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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I note that oby removed the avatar pic of the founder of the Cheka. In favour of some random geek pic. For shame! Good thing to be proud of, the Soviet secret police. Beria would be ashamed of you abandoning them.
  2. You might be surprised. At least two girls who were pretty nasty to me at school turned out to have been more amorous than angry. Women are strange.
  3. I thought the main issue was that the marketplace doesn't provide adequate healthcare for all Americans? You know the definition of insanity Walsie.."doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" Really? Where repetitions are n , and n>30, I call it a scientific study!
  4. Thanks for the good wishes, Ros. Think I managed to cool the temperature without freeze shattering the poor girl. I'm trying to encourage her to move on, without undermining same by saying I don't like her. Think I might be onto a losing concept, quite frankly. She genuinely is lovely, but since no other bastard has ever shown her any respect or serious affection...
  5. BREAK BREAK OK, I'm having "that" conversation with besotted lady, where one tries to tell her to calm down without her flinging herself into a rosebush or something. Fortunately in this case via the interwebz. Can everyone please wish me luck?
  6. Obese children should keep food diaries My thought was "Great idea. They will seem more bookish and avuncular, like Dr Johnson."
  7. I think it pertinent to remind the forum that the point of the healthcare reforms was to spend to save, by reducing the expenditure of an unusually high percentage of GDP on healthcare. In light of the furore, and with the benefit of hindsight, I think it would have made far more sense to leverage the marketplace than to effectively set up Uncle Sam as a competing provider.
  8. I agree with Woldan that washing your goddamn hands makes a big difference. Bugs get o n your hands, and from there onto your face, sweat carries it into your mouth, or they just migrate into your nose. British public transport (which I otherwise quite like) is just smeared in sh**e. Because British people don't seem to feel it's important to wash their hands. Shameful but true. In winter I wash my hands AND wear gloves everywhere.
  9. I didn't mention the potatoes under the bird because I figured you chaps aren't idiots. Like Enoch I use them to keep the animal free of stewing in its own fat. Unlike Enoch I don't mind them soaking up fat. Note that I don't parboil them first.
  10. I ****ing hate that behaviour, but in my epxerience it's down to poor HR practices.
  11. I have nothing against Emma Watson, but she's a very ordinary looking girl, made to look extraordinary.
  12. Won't have the chance to try this,k but it's mark II of something I tried yesterday. Good roasting chicken, stuffed two ripe oranges into the cavity (after removing entrails for gravy). Thyme, and Maldon sea-salt heavily seasoned. Plenty of oil. Tinfoil hat for the bird to keep in moisture. Cooked for about 2 hours. Oranges came out firm, but cutable with a table knife. I intend to try serving these oranges* as dessert, alongside a slab of soft goat's cheese, drizzled with two kinds of honey, _maybe_ warmed cinnamon. OR sweet dessert wine, and cracked black pepper. *The next time I cook them. I ate them this time thin sliced, alongside the bird, where they counterpointed the liverish richness of the gravy extremely well.
  13. This is just my perception, but in the UK/Eurozone we seem to be taxed on almost everything. Hell, l in the UK we get taxed 20% on sales! Never mind all the various 'levies' to 'promote' 'green' job creation schemes. This discussion is making me sincerely concerned about the next 30 years. If you presume economic stagnation, and rising costs then the only thing I can see making sense is... nope, can't think of anything. Not for ordinary people, anyway.
  14. While I'm not against more severe sentencing, I do have to ask if that's necessarily the best way to tackle it. As a cultural value system wouldn't it make more sense for academics, church leaders, ordinary folk to try and engage and neutralise the logic? As one of my least favourite people once said: you can't arrest an idea.
  15. Not to be harsh, Raithe, but might it be because your emotional landscape is basically the Somme 1916? Washed out, bombed out, scrapped over. French.
  16. That lamellar flow piece made me immediately think of supersoaker fights. Must be an optimal viscosity to deliver maximum effective range.
  17. Checked it out. Not really my thing. Besides, you need to join the Obsidz Bloodbowl group.
  18. Not quite. A Hoon is someone who is involved in anti-social behaviour whilst driving their car (or boat). Ah. As in Geoff Hoon.
  19. I just can't stop listening to these guys (they have more songs). They're the perfect antidote to the grey weather.
  20. That disposable income flattening. Might it be down to politicians taxing every 'spare' penny and then accusing us of needing it taxed because we're consuming too much fat/sugar/gasoline/space?
  21. I go through the five stages of grieving...
  22. I know. Wasn't there a paedo online who pretended to be Justin Beiber, to trick teenage girls? This look awfully similar as an agenda.
  23. In Britain, to get hooned means to get drunk. Connection?
  24. Pretty much this - though the people biting his bait is more funny. A daddy longlegs, in a muddy puddle, with a broken wing, trying desperately to drag itself out... ... is less pathetic than trolling.
  25. 1) Well, you ARE going to have common laws provided you have a unitary legislature and judiciary. Given this wouldn't the dialogue informing the democratic process shape a national consensus?* 2) I agree that a strategic objective of multi-culturalism as policy is creepy and weird. 3) I know I'm practically quoting the BNP here, but I agree that Western liberals do their damndest to 'preserve' culture in the rainforest, but not in Tooting Beck. I query preserve, because they seem to want to freeze it as a work of art, without concern for the people who adhere to it. 4) There will ALWAYS be Yorkshire. *I worked this out as I was writing.
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