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Everything posted by Darkside

  1. Dern but don't I know it. Blasted Eru always finds the cool avatars... *grumbles* <_<
  2. Bring it. My leg's bruised in four different places after tonight's class, so you might stand a chance.
  3. Hmm, I always thought that was Edo336.
  4. Exactly! ...What did I say?
  5. So many suggestions, so small a warning limit.
  6. Sounds about like my defininitions, with a few slight variations. Dork - A person of little to average intelligence, who has little social life outside of kind geeks who keep them around because they're nice. Because of this, they tend to think of themselves as nerds. Outcast - Includes two groups. The first are the weirdos that are banished to their own dusty corner of the lunchroom (the middle school kids that still play imaginary DBZ playgrounds), but often earn the friendship of a few geeks. The second group are the pompous, two faced suckups that cling to a group (usually either geeks or preps) and demand inclusion, then declare them mortal enemies when they're shot down.
  7. I'm the only monk so far... Does that make me special? )
  8. Yeah, but there's still noobs to be helped and levels to be gained there. I don't want to have to go to Bioware for that.
  9. I hate the Bioware forums. They should discuss the game on the forums in which the company is making them. Not where the previous game was made. Following that inane logic the KotOR 2 forums should be moved to Bioware as well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Shush, they're listening! Don't give them ideas... :ph34r:
  10. Well rounded or overly smart and dangerous psychopath? Yeah, everyone that knows me (myself included) would agree its the latter. ^_^
  11. No Lou, that was you.
  12. Yeah, Columbus is a real hero. He lied to his men, betrayed his allies, and enslaved the Indians that so graciously welcomed them. Plus, the only thing he's famous for is getting lost.
  13. It depends on which HK we're talking about. If this is is K2 HK, I'd just as soon dismantle him as look at him. But if we're talking K1 HK, well, check the avatar.
  14. Mmm... dinos... speaking of which, I just thought I'd show it off a little more. ^_^ Great art, btw. I feel that jealousy (which I had just managed to forget last week) rising again.
  15. Absolute classic.
  16. YOU ARE THE AGE OF MY YOUNGER BROTHER!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! For the love of God, all I meant was that folks laugh at anything when they're tipsy, so even the bad jokes would seem great to them. And no, I've never got drunk. I've had a few sips of a margarita, but that's it. But I've seen my dad and his drinking buddies, and I can tell you that after the sixth or seventh beer they won't stop laughing.
  17. Gold.
  18. Baley's just bitter.
  19. I got your tape right here. And here.
  20. I imagine it will suck, just because game movies almost always suck. But being Halo fangirl that I am, I'll be seeing it. BTW, Halo 1 was stunning. Halo 2 just didn't live up to its name.
  21. Oh if we're talking both games then I change my vote. Coolest: Kreia. Hottest: Carth.
  22. WTF? Is this Obsidian's message board or "Bold & the Beautiful"? Any place with more than ten people = soap opera. That goes triple for schools.
  23. Never had it. But it looks like it hurts like hell. You're gonna need it.
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