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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. That's lemon juice, and anyway I thought we'd settled on 'islamofascists'? With what I can only assume is girlish charm and aplomb I'd gone further to jifascists. Jif is easier to say.
  2. I opted against Norway, and decided to stay in the UK Ah, er... well the beer's better.
  3. I was just reflecting how much Clinton had contributed to the jif threat, through ignoring the growing problem under his watch, and most particularly failing to take action over the Balkans, which I'm beginning to see was the catalyst for Western jif growth.
  4. Fantastic news. Very pleased for you, and I'm sure you'll enjoy Norway, judging by the Nords I've met.
  5. I've always thought that a good counter to the Haka would be to launch into an impromptu rendition of some Gilbert and Sullivan, including the dancing. Screamingly drunk yesterday. Unless I'm mistaken I was actually asked to participate in a contract killing by a guy in the pub, but I told him not to be 'silly'. I then launched into a drunken and very loud diatribe to the effect that murder was a nonsensical way of conducting one's business. I only hope he was joking!
  6. Never underestimate the power of a reckless imagination!
  7. Definitely worth bringing up. Cheers. They can kiss my money goodbye.
  8. Only if the flower in question was small, sad, and messily full of gristle.
  9. Ah well. Just keep i mind it's always worth it. Well, it might not be, but so long you make sure it is, you'll have no regrets.
  10. How about we harvest the organs of ex matelots?
  11. Walsingham


    Cite some evidence which clearly links flouride (or any of the other chemical additives the United States government adds to its public water) to cancer. I'm not talking about deliberate additives. I'm talking about the incredibly poor enforcement of your clean air and water statutes.
  12. I'm not a games designer, but I have worked as a board games designer, many many years ago. Designing your own board games is fun, and gives you a great insight into creative project management. Why not build a simulation of your life, or your digestive system or something? Just grab some cardboard, marker pens, and a dice.
  13. Sorry, old man. I'm trying to bash through work, and also get a WHFRP campaign written. I don't suppose you could suggest anything on that? Any ideas?
  14. Aye, I'd prefer something that tracks nervous exhaustion. Maybe something like a combination of hitpoints, and the cycberpsychosis things with cyberpunk. Use magic a lot and you can suffer permanent medical harm, as well as losing touch with reality. Of course I'd also favour getting properly grizzled as a fighter, but then I'm no fun at all.
  15. Fatboy Slim remixed. Just how tremendous IS Fatboy Slim?
  16. Alright, when I'm forced to read it, I'll try pretending its Gundam . I particularly liked the scene where Hamlet kills Polonius. "How now! dead, fora ducat! Dead!" As Hamlet let's rip a whole fusillade of medium rockets, the bang and clink of discarded rounds. The comedic remark from Polonius before the rockets streak home: "Oh! I am slain!"
  17. Took this advice, and am listening to the Te Deum. Bloody sinister. Should use in a movie if not already.
  18. And we love you right back, beer pixie.
  19. Well yes, but that is some serious Hannibal Lecter ****.
  20. Actually you're right, but somehow I don't think that was the intention. Hence I included it I just love the way everyone knows who Sprout Face is.
  21. I've been re-listening to Lucia di Lammermoor. I hated it a few years ago, but it's grown on me.
  22. I read this, and just lost the will to live, practically. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7523796.stm Gangs in Africa are hunting albino people for their organs, for use in 'magic'. Hunting people.
  23. I don't see what's depressing about Titanic. Sprout Face dies.
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