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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. yeah, i got a year's free anti-virus from my bank too. maybe we have the same bank? send me your account details plus passwords and i'll verify to make sure. I thought I had put this in Skeeters. So this stupid thing isn't live?
  2. It's no-wonder you didn't want THAT one analysed. The only way to make it more Freudian would be to give it an Austrian accent.
  3. Stratfor.com brief no. 4 extract:
  4. Sounds good. Can I suggest 1919 rum? If you like em mellow? What's you're take on the Russian issue? http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=50404
  5. Hmmm.... war/shiny lights. War/shiny lights. decisions de... oooh! shiny lights!
  6. I'm just wondering what the broken down version of modern corporate chic would loo like. Or is it pre-gimcracked?
  7. I like elements of the description of your Blood Knives chap. I'll keep the bandaged hand, and the age but also the nimbleness. A gang leader is also good. The full introduction can depend on the moment. Or he might be a surprisingly shifty innkeeper! Speaking of motivation, the Genevieve vampire books include one story where the characters are literally shackled together by a group of slavers.
  8. I used to get the xenomorphs from Aliens in my dreams when I was a teenager. Analysing that doesn't even bear thinking about.
  9. I am torn betweeen a deep seated desire for free beer, and an even deeper urge to hide behind the sofa.
  10. Reports from fleeing civilians can be extremely misleading, but news footage from the BBC shows divisional artillery and BMP1s moving into place. This suggests mass troop movements for full scale war, not a precision insertion by airborne or special forces. Several sources suggest mass casualties, including US advisors. What I find outrageous is the massive amount of firepower Russia seems to be applying. It's not like NATO has any forces free to send in to get in the way, or the Georgians themselves can do anything. Mass bombing is rarely justified, but surely still less so when you have such overwhelming numbers on the ground. the message seems to be clearly that Putin wants to make with the psycho to scare everyone, and the Georgians are paying in blood. It seems clear to me that the upshot of this will be a lot of dead Georgian patriots, and a still greater atmosphere of terror in Eastern Europe for the next year or so. To what purpose I don't really understand. can anyone who understands Russian political psychology enlighten us? Will you Scands have to start locking and loading?
  11. I was just about to buy some new antivirus protection for my PC when I discovered that my bank (who I will not name because frankly they are wankers) are giving away free Kaspersky antivirus if you use online banking with them. I was wondering if any other companies are giving away free antivirus and what they get out of it.
  12. I often have soldiering dreams in which I get shot. It is not good for morale.
  13. Spoken like a gentleman, sir.
  14. I was always taught by my uncles that drinking alone was the worst thing you can do. I do do it occasionally, but I heroically refuse to allow anyone else to. Provided they're buying, of course!
  15. As you may have getherd I'm revisiting the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game, and in that you have to sue spell components to get spells. And tehy are non-linear. Some non-combat spells take pints of dragons blood! It's really pretty cool. Can't wait to see it in the game.
  16. Wouldn't it be more efficient to just hate slave trafficking pimps?
  17. I have well organised dreams, although the funniest one was one the night after a particularly vivid dream, when I was essentailly walking around a big pyramid shooting goblins. I began to be suspicious when I recognised one of the goblins. After some poking around I 'discovered' the producer, who apologised that they'd used all the budget on the previous night's dream, and as a consequence they had only one set and were recycling the goblin extras.
  18. I'm surprised you chaps think I should bur any of it. What is so bad about a bit of pain?
  19. I managed to pick the lock of an old strongbox containing an even more emotional mass of love letters. It was actually laughably simple once I set my mind to it. A combination of force on the lid, and a few shimmies with a screwdriver. The contents, however, were startlingly intense. Inside were also cassette tapes from my former fiancee sent while she was in France. I don't own a tape player any more but will have to listen to them, obviously, although I expect they will just make me sad.
  20. I think the best way to go to an interview is to see it as YOU testing THEM. But failing that, before you leave teh house, walk around for a bit with your eyes closed. Really focusses your head. Note: don't trip and fall out of a window while doing this.
  21. I finally watched Southland Tales And can report that it is fantastic.* Watch the movie. *But probably just for me, and , like, 10 other people. I loved it. Much better than Donnie Darko. And taking into account that the acting is appalling in parts, everyone is also paradoxically superb at other times.
  22. It'd be great if that's how the law worked. It certainly would be. Imagine Gotti in a baby outfit, trying to look sweet.
  23. You bastard. Now I feel like I'm trapped in the seventies, when I'm supposed to be working.
  24. I agree that it's not actually justice if or sense to simply push people through a revolving door marked 'prison'. Bu tthen I've watched four seasons of Oz.
  25. Uhh, what? You know, as in red jumper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA6JVbHiB5k
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