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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. My grandmother would make these really fast skillet-fried pancakes, about 4 inches across. Serve them up with butter and sugar. Everyone in my family misses my grandmother. She was a really lovely lady. Dammit, Ros. Now I'm bloody sad, and it's Friday!
  2. Er... I accept (previously discussed on this forum) the point that humans are fallible. But in a situation like this where innocence would require some pretty unimaginable accidents... "Honestly, guv'nor. I made that cage and steel coffin in case a child what has been zombified wanders into my basement while I'm using i-tunes." ...That I have to suggest it's just good sense. The objection will no doubt be raised that there would be appeals and whatnot to defend the guy, but I think the costs of those should be accounted for separately. I believe the costs are separate because they should come from an Identifying Retard Liberals - not to be confused with simple liberals - fund. A smartphone app would allow you to identify them at work or social functions and say "Get away from me you freakish child castration defending arsehole," then push them backwards over a sofa.
  3. BBC link. Be warned, it's not easy to stomach. Just piling up ammunition the next time someone tells me morality is relative and subjective. "A Briton faces up to 27 years in a US jail for plotting to kidnap, rape, kill and eat a child, authorities say. Agents found the basement of Geoffrey Portway's Massachusetts home equipped with a steel cage and a child-sized home-made coffin, in a raid last year. ... The dungeon was further kitted out with a chair, a television, and what appeared to be cable access to the internet, officers said. Outside the room detectives found a chest freezer and an upright freezer, along with some disposable scalpels, butchering kits, and castration tools."
  4. As rjshae says, Western businesses are like African Tribes up against Chinese redcoats. No cohesion, lower tech, if enthusiastic. And I'm old colonial stock. I know how that story ends. This isn't just some big government thing. If you shop online or have a blog, or a games account online, or surf porn, or hold health insurance you are potentially leaking all that info to the Chinese govt. via hacking. It amuses me no end that peopel are less worried about the Chinese govt. spying on them than their own govt.
  5. Mind you, you are right that 3D printing is airfix skills rather than machining or plumbing. Substantially easier. My take away point, to draw this all together on topic, is that it's a grave mistake to assume that Reality lives a long way away. Printing guns or messing with cops is all jolly japes, but it WILL have consequences. By all means take your stand, but don't do it unless you understand it, and unless you mean it.
  6. I see what you mean, but that's just not how kids work. I was banned from having toy guns as a kid. For about three years. I have an imagination. When they took away the toy guns I had to use my mind. I had an arsenal of treebranch guns, a cardboard tank, and a whole command post dugout in the garden. Of course by the time they let me have proper toys it was too late. Family history claims that I was conducting Find, Fix, Flank operations playing Army aged 7. I can still remember the hill, with the drystone wall at the top. Machine gun chattering... we lost a lot of imaginary good men taking that hill. Although we'd have lost a lot more if we hadn't found that ditch full of nettles through the killing zone. Ah. Good times.
  7. I don't get excited about the 3D gun. You can - and people do - make shotguns out of plumbing pipe. The hard part is getting the ammunition. A printer plus materials is, what, 2k? A legit firearm is about £300, for equivalent utility. I don't know what the going rate is for illicit firearms, but it's not more than 2k.
  8. I believe the phrase you're looking for is snu-snu. Does that leave you with a burning sensation when you pee? Because if so then yes there was snu snu.
  9. Actually he's some Ukrainian kid pictured in RFE's website. But yes, they do sell toy guns. Everywhere. But that kid has the best collection I've ever seen. I'm very jealous.
  10. That's true. I don't think I've ever successfully completed a strategy game without using genocide or a dozen other things that would land me in The Hague. And don't get me started on all the tax and spend socialist hippy crap I use in city administration. Or the brothels.
  11. Jack Chick is a parody of himself. Have you never read one of his tracts? He takes it 100% seriously (so far as I know), and yet they are hilarious.
  12. Exercise, even gentle exercise, makes a huge difference for me. ~ We're having really high winds here today and I can't concentrate because my sodding roof is singing at me.
  13. We're going back a long time, and the market was more diverse. I think the folks writing games, and the people playing them were (maybe) into a wider variety. The GM was supposed to create more themselves. I could be waaay off here.
  14. I think that's fair.
  15. I would totally be in this movie if I had the spare cash to fly out to the US.
  16. Today I have been mostly swearing like a squarebashing corporal. The cause of this festive obscenity outpouring has been OpenOffice. I finally established that my chief problem - the size of 'Header 1' being a percentage - is IMPOSSIBLE TO ALTER. You have to use a fantastic workaround changing another header type to a fixed level so that your header one scales to the correct size. None of the other header types does this. MESSAGE TO ALL UTILITY PROGRAMMERS: STOP TRYING TO BE HELPFUL YOU WATER-HEADED STOATF***ERS. OR I WILL PERSONALLY TRACK YOU DOWN AND HELPFULLY REORGANISE YOUR F***ING PREFRONTAL LOBES WITH MY MARMITE COVERED C***.
  17. Brave obyknven is example to all heroic forces of former Soviet Union.
  18. 1. I like the notion of the psychological dimension as a kind of force in depth. Or to put it another way, it's how many quarters you brought to the arcade. 2. Classically, giving ground is surely a big no no. I'm fairly certain Wellington said something about retreat being the hardest thing for a soldier. But I instantly see your perspective which is that this can be excised provided the framing of the fighting is about something else. I don't know much about the Mongols, but wouldn't they be an example of a conventional force that didn't care much about ground?
  19. I'm not dating the woman! Nor do I plan to! Like I said, it's really about seeing someone in trouble and enjoying helping them. You never made a pretty girl smile just for the hell of it?
  20. I have to say calm the f*** down. Existing domestic (ex) violence isn't at its insane levels because some door to door salesman has been handing out female dolls. This is just about demonising NRA members. Which is unhelpfully antagonistic.
  21. Monk to advancing goons: "I don't suppose any of you chaps has an accurate, but understrength monkey they'd like to bring to this fight?" Awesome. I shall be monking like St Francis.
  22. It is interesting, but the consensus, even among journalists seems to me to be that the Chinese have been doing it for about as long as the net has been around. The problem is not IF. the problem is what to do about it. Answers on a postcard.
  23. A happy ending, for once.
  24. It will take you a while to get into it, but just as I was about to give up, about 10-15 minutes in, the sheer absurd comedy genius of this video kicked in. I laughed so hard I hurt my nose, and started having an asthma attack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF-F67OUEAw I feel bad now, because the man's clearly clinically insane. But it's still funny.
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