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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Gfted wins the star goddamn prize!
  2. A note has come up on my organiser saying "Buy Santa Muerte stuff for @ex girlfriend who buys me presents@" Where the hell am I supposed to get Santa Muerte paraphernalia online? Ideally I want a statuette or something. EDIT: Rosbjerg. For some reason I'm expecting you to step up on this one.
  3. For the record - no pun intended - I've never liked Pink Floyd one tiny bit. Despite my friends liking them. Good shout on Portishead, Amentep. Perfect for some occasions but not my top ten all the time.
  4. Perfidii purgendi, you Throneless freak!
  5. I have just rung the author and left a message demanding more.
  6. Something a bit ...Nurgle about that page. *shudder* EDIT: It's not my picture, but I stumbled across this just now of a Cheyenne 'dog soldier':
  7. Just imagine if the dog had diahorrea in the oven! EDIT: segueing neatly from dog poop... I've been exchanging rather heated emails with an old flame of mine. I'm normally a fan of pen on paper, but it occurred to me that there's arguably something poetic about being joined by electricity.
  8. JFSOCC, I may need to look into my earlier statement. Not confirmed I need to revise, but according to the CIA world factbook China and many developing nations relate favourably to Europe on use of renewables and hydro as a percentage of total electricity consumption. It doesn't excuse them from being part of the solution but it may mean we aren't excused either. No time to revise properly before mid June. Unless you'd care to hack the numbers before then. I advise NOT using any source I will regard as biased if you want to change my mind.
  9. Note to self: add Woldan to list of companions in event of apocalypse.
  10. I'm talking about one of these sets Believe me there's quite enough space in one of those mugs. EDIT: Also, if your mum needs water she's got a bottle handy. Win.
  11. Have you considered nipping to the nearest military surplus then issuing each household member with their own mug, knife, fork, spoon?
  12. If it's not cheeky would you mind elaborating a bit on what is meant by each system? I like to understand these things, but most online resources assume too much background information.
  13. For starters I can see fresh vegetables on that table.
  14. The author's computer broke. He's fixed it and I'll get onto him.
  15. A quicker version is to ask the good ol' seven questions: For some reason I can't find anything on the sceven, so make do with six. As writ by Rudyard Kipling (my emphasis): I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who.
  16. Who bastardised the proper military vernacular of materiel into "material"! Even wikipedia can't seem to keep it straight, where's the language police hotline? I agree it's materiel. And you can blame the lazy bloody civil servants who think it's a misspelling. I do think we should have a rifle that is literally for shooting tinned beans and boots. Issue them to hippies and tell them to get cracking.
  17. The dachshunds are the hunting pack, you lunatic! You can't hunt dachshunds!
  18. My thanks to Randomthon, because I'd have otherwise forgotten Counting Crows. I blank it most of the time because it remidns me of looking after my dying mum, and a rather lovely ex girlfriend who I can't help hating. Great album tho. I've only included albums I can listen to the whole way through, since I come from the black stuff (vinyl). And I've tried to only include albums I actually do listen to regularly rather than trying to sound clever (with teh exception noted of Counting Crows) 1. Raising Hell - Run DMC 2. Temples of Boom - Cypress Hill 3. Nabucco - Giuseppe Verdi (Sinopoli) 4. Fat of the Land - Prodigy 5. August and Everything After - Counting Crows 6. Shockheaded Peter - The Tiger Lillies 7. Clandestino - Manu Chao 8. Astrakan Cafe - Anouar Brahem 9. Black Hawk Down (soundtrack) - Hans Zimmer et al. 10. Old Crow Medicine Show - Old Crow Medicine Show
  19. It's the nature of academic work that you will constantly feel incredibly unproductive. You either learn to live with the feeling or choose to seek employment anywhere - hopefully with your degree - like I did. :/ Thinking about what you've written here I'd suggest the central problem with much (not all) academci work is that it is moderated and marked by someone else. There's precious little opportunity to move beyond what makes sense to people older, more cowardly, and less up to date than you are. Of course I would hold the same is surprisingly true of all other work.
  20. Er... yes, I see... I thought that might be the case.
  21. Hot chillis, ginger, and whisky!
  22. This talk about 'classical' music reminds of a point I once heard someone make about how music projects the antithesis of society at any point in time. This orderly beautiful music counterpointed mayhem revolution and war. Modern music counterpoints sophistication, order, and artistic omnipresence, with shouting about umbrellas and smacking things. EDIT: By inference I conclude that Syria is in exactly the right state of mind to gratefully receive a tour from La Scala.
  23. The term 'BCE' can f*** off.

  24. Rgr that, halting jealousy.
  25. In Israel they say "managmenet".
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