I was reading the latest on the Haute de la Garenne orphanage case.
Basically, over a prolonged period, children were systematically tortured and abused. Well, we've seen that before, and we've got used to it. But in this instance many were tortured so badly tehy died, or were murdered to keep them quiet. Teeth, bones, and other assorted ephemera of life have been turning up at the old orphanage, after it was decomissined, and builders came in. Torture cells and sub-basements keep turning up.
Anyway, the police said today that no murder investigation is likely. There have been accusations that the enquiry is being dleiberately mishandled, but this takes the ****ing proverbial.
PLEASE if you live in the UK, contact your MP using THIS website or better still by post, and demand that an outside team be sent in from the Met, properly supported by SOCA. This is the largest case of organised proveable child abuse I've ever heard of, and despite a lot of flapping, very little seems to be actually happening.