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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Firstly, not that Monte will give a hoot, but why are you being so goddamn rude to him? If you chaps put in some of the consideration you seem so keen on you'd find he's a thoughtful guy and has been for the considerable time he's been a forum user. More pertinently Bruce and I diverge on this one, since I can find a LOT to disagree with in AGX-17's argument. Fundamentally I think AGX (Or is that Mr 17?) is treating this - as a great many fine people do - as if it were an abstract exercise. But Monte and I would contend it is completely unlike an exact exercise. Where I'd drag Guard Dog in to join our conceptual posse is to observe that ALL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITY is an imprecise and bloody handed business. Everything from tax collection to state schooling to conventional warfare is a matter of life and death to someone and mistakes get made. My point isn't merely to say "You wrong." My point is whether you apply your rule about no innocent harm consistently within your own position. Would you apply a 'no innocents must get irreversibly harmed' rule across government. Much more importantly: To what extent is state justice implicit in harm to victims?
  2. From El Reg People are missing one important point about the "Liberator" 3D-printed "plastic gun": it isn't any more a gun than any other very short piece of plastic pipe is a "gun". You can take my Liberator ... and shove it Seriously. That's all a Liberator is: a particularly crappy pipe, because it is made of lots of laminated layers in a 3D printer. Attached to the back of the pipe is a needlessly bulky and complicated mechanism allowing you to bang a lump of plastic with a nail in it against the end of the pipe.
  3. You ever read Button Man?
  4. I'm just going to put this out there as an argument, see what you think: Isn't there a case for saying that the Law must be respected as an instrument of justice in order to be effective and supported? Speaking personally I get massively old testament on certain issues. Prolonged sadistic criminality on the helpless is not just morally anathema, but it is surely likely to be accompanied by a hefty forensic trail. To nerdtastically appropriate a line from Planescape Torment, I'm not sure we have a right to let certain criminals live once their guilt is ascertained. I would have thought that in such circumstances the incidences are rare enough that the percentage cost issue is moot since it reflects a tiny overall percentage in government budgetary terms. ~ I'm not trying to be horrifically bloodthirsty, by the way. I happen to think this is causing us to examine some interesting questions about governance and justice in general.
  5. It's partly the stable membership, but it's also the age thing I think. Plus - if I may shamelessly flatter all concerned - I think Obsidian games attract a better kind of person as a fan. Mind you, I shouldn't forget that Fionavar and the other mods do a tremendous job enforcing high standards of comportment, which makes it harder for situations to degrade. Hmmm... sounded like a bloody Oscar speech there.
  6. Well, that's why it's a debate, old boy. I'm not sure I approve of the Obama administration treating US citizens on US soil - i.e. the Boston bombers - as enemy combatants. Assuming I've got my facts straight which seems unlikely on general principle. My point was, if you sanction the context then you set a precedent, and in the US that means it's ALL FINE. Right? Look at the RICO statutes and how widely they're used now. Dangerous? - check Clandestine? - check Organized <sic>? - check Influenced from abroad as well as domestically? - check Less politically debatable motives? - check I mean if we are going to start drone-bombing a group and I can only have one, I think we should bump the child torturers up the list. I'm old fashioned. And a bit drunk still from yesterday.
  7. My damned dwarf player is likely to soon be stronger than a sodding troll, though. The real issue is the wounds. Humanoids just don't have the wound soakage you get on a monster.
  8. I thought this merited its own thread, rather than continuing the thread about the child castration cannibal guy. * The question occurred to me while reading about the Boston bombing debate on the BBC The BBC mention that some US commentators want the bombers to be treated as enemy combatants. My question is: why not paedophiles? Paedophiles have a clear agenda, they share advice, and they network and work together to cause horrific injuries and death. Indeed, several orders of magnitude more deaths and injuries than terrorism. Apparently the principle is that if a bad guy is sufficiently bad or somehow well organised then the gloves come off. So, again, my question is: can we detain paedophiles with a streamlined process of law, and or shoot them with unmanned drones? *Incidentally the guy is a British immigrant to the USA, and I feel not enough British people are stating unequivocally that we're against kidnapping, torturing, and eating children.
  9. The Valley of the Super Vixens

  10. Just good engineering, really. Just kidding. I get frustrated by it as well. What the feth happened to leadership?
  11. Erm... I love 40K, but aren't most of the 'good guy' decisions anathema to mainstream morality? Exterminatus bombardment, anyone?
  12. Drowsy Emperor should consider Nigeria for his Delta Green campaign. EDIT: MY GOD! Nollywood should totally do a Cthulhu film.
  13. If you wanted a scare weapon for robbing people then a plastic gun would work just fine.
  14. Sexy women in movies ended with Russ Meyer.
  15. Well, it certainly makes the players a bit more bloody cautious. We spent an entire session with them trying to get out of being sent into a tough spot! One of the characters has been shot, stabbed, and chewed so thoroughly that the right side of his face is almost all scar tissue. EDIT: If he hasn't had Fate Points to spare he'd have been killed three times. I find the players aren't worried until the first bad guy gets killed by one hit, and they realise they're bound by the same rules.
  16. Jack Chick is a parody of himself. Have you never read one of his tracts? He takes it 100% seriously (so far as I know), and yet they are hilarious. I'm talking about the guy doing this KS I guess my point was that doing it straight will be funnier than taking the p*ss.
  17. It's certainly a favourite of mine. I think players enjoy not having complete control as well. It take some of the pressure off. Thinking about it it also helps the GM, because it means he can't assume too much before the players kick off. I mean you may have any sort of people in your party. On the other hand it DID mean that I felt I had to do some prequel games to establish the players' backgrounds properly.
  18. For some reason all I want to listen to today is Wu Tang.
  19. Amen and hallelujah to that.
  20. What about, you know... *Walsh waggles his eyebrows in the direction of a half built trebuchet*
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-22462225 Lovecraft would have loved this story. Of course he was just a teensy bit racist, but anyway...
  22. I told it was dangerous to go about hoofing people in the spuds. I just didn't think it would be like that.
  23. She was such a funny lady, as well. We'd always make each other laugh. I remember that despite her being extremely elegant in a 1930s way she did the most fantastic monkey impersonations. She was also very fiercely protective and loyal. She remained in love with my grandfather, who died in the war, right until the day she died herself. It's funny because I hadn't thought about her for a year or more. Food can do that, can't it? Bring things back. EDIT: One thing I always admired about the Zulus is that they commemorate things when they feel like it. Not when a calendar tells them to. Wise move, IMO.
  24. I don't believe in Fate as something written, but I do believe in the complexity of events and interactions. To call the dance of events and their outcomes Fate is - to me - just a way of acknowledging the interplay in a manageable way. I do, however, believe in being the master of one's own Fate. To surrender to Fate, or prejudicial factors or what have you, that is to abandon any claim to sentience or morality. On the other hand I do believe that when bad **** happens for no apparent reason then it's good sometimes to just accept it as beyond your control.
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