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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I agree with Morgoth, that humanity is far from the beast where it has been civilised. However, that civilisation is based on having leisure time in which to learn and contemplate. Much of our current leisure time arises from the highly complex and high energy systems around us. Disruption to these could be disastrous. Look t the 1929 stock market crash.
  2. Women like unpredictable bastards. That is the sum total of what you need to know. When one considers that a meaningful relationship involves NOT being an unpredictable bastard, one begins to wonder if homosexuality is more sensible.
  3. A bit politically one dimensional, but pretty good. I particularly liked number 9.
  4. I was simply glad to have finished that appalling waste of time. It's just as well NWN2 made things all betetr betwixt me and Obsidian.
  5. That's just about the most patronising attitude yet. Man, I could go for one of their chaps tied to a chair in a brightly lit room with a baseball bat. I mean seriously. What is the real commercial benefit of that? They're just run by freaking sociopaths.,
  6. Cats steal your socks, Feng?
  7. Women are mental. If they were not i would have never gotten any dates at all.
  8. Check out the BBC documentary 'Threads'.
  9. I have a temp of 101, so you'll understand I'm a little tetchy. But bearing that in mind can I ask politely WHAT IS SO DAMNED HARD ABOUT USING GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION? Every second new guy on here seems to feel it is an affectation for barbarians and the effete. If you want the devs to read your posts make it easy for them to do so. *wracking coughs*
  10. My best present was having a large loan repayed unexpectedly. Enough to get a new graphics card ...and a house!
  11. Excuse me, lady. I'm trying to do the old tropical major here. i have to drag myself around in sweat stained khakis. Reason enough to go take a dip in the tub. Edit. Oh very well, I've been told I need to work on my empathy. Poor, Poor Walshy, feeling down. We hope you get better. Madame, from you the harshest words are as sweet wine.
  12. Excuse me, lady. I'm trying to do the old tropical major here. i have to drag myself around in sweat stained khakis.
  13. I have a massive fever. Very listless. Can't sleep. If I concentrate I can jack up my temperature to a silly level. It's not very healthy but I figure maybe I can burn the demons out.
  14. Christmas? Many Christmases ago I went to buy a game for the PC. I reached for the last one they had but so did another man. As I reigned blows upon him I realized there had to be a another way! You're right. You should have a batman to whip him for you.
  15. Whuh?
  16. Hell, I'm finding you sexy from all the way over here! Your indifference turns me on!
  17. Indeed. Now I'm recovered I should point out that the young lady is an adult actress. As in naughty naked. younger forum members should not go googling.
  18. I love this forum. I am going to be in so much trouble, when I next see her, but it was totally and completely worth it. It's just nice to have that confirmed. My one regret is that it couldn't be filmed so you could've seen it.
  19. I 100% support buying oneself a decent present at Christmas. At least that way you can be sure of getting one.
  20. You know what they say about a guy with a lot of female friends. He is cursed with having jealous girlfriends? I had a rather embarassing Saturday night. Out clubbing ran into an ex of mine. Things started getting a wee bit emotional and complex, and one thing and another, and a cab arrived and there's all these serious eye contacty things going on but I'm wondering if it makes any sense... and she's always doing my head in with mood swings and... should I go or should I stay, and how to explain... ...A fuse blew in my head. Or maybe something just unstuck itself. The right course of action was clear in an instant. I vaulted the fence next to me and just ran off. I ran like the wind! The sheer unbelievably juvenile thrill of literally running away from teh whole complicated mess propelling me at quite incredible speed. I was exceptionally drunk, but I think I yelled something like "I'm free! Free like a lion, baby! Leaping like a lamb!" then *sproing* jumped a wall and must've disappeared from view. Now, I'm sure I hurt her feelings, but I have got to be honest. It was the most fun I've had all year. I recommend it to anyone. Trouble with the boss? Run off giggling. Exam in partial differential equations? Run off giggling. Confronted by muggers? Run off giggling.
  21. *Googles Maria Ozawa* Oy vey! *falls over*
  22. You know, you COULD spread these lasses around a little, old man.
  23. As a former Catholic who has spent many many hours in church I must disagree with that. Better off reading the bible. Apostate! Burn the heretic!
  24. I blame the decline in Sunday school attendance. If more people went to church they might know that.
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