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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. If you equate stopping beheading videos and pro-terrorist propaganda with silencing every single independent news channel in a given region then I think you need a bit more fresh air.
  2. They might if they weren't slow-witted.
  3. You want me to explain what it means, or why the saying exists?
  4. I'm simply too old to be going to night clubs. Although I think I could still respectably get into a fight in one. Paradox.
  5. Several very nice red wines, but in the warm weather my usual go-to reds didn't float me so much, not even with all the barbecued red meat. I'm reluctantly reaching the conclusion that white wine has its purpose, and I only get along with French white wine.
  6. Great fun day yesterday, but very expensive. A lot of tabletop gaming. A lot of laughing. Now I'm just winding down before cold Monday...
  7. They usually just give me one. That's because you're tight... ~~ I'm not drinking yet, as it's only 8 a.m. But later I will touring an array of vineyards from the comfort of a games table. I've been drinking nothing but red for months, so may try a dry white, as I do about once a year. EDIT: Earlier this week I mistakenly ordered a shot of Fireball, thinking it was bourbon. IT IS NOT BOURBON. Fireball is a horrible sickly cinnamon concoction. According to the bartender it should be issued to women only. I agree with him.
  8. These folks should have better things to do.
  9. I love airports. They're like tangled knots in the skein of life.
  10. I'm going to be honest on this Serbian issue: I don't give a **** what history says. Anyone involved in organised mass attacks on civilians is a ****.
  11. They should either have made it very clear that we would not be ready to deploy military forces - necessitating Ukraine building its military to keep deterrent status with Russia. Or they should have had plans in place, and political will to implement those plans, to deliver sufficient military powers ourselves. Look at Russia's role in the Syrian crisis. They leveraged a very small military force to good effect because Putin has political drive and focus. I still hate the corrupt shiny-head ****er, but that's irrelevant to international politics. As you're all illustrating tremendously well, citing precedent and moral imperative only works _in a court-room_ because there is a judiciary to make a final arbitration that is enforced by the police and prisons. At a simple practical level that doesn't exist here. It's always negotiated later in international law. You just can't swan around smiling and shaking people's hands as the US president and think that it's going to be enough.
  12. You body is clearly rejecting the unhealthy food, Donut's are bad for you Hurlshot....very bad While your lack of doughnuts has made you all preachy. ;P You might want to get that checked.
  13. Physical courage is important, but I'd say moral courage is the real backbone. If only because it's much easier to just 'not notice' the crises. Speaking as someone who's gone from a good deal of strength to almost none I'd also be careful about getting on a high horse about your own physical courage - without meaning to be rude. As has been said, it still mightn't be easy, but it's certainly easier to look brave going into a fight you are confident of winning.
  14. Does anyone find the phrase "The barman gave me four fingers" a bit unsettling? EDIT: because I bloody well do.
  15. Wait a minute here. I've read this three times and I want to make sure I am getting your meaning. Are you actually suggesting that distrust (hatred in your words) of government is the same as racism? Or is somehow rooted in racism? If so that is the most appallingly stupid thing I've ever seen posted here. And considering the folks who post here, that is saying a lot. Please tell me I'm misunderstanding what you are driving at. If so, my apologies. Personally I think that some of the dislike of Obama is not really based on his policies but on the fact he is black and how some people resent the fact they see there interpretation of what defines the USA as changing. I'm not saying this is why you dislike Obama as you have given your reasons in the past and they are not based on his race. But surly you can't deny that some of the criticism of Obama are really about racial perspective? Sorry, you are really off base on this one. By this logic the only way we would not be racist is if we rolled over and gave him everything he wanted. His opposition if rooted in ideology, and in some cases good old common sense. You know, I KNEW I'd had this conversation before. Read posts 408 & 412 http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/49786-us-presidential-elections/page-21?do=findComment&comment=886880 Of course _some_ of his critics are racist. Just as some have small feet. And when they critique him it will be from a racist - or evil small footed - perspective. But it doesn't mean all critics mince about in tiny black brogues. I might have lost the thread of that one.
  16. All this thread is illustrating is the utter futility of treating international relations as if they occur in a court of law. The _only_ important thing to understand is that it was both predictable and predicted that Russia would object strongly to Ukraine shifting further West. The Western powers gave Ukraine to understand that we would support them in the event of a confrontation. We didn't. Just as we did with Georgia. Analysing that information what do we learn? That western alignment is a very ****ing stupid thing to do. Analysing that a bit further what do I conclude? That the 'Obama doctrine' was both naive and actually dangerous. Just as I said it would be back during the elections.
  17. :lol: There is that. EDIT: Oh yeah. Nearly forgot. I had a dream where I had a girlfriend literally made of stone. Her lips were made of salt. Big chunks of rock salt. So when we kissed I got all sliced up, and I dissolved her lips off. Her eyes were like glinting facets of that rock with the glinting facets in it. We got on pretty well, though for all that. It was a pretty cool dream.
  18. I'm still boggling at someone who isn't a woman demanding we read about women's issues. Or is that womens' issues? On a more practical note I find it pathetic when ANYONE says that someone who isn't X can't understand issues surrounding X. Even if it's true what possible ****ing good would it do you to say so? It's just saying "I'm a victim and I intend to spend the rest of my days continuing to be a victim. And no-one can ever do anything about it, beyond me getting all angsty."
  19. Had a fantastic night last night, but I woke up this morning, fully clothed in bed, with a copy of The Imperial Infantryman's Primer lying on the pillow that had been chewed. As in, with teeth. I need to hang out with musicians more.
  20. Has anyone else been concerned that a policy of "They speak our language, they're our citizens" effectively means the UK is obliged to invade most of the planet? I know a few more Canadians that would be ok with rejoining the British Empire. You'd have to give up the hockey sticks for cricket bats though. ice hockey with cricket bats would be interesting. Actually, cricket on ice needs to be tried asap.
  21. Awesome. I look good in bunches.
  22. I liked Sucker Punch. And not just for the obvious reasons.
  23. Maybe the wrong thread, but:
  24. I just thought I should mention that Citadel is on Netflix right now. It's an absolutely fantastic horror film that does more than scare, it actually says some interesting things about being scared. Check it out.
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