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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. OK. I see what you mean, then. I'd say there's a distinct difference between denying an event occurred (however well established it is) and denying the quality of an event you accept occurred. Or to put it another way, it's worse to deny that Auschwitz was bad than to deny Auschwitz happened. This fellow seems to be denying the forced rapes were bad. This makes me sad. If anyone would care to do something beastly to him it would certainly improve my morale; and I therefore declare it 'necessary'.
  2. Gentlemen, central to the perspective of the OP was the notion that there are crimes and criminals which go beyond what I would call 'cosy notions' of respect and tolerance.
  3. Field Marshal Montgomery got into terrible trouble with assorted vicars when he attempted to regularise brothels in North Africa... *snipped for gibberish* Bottom line for me is that until this guy gets significant votes in anything I'm not looking down my nose at the Japanese.
  4. I use Steam despite hating the concept because I can see the way the wind is blowing. Overlays and intermediaries are the future. Chiefly because of DRM, in my opinion. The fact that I get a chat overlay and community gubbins, and access to old games just sweetens an otherwise bitter pill. Using Steam has also trebled my yearly spend on games (estimate). And dropped my Amazon spend on games to zero. Which is always good.
  5. OK, so my checklist for info in order is: - CPU motherboard socket details - Memory module RAM socket details - I've always used Intel and I'm enough of a dumbass not to want to jump ship - The layout of the sockets for additional things like soundcard and gfx. Are there 'stock' layouts I could be alert for? ~~ I've been planning to upgrade the CPU and maybe the GFX. Budget ideally ca. £300. My rig is nearly three years old, so I'm guessing I can do better without breaking the bank.
  6. I just realised that I could convert my entire library to just an empty room, with a wooden scriptorium on which sits my ebook reader. Not sure if I like that idea, but it would be amusing.
  7. I'm thinking that it's about time I upgraded my PC a bit. The power, housing, storage are all doing well, so I don't want to have to go through the expense and hassle of migrating to a completely new rig. Plus I can't be bothered with Windows * - especially when MS are squirming over its lack of success. Ignoring budget for the moment, what information do I need to gather in order to intelligently assess the scope for an upgrade? I am assuming it will have something do with the motherboard and slots...
  8. I don't know why you're so nervous about the beer!
  9. Sounds to me as if a) You already lean towards taking it b) You need to establish what keeping the new hours and commitments will do to your existing commitments c) I'd prefer to work for you than one of the hard working simpletons Nepenthe describes d) It might help if I give you this imaginary hat. The basic hat is a Napoleonic war shako, but I've glued sparkles to it, and a model of you stamping on people - made of scrunched up tinfoil - above the legend "Eat My Firesome <sic> Leadership".
  10. I told you stop filming me in the nude, man.
  11. Malco, baby, flailing around like goddamn mentalists is not 'acting in self defence'. We do too little, of the wrong thing, in the wrong places, far too late. IMO a big part of that is because we point blank refuse to address our security needs as if we were educated adults, and instead dance around them like teenagers at a school disco.
  12. Wind blew a parts of my freaking house off. There's TV cable spinning around out there like a stripper's nipple tassels.
  13. Okay I need to share this. I'm in the departure lounge at the airport and your comment, even though it may not seem funny, has just caused me to burst into laughter. In fact I found myself laughing out loud for about 30 seconds. People were staring at me and obviously wondering " whats the joke"..but I couldn't help myself Its the way you say things sometimes that I find hilarious, so thanks for the laugh Anyway back to your post, you know we have a way of derailing topics. Its in our genetic nature.
  14. I'm not sure anyone's debating the utility of prisons, or have I missed something?
  15. I just can't imagine how I could have not realised earlier, except maybe it wouldn't have made me so successful at dodging all the rules if I had. I mean I arsed around almost constantly, had a massive laugh and learned all the important things you need to know at that age. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H74ScaTLgiQ Perhaps more responsibly I learned how to talk to authority, organise stuff, be creative, and have a good time. Real life skills. LOL. Reminds me of that Russian joke about the officer cadets. [points for anyone who knows the joke]
  16. I don't know why it popped into my mind. Maybe it's because I'm merrily working away with a good cup of coffee. Self-awareness. I worked damn hard at my postgraduate studies. But as an undergrad I was always turning stuff in late or not at all. etc. etc. I just realised with absolute clarity and certainty that with only one exception I handed stuff in badly or late because turning it in on time and to the desired standard was simply too incredibly boring to contemplate seriously. Given that I seem to have done OK out of it I can't feeling I did precisely the right thing, too. I can't tell you how good that feels.
  17. Nice to see someone no equivocating, Bruce. I utterly blame the 1960s for leaving us so full of self doubt and teenage angst that we refuse to act in our own defence for fear that we are the bad guys. Of course I equally credit the 1960s for helping us to BE the good guys. But if we don't act to defend ourselves against being stolen from, corrupted, and bullied then we won't stay the good guys for very ****ing long.
  18. What like female Chainmail bikini armour? I think there is a thread on this..... There's nothing happy about it if you happen to own nipples. Stuff chafes like you wouldn't believe. So I'm told. ~~~ I think we're straying from the nub of the thing to a degree. Let's simplify terms a bit. ASSUME: 1. Accuracy of judgement 2. Cost effectiveness of administration I say assume because I think this goes beyond these footling skirmishing points. The real clash of concepts occurs because some people just don't have in their hearts to condemn certain crimes at even an abstract level. If I could be reassured that I was incorrect then I think we'd get along a lot better.
  19. Well, it's interesting, anyway.
  20. That's a bit crap, Cal. Sorry to hear that. Could you get a big poster of this set up outside their offices?
  21. I think this is missing the much more important point that you could make kickass nerf guns.
  22. Ugh. I absolutely hated that book. The cover art - yes yes - promised a rich World build coming alive through a fabulous monster hunt. What I got was a lot of disjointed gibberish spread thinly across too many pages. It's one of the few books I have actually thrown away rather than give to a charity shop or keep.
  23. I fully accept your point that the wolf at the door is scarier than the wolf in the woods. But what a fantastic 19th century view of China, and the World in general. They don't live on the Moon, you know? All those things you mention about China... you think they'd wouldn't leak into your life if China's dominance continues to grow? China's already a massive force in Africa and a growing force in the Mideast. I'm equally fascinated at the notion that Chinese determination to subvert and weaken Western governments and industries is almost benign by comparison with our own governments and industries! Such loss of faith is no doubt attributable to the fecal refulgence of our state servants and commercial leaders. But we have democratic recourse and a tradition of reforming such things. They can be improved. By us. If we could be arsed.
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