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Everything posted by Darkside

  1. We just celebrated (well, celebrated isn't quite the word. Honored, I suppose.) Veteran's day here in the US. Coming from a long line of vets (thankfully none that were lost), my family remembers it more than most. I'm sorry about your granfathers, both the death of one and the other's pain at having lost his friends. People have learned since the Vietnam War that you can't blame the soldiers who are sent to battle for the decisions of the government that sent them, and for that I'm grateful. I hope we as human beings never again forget the sacrifices made by our soldiers.
  2. Why did I imagine that being read in an arena announcer voice? I've been playing too much Deadlocked, haven't I? :">
  3. What kind of poll cuts half the options? I know there's a 10 choice limit, but come on. You can't reallly make me choose a male Revan. BTW, I voted for the last one. It's a bad idea.
  4. You really don't want to get me started again. All who remember the Fangirl/boy thread, tell her she doesn't want to get me started again. This is your last warning. *prepares google image search*
  5. Really? I remember one scene going something like this. Anakin: What should I do? What should I do? I'll do the lightside thing like a good jedi! *gets tricked, Windu dies* Anakin: the hell? Why- Palps: Join me! Anakin: But, but, that was evil and I'm good! Palps: Do it! Anakin: Okay.
  6. With the personality of a piece of cardboard.
  7. Ratchet: Deadlocked. Mmm... v10 Dual Viper Machine Guns.
  8. ... and he gets a free pet ninja monkey with all ninth level spells.
  9. My guess is that that came from the Yoda calls thing? I didnt watch all of it. Great pic you got there Sentry, cant wait to see it inked and coloured! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You guessed right. It wasn't really all that bad, just really funny. He says he wants two wookies at the same time, which sounds wrong, but he's eating wookie ice cream bars. Stuff like that. Sweet Rev, Sentry. Can't wait to see it finished. Ah man, I gotta update my thread soon.
  10. Hehehe... *hides laxatives*
  11. They went next door for some pizza, but now they're back.
  12. *looks at Sil, looks at Mos, looks at Sil, looks at Mos, looks at Warsaw* ...I don't suppose I could buy you fellas a round of drinks?
  13. That is just too much. I was going to be a polymorphed gold dragon to piss off my boyfriend until I remembered they had to be good. <_<
  14. You're not missing much.
  15. Wow, a girl goes out to buy Ratchet: Deadlocked, and when she comes back she's got her own religion? ...I think I'll call it nerdism. No, I really think I won't. There are way more exciting fantasy books out there to read first. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Let's play nice folks. I don't agree with athiests, but do you see me going around calling them blind fools? No, because that's basic trolling. Remember,
  16. Bad Archduke! Even I remembered. That's just sad.
  17. Two wookies at the same time? :D [/spam]
  18. I still say Intelligent Desing should be saved for philosphy and religion classes because it's more conceptual, while science classes should be reserved for evolution, because it's fact-based. I'm an Intelligent Disign Christy person myself, but I'm not going to argue with people. Besides, I believe we were created, but through evolution. (I'll go into an explanation only if someone is stupid enough to ask.)
  19. Nice.
  20. Do they flip out and kill people too?
  21. My eyes hurt now.
  22. Just because he's a Jedi doesn't mean he has to be Jedi-ish. I gave him support powers, but let him keep his jacket and blasters. It felt so wrong to have Atton toting around a glow stick.
  23. Is that a simple weapon or exotic?
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