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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. You're saying that failure is an inherent part of growing up and getting mature? I'm simultaneously reaffirmed, and deeply deeply saddened.
  2. Due to my back I am going to have to do three trips to the shops today! Roast leg of lamb tomorrow, assorted veg, belly pork slow roasted today ready for snacking on. Only two guests coming.
  3. You could use dilute hydrogen peroxide. Or at least you can if you can find any. We don't have proper chemists shops in this country any more... What it will do is react to the various goos in your earhole, and release oxygen bubbles. Softens and floats away any runk in there. MAKE SURE IT IS PROPERLY DILUTE. I use nine (9) per cent, as indicated on the bottle. Knowing Woldo he'll mix it himself out of some old explosives.
  4. Er... while still with the TA I got used as a trigger monkey for an experiment with different firearms by some species of boffins. I could definitely tell the difference in weapon report, even through ear defenders. Plus I have been told my family friends who fought in South Africa's border wars that the AK is very distinctive. Not sure how to square that with your experience, Woldan. Are your ears properly fitted, by a qualified professional? EDIT:
  5. Just going to throw this in: most people consider gaming as a whole immature. If we appeal to people as a whole are we going to have a game at all? And despite myself I am annoyed by the whole 'Europeans are sooo much more cultured' balls. say it again and I shall post pictures of closed theatres, lederhosen, and the Eurovision song contest until you are thoroughly ashamed of yourself.
  6. Just took a moment to check out the other articles on that link. Didn't see a great many 'cop in justified shooting' stories. Very strong anti-state agenda. Doesn't make it wrong. But I trust their editing and angle about as far as you'd think.
  7. I don't have high hopes for the porn filter, but it's perfectly possible to stumble on it. My last place had a filter which successfully blocked most pictures of weapons (for reasons that were never clear) but it was a running joke that an image search would infallibly return at least one nipple in the first page.
  8. Thing that now sounds literally evil: the wind. Seriously. This weather is awful.
  9. Ask Monte Carlo. My own view is that it's not about just about pointing and firing, it's about the whole package. Before kalashnikov the weapons were either slow and reliable but needing a skilled user, complex and mechanical, and fast firing which needed a skilled team, or small and expensive. Mind you, having said that, if I was a greenie then I'd be annoyed with Ford for making motor cars accessible to morons.
  10. Your eustacean tube could have swelled up. Just go to sleep. You'll probably be fine.
  11. A firearm isn't just a firearm, it's training and maintenance and ammunition and where you can buy it. The AKM is a weapon that fits perfectly into the kind of tinpot civil wars that have killed more civilians than both world wars combined. Firearms prior to the AK were either precision tools or completely all over the place. Thus keeping force in the hands of relatively disciplined organisations. I'm not saying you wouldn't have had fighting across Africa without the AK. Obviously you can, and people do. But any force that was organised and disciplined would have had such a pronounced advantage over its enemy that the situations would have stabilised. It's a weapon for undisciplined morons. And no good was ever going to come from arming undisciplined morons.
  12. I respectfully, but fundamentally disagree. the motivation for your injustice was the righting of a perceived injustice. The British administrators wanted to end persecution of the jews and give them a country. They thought that was important to fix. By contrast the things you specifically mention - escalation in Asia '35, or ending the war in '15 - those things are practical instances at the times you mention. Presumably you're assuming this is from the perspective of the British Empire in both cases. Many folks, including imperil Japan or Germany, or the communist international would have been very happy intervening in those situations in very different ways.
  13. You know that witness testimony consistently focusses on the weapon? I'm not saying the cop couldn't have been a murderous thug or just freaking out. But I am saying that I'm content to defer to the jury. EDIT: Not 'aver'. Don't know why I said that.
  14. Again, reps for engineering skills. But the consequence of it was to provide the perfect weapon for any ragtag fool to have lethal force. I will salute the designer if I can curse his masters.
  15. If your idea of cool is designing a weapon so simple and attuned with guerilla warfare that a 12 year old makes a perfectly acceptable soldier... Only half kidding.
  16. OK. How can the word 'hepatitis' have got WORSE?
  17. Firstly, Britain being wealthy doesn't necessarily arise from trade with the colonies. Secondly, and I'm on much stronger ground here, Britain's greatest problem throughout history has been financing her army and (still more so) her navy. Without the necessity of defending India and the Far East Britain could have cut commitments by an enormous amount. I'd estimate by at least half. Colonial possessions may have benefited certain trading houses. But I still don't see any evidence that the country was doing more than indirectly subsidising them.
  18. I guess it's nice to be able to put your kid through college. But I'm not sure it's worth lowering yourself to exploiting animal rape weirdness. Dignity doesn't cost a dime.
  19. You fool. Put your glasses back on. That's the vicar.
  20. Indeed. Th ebiggest benefit the Americas gave the UK was in the Royal Navy. Hearts and oak! <sic>
  21. Well, I don't think that's true. Running the Empire cost a certain amount, and you can tell what it was, because there was a bureaucracy tracking it. Equally, raw materials were acquired, goods sold, presumably at a discount or extra profit. This too would be indicated in the customs and excise records. Assign a fixed value for strutting about wearing fancy hats and feeling superior, and BAZAM! Profit or loss.
  22. Now 'homeland' is several kilo-quangos of creepy.
  23. Read your last JFSOCC. Being hard-nosed about it, all I see is a lot of angry gamer nerds, being angry. I don't see any who are likely to redact their cash value to Google/Youtube.
  24. See? I knew that picture would inspire you to heights of ingenue-ity!
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