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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. For one dizzying moment there I thought I had been outed.
  2. Sorry for being unclear, taks. I entirely accept that I may have to shut down for an update to work. What i don't accept is that I should have to download the update, install it and then have only the following options 1. restart immediately 2. indicate that I want to restart later then be asked again in FIVE MINUTES if I would like to restart now. Again and again. 3. [missing third option] restart when it is convenient for me and not be constantly interrupted while I'm trying to work.
  3. I don't think they're all great. He went through a definite patch of marking time.
  4. Aram is right, but notice that this was a lady who had been TRAINED and knew how to handle a firearm. If the whole congregation had been armed like as not they'd have shot more of their own than he would've. Sorry, I ought've let you take that point.
  5. Strangely, Sir Alec Guinness was inspired throughout his career by the same goal. Sluggo, you should write down the thing your giftees are interested in, then think accordingly. My family like homemade stuff and art more than bought gifts. Have you thought about something like that?
  6. This is just a rip-off of the glowing bunny guy.
  7. That really REALLY sucks. Why do all good artistic types die young?
  8. I like toast. With jam. Note to self: don't post when hungry.
  9. You know if i hadn't started this torrent of bad taste I'd be totally trying to rein it in, right now. Nuts.
  10. If you and I agree isn't that like crossing the streams?
  11. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=48568 Says it all for me. BUt I'm not happy with the recent Apple world domination plans either. Can you say 'i-phone'? I knew you could.
  12. Well, I guess I missed a meeting somewhere. It turns out I'm actually only nine years old! That's ra-hight, ladies and gents. It's Windows update time again. Now, before my spine snaps with fury can someone PLEASE explain why, when I update windows I am suddenly obliged to shut down my computer. Actually, hold on. 'Obliged' has a certain courteous ring to it. Let's try 'forced', 'coerced' hustled into' or 'hijacked'. No other company feels it has the right to ignore instructions from me on my own bloody PC. But Microsoft thinks it's reasonable to repeatedly interrupt what I'm doing as if I had nothing better to do than quit, and start up my machine whenever the fancy takes them! This strikes me as a symptom of a company totally out of touch with its customers. I was wondering if anyone shared my annoyance, and if any other firms had struck you in like vein.
  13. Who said anything about Natlie Portman wearing the bikini? Also, what colour is the bikini? Answer:
  14. Yes. There is only one of you.
  15. fixed
  16. Am i the only person who would quite like the next patch to remove some of the huge flashing lights effects which render most magical battles into a passable rendition of what would happen if to tossed a rabid epileptic into a glitter warehouse?
  17. I remember that. I wasn't allowed to watch it when it first came out (too young ), but I saw it years later. Very troubling and very well-written. My only consolation was that now I'm in the TA I have a CBRN suit in the dresser. Although given the aftermath perhaps it would be more comfy to just top oneself. Actually, on reflection my other comfort is the large reserve of pie fat I have about my middle.
  18. This chap killed all these people in order to get famous and (presumably) be a figure of fear. Mockery of him seems more than in order. I've already deliberately forgotten his name.
  19. A drive by projectoring. i don't know if the content warning should be 'adult' or 'infantile'.
  20. I like dthat one. The newest one is on my Christmas list. But no-one ever pays any attention to my Christmas list.
  21. Good luck with the exam. Although anyone who figures teh odds like yu have probably doesn't need luck in an accounting exam. I stayed up until 03:00 this morning watching an old BBC docudrama called Threads. It was made in 1984 and shows what would happen before, during, and after a nuclear exchange. It was absolutely horrifying. Very powerful writing overcame the pretty poor video quality.
  22. The Holy Fathers of the Perpetual Chaingun.
  23. Anyone else read GA Effinger's Budayeen series? I'd like to see that finished. Maybe by Stevethaibinh.
  24. Note to self: use word 'craptacular'. Preferably in advice to client.
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