Well, I guess I missed a meeting somewhere. It turns out I'm actually only nine years old! That's ra-hight, ladies and gents. It's Windows update time again.
Now, before my spine snaps with fury can someone PLEASE explain why, when I update windows I am suddenly obliged to shut down my computer. Actually, hold on. 'Obliged' has a certain courteous ring to it. Let's try 'forced', 'coerced' hustled into' or 'hijacked'. No other company feels it has the right to ignore instructions from me on my own bloody PC. But Microsoft thinks it's reasonable to repeatedly interrupt what I'm doing as if I had nothing better to do than quit, and start up my machine whenever the fancy takes them!
This strikes me as a symptom of a company totally out of touch with its customers. I was wondering if anyone shared my annoyance, and if any other firms had struck you in like vein.