No. I mean written sketches, not of stats or occupations (well, not restrictively so). I'm talking about sketches of the things which make characters come to life.
"From 30 feet away she looked like a lot of class. From 10 feet away she looked like something made up to be seen from 30 feet away." (Raymond Chandler)
"He stooped a great deal and plodded along in a slow preoccupied manner, which made the bustling of London thoroughfares no very safe resort for him. He was dirtily and meanly dressed, in a threadbare coat, once blue, reaching to his ankles and buttoned to his chin, where in vanished in the pale ghost of a velvet collar. A piece of red clothe with which that phantom had been stiffened was now laid bare, and poked itself up, at the back of the old man's neck, into a confusion of gray hair and rusty stock and buckle which altogether nearly poked his hat off. His trousers were so long and loose, and his shoes so clumsy and large, that he shuffled like an elephant; though how much of this was gait and how much trailing cloth and leather, no one could have told." (Charles Dickens)
I want characters to have desires, above all, and reasons why they have those desires, and reasons to have so far failed to attain them. Give those characters power, be it an army, money, or an inherited scrap of a notebook, and you have a plot!