Reports from fleeing civilians can be extremely misleading, but news footage from the BBC shows divisional artillery and BMP1s moving into place. This suggests mass troop movements for full scale war, not a precision insertion by airborne or special forces. Several sources suggest mass casualties, including US advisors.
What I find outrageous is the massive amount of firepower Russia seems to be applying. It's not like NATO has any forces free to send in to get in the way, or the Georgians themselves can do anything. Mass bombing is rarely justified, but surely still less so when you have such overwhelming numbers on the ground. the message seems to be clearly that Putin wants to make with the psycho to scare everyone, and the Georgians are paying in blood.
It seems clear to me that the upshot of this will be a lot of dead Georgian patriots, and a still greater atmosphere of terror in Eastern Europe for the next year or so. To what purpose I don't really understand. can anyone who understands Russian political psychology enlighten us? Will you Scands have to start locking and loading?