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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I haven't read any in detail. But I seem to recall someone on here mentioning studies that showed Britain made virtually no benefit from its colonies. MOst of its actual money came from trading freely with Europe and the USA - AFTER the latter had become independent.
  2. Yesterday was the last day for the foreseeable that I'll have been working on the 'shop floor'. I've got a horrible feeling I'm going to miss all the strained backs, cuts and grazes. The ability to just crack on and get a job done without over-thinking it.
  3. Just plotting and scheming my visit to the butchers. I've finally decided to just walk in and buy anything I like the look of. I can cook it whatever way I like later.
  4. Yes, but that has always sounded evil. I think 'blancmange' has a sinister ring to it I hadn't noticed until I thought about it.
  5. Ugh. very hungover today, but had to go into work. The boss took pity on me and benched me half an hour early.
  6. Slight aside, but I noted that the BBC reported Iranian television had censored images of Baroness Ashton. And speculated on the meaning. The BBC very tactfully didn't mention the most obvious reason: she's utterly hideous. EDIT: I mean, seriously. WHERE THE **** IS HER CHIN? I pay her salary. I demand she report for duty with an entire face.
  7. I wonder how much of that is due to so many being ex forces or reservists?
  8. Whoah whoah whoah. Since when is security a bad word?
  9. As you deduced, that's what I was driving at. So, if I may run with the ball, what we're talking about comes down to good governance versus bad governance?
  10. Oh. Well. I guess that's OK then.
  11. You think so, eh? Let me tell you a little bit about a country called... Tibet.
  12. I've never met a strong man who couldn't laugh at himself.
  13. But Rosti. The more isolated Israel becomes the further right it _has_ to shift, or accept annihilation. Shifting right is self-reinforcing. I'm a bit embarrassed on the subject of letting the exuberance of one's diatribes overmaster common sense. But I fear you're in danger now. There is no right or wrong answer to the israel/palestine issue, because there is no way to deliver such an 'answer'. Whatever happens is likely to be an accident of other circumstances, changing the context of the problem. You really should find a more useful outlet for your undoubted brains.
  14. I don't even own a car, and I believe people who key cars should be thrown to sharks.
  15. I'm asking from ignorance here. But wouldn't fitting new subcomponents be an engineering safety issue?
  16. Drone.
  17. Google! Attend my orders...
  18. So, you can't spell most of the time, but you do punctuate exquisitely well. :D
  19. *off-topic comment about patrimony deleted* I'm currently reading a rather weird book by an ex-SS man called Erich Stahl. I simply cannot believe it's non-fiction. The anecdotes he gives are far too pat, and illustrative of his views. Yet, strangely, it's filed under non-fiction. Mind you, I did find it in a charity shop.
  20. Angry making is surely another thread, though. Lulz would go in that one, for example.
  21. MR-73 http://world.guns.ru/handguns/double-action-revolvers/fr/manurhin-mr-73-e.html Sounds dangerous, but according to the link above, they're high end firearms. They look bloody nice, too!
  22. You haven't been to Wales have you? Development? Seriously, though. Britain generally attempted to leave comparable institutions, given the timeframe available. And not just in 'white' countries. Look at Singapore. Hong Kong. Again, I ask, how is it legitimate for ANY nation state to exist by right of conquest? For Madrid to govern Santiago? For London to govern Newcastle?
  23. That sounds awesome! did you make it yourself?
  24. You're Austrian, right. It's massive and Austrian and a bit scary and inappropriate. The 18.5x72mm Skorzeny.
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