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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I'm imagining it right now...
  2. I'm pretty sure I 've seen the combination of 'big ass cube' and 'weird ass external texture' before also. Isn't there a BBC building on Marylebone with something similar?
  3. On your point about translation. Is there maybe some non-lexical flow imparted by the shape of the Chinese script which you could only get from a skilled translator? Just a thought. It's one of the things I've wondered about. The structure of written chinese is one thing. But also to consider, a lot of those texts were originally produced before the written language was "codified" and "reformatted" as it were by the first Emperor. So how much that caused shifts in the original structure and language, before someone attempted to roll it into English. Of course they could just be rubbish. I'm not attempting to re-read Clauswitz until they legalise marijuana.
  4. Laugh it up, fuzzball.
  5. Stratfor update
  6. On your point about translation. Is there maybe some non-lexical flow imparted by the shape of the Chinese script which you could only get from a skilled translator? Just a thought.
  7. Nice to see my fight or flight is capable of combining. Actually I'm mainly glad that I did ANYTHINg rather than just stand and admire it. Even a couple more seconds would have meant a lot worse damage to the kitchen units. As it is it's mostly soot everywhere. And I've just managed to get most of it off. I tell you cream cleaner is GENIUS.
  8. Well, I thinkin theory you're suppose dto put a blanket over the damn' pan, but my first reaction was something like "Bastard's on fire! F***ing cheek! Well, that's going outside, then!"
  9. Well... ...Actually I can't say what they've been up to so far because there would be spoilers.
  10. I think that's pretty well established, isn't it?
  11. I could point out that Putin isn't averse to a little headstomping or intimidating poltical opponents. But it's redundant on account of oby not being Russian. Just a rather embarassingly transparent troll. ~~ On topic, I feel bad for the people who have died. It did occur to me that a police over-reaction could be a calculated move to provoke outright dissent by the people and chuck out a party that has been eroding Turkey's secularist identity. But of course those elements were supposed to have been purged last year. Erdogan appears to have swan'd off on some foreign tour, which sems a calculated gamble. Assume that the protesters will run out of steam, and that the police are professional enough to handle the protests without any key incidents like a shooting or what have you. Then he'll look calm and magisterial. Indeed, he can even use the 'heavy handedness' of the police to justify purging their ranks further. Well played, angry young men. Well played. EDIT: Spoke too soon. Looks like a protester was killed by person or persons unknown in a Southern district.
  12. Nearly set fire to the kitchen with an oil pan fire. Carried the pan outside on fire, burned my arm and (strangely) my right buttock. Not too badly. Just singed, mostly. I feel like a hero retard. Like superman. EDIT: I can only assume that I was moving at such speed that the flames must have enveloped my right side. ****ing good thing I hadn't changed into anything polyester. Could have been damned inconvenient.
  13. Well, I guess. But what would the story be?
  14. More troll fail. Which is it you are these days 'oby'? Communist or New Putin?
  15. I hope I'm not sounding too harsh if I say that for terrorists it certainly helps if they know that no-one in a given crowd is armed. If there's even a small possibility it complicates their job hugely. However, in the case of the London attack I'm not sure these two brain trusts would have thought it through that far. Nor do I feel that Lee Rigby would have been wandering around near his barracks armed.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U-NHTW2-Ps
  17. For 'hot bath' read "sun-rotted carcass of a pig"
  18. Is there any way we can MAKE a symbol racist and then sort of wean racists off flags? I vote Justin Bieber.
  19. For someone who posts pictures of Russian hardware the way mkreku posts pictures of random girls' butts this seems an odd perspective.
  20. Yeah that's what I was thinking. My current campaign looks like the incopmetent buffoons may have to run for their lives, and you can't much further away than Kislev!
  21. Complete fail on their part. Not including the damn thing in the first place is just poor requirements capture (see my sig). But refusing to back down tells me that the senior strategic leadership at Microsoft just can't admit mistakes. And that's a massive ****ing warning indicator. If I were an investor I'd be seriously rattled. A business that is lead by people who won't admit mistakes is one that is _inevitably_ bound to fail.
  22. Gods. Not the dolphin rape again.
  23. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it's just a kind of motherly concern.
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