back to life instead of whining. By my standards it wasn't killed; it evolved, but not necessarily into something good (certainly not if you ask a mod). All I'm saying is that spam isn't some tool to ruin the perfect world for people like you, it's just a natural occurence.
  13. Streaker, your end is in sight! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's been great.
  14. Why don't you just put the (w00t) in your signature? It'll save you considerable amounts of time...
  15. You see, spam is a quickly spreading disease. Any thread threatens to turn into spam, and do you know why? Because that his how human social behaviour works. I'm not promoting or glorifying spam, I just say that it is more or less inevitable. All discussions eventually change direction, and mostly so into socializing chatter. And how much any of us (particularly the mods) wish this weren't the case and try to change it, it's just not gonna happen. You can't just put people in the OT thread and say "spam all you want", because spam isn't the result of an actual urge to spam, but of a discussion reaching the end of its life-span.
  16. Don't understand what that means but I'll take your word for it Meta. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It means that twice a day, Meta fights as a Clone Commander in armour of his own design with his troops in a familiar galaxy far, far away. That's at least the closest I got to a pedagogical analogy... EDIT: The other option would be you having a sig with references to a literary masterpiece... Er, suddenly I'm not so sure of this. I don't think this particular clock is broken, Meta, it's just arbitrary.
  17. This poll defies everything I have been taught. Apparently you are downright nekkid unless wearing armour, so I guess I am a streaker then.
  18. I just thought I'd record this for posterity, Volo. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Put it in your signature!
  19. Hypothetical: Did you know that if no fly since the dawn of life had been killed, the entire planet would have been covered with a 14-metre layer of flies? Think on that fact every time you smack one of those little things.
  20. Yes, unlike KotOR, this game allows you to just stand around for a while, regenerating hit points. From what I remember, those fellows are pretty stationary and likely won't find you if you hide away in some cleared room.
  21. I don't really get why people are so eeewified by that picture. It just looks like a distorted PSP picture, void of truly disgusting features. As regards Carth/Cpt. Nixon from Band of Brothers (couldn't be arsed to check his name), I fail to see the immediate resemblance. Perhaps having a hovercraftful of eels has prevented a certain someone from maintaining enough concentration to make a detailed comparison of countenances on this occasion?
  22. You want an armoured wardrobe? Like Darth Vader's bathroom, in ESB ? Edit: added Vader's bathroom ... it took me a while to find it ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I always wondered how it'd sound if Admiral Piett came up on the screen in Vader's bathroom, with Vader taking a dump going "This better be good!".
  23. Yeah, I once beat the AI by killing my own troops.
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