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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. That sucks. I was looking forward to that. And I'm an impatient SOB.
  2. I found Bart. Didn't find him on my first time through. Poor guy died without me to hold his hand.
  3. He's currently carrying a two-shot shotgun. So, there's that, too. On the plus side, he makes some amusing comments when my party is strolling through the various towns and cities.
  4. This thread is proof that people can be brainwashed.
  5. More Wasteland 2. I picked up Scotchmo this time around. And of course he just had to be a shotgun specialist. I hate shotguns in this game.
  6. I really don't understand how certain shows do so well on TV, while good shows get canceled. Are the bulk of people who watch shows 30-something women? It seems like if the show is something that a 30 to 40 year woman would like, it will stick. If it's got any sort of action and isn't basically a romantic/soap opera-like night time show, it gets canceled. I mean, Madame Secretary? The Good Wife? All these hospital shows and Chicago Fire? Christ. There's no point even tuning in to new shows unless it's a soap opera chick flick.
  7. I tried watching some chick play a survival horror game once. I screamed more than she did. Shut up.
  8. I remember buying one of the Battlefronts for the ... was it PS2? Or maybe it was the XBox 360? Can't remember now. I wasn't a fan. Which is why I'm a bit on the fence with this newest edition.
  9. This is one of the issues I've always had about level scaling enemies. It just seems silly from a logical point of view that you can dispatch a high dragon because it's only level 10, but then get your ass kicked by a level 30 wolf. I guess the problem then comes from level and game play design. How does one design it so that all the "high level" enemies are actually high level, but at the same time making them accessible to the player earlier in the game without having to keep all the best enemies until the last hour. I mean, a dragon should be higher level than a toad. But then how do you design the game so that that is the case, while at the same time not making the player face toad after toad until 90 hours into the game when they're high enough level to face a dragon?
  10. Weird. Playing through Wasteland 2, I came across a robot companion named Vax. Didn't run into him the first time through. His gun arm is ridiculously strong (early on) in combat.
  11. Is it true there's no single player campaign? What's the online play like, anyway? CoD-esque, but third person view?
  12. Might have to put my second play through of Wasteland 2 on hold. I'm itching to play FO4.
  13. Agreed. I did Highpool on a harder difficulty level (Supreme Jerk) than Ag Canter (Ranger) and Highpool was still easier. There just didn't seem to be that much to do, or that many enemies to fight in comparison to what you went up against doing the Ag Center questlines.
  14. Highpool was much easier than Ag Center.
  15. Started a second play through of Wasteland 2. This time, I ignored the shotgun skill for my party. I found it so useless the last time around. Just reached Highpool. This time I'm going to help them out.
  16. Finished Wasteland 2. Great overall game. The final battle was kind of anti-climactic because it was just a repeat of previous battles against robots, and because it was easy in comparison to previous battles. I'll probably play through a second time just to see how things pan out choosing different options in quests.
  17. Loving Wasteland 2, but man does it crash a lot. Tonight alone it crashed to the main menu 4 times. One time it crashed right after a big, tough battle but before I had a chance to save it. I think it's less stable since the latest patch. I didn't have all these crashes prior to the recent install.
  18. I made peace between religious nuts and hookers! I'm such a good Desert Ranger.
  19. Ended up buying it for the PS4 today. It will have to wait for a bit, though, since I'm still in the middle of my Wasteland 2 play through. At least I can install all the updates/patches for it in the meantime so it's ready to go when I start a game.
  20. Is the performance on the PS4 still an issue?
  21. Wasteland 2 really is impressive in what choices you can make, and how it will alter what happens. I've come across quite a few branching paths where if I did something a different way, some things were completely cut off to me as an option.
  22. Wasteland 2. Not sure if I screwed up, or if there's no way to avoid it. But I lost two of my "extra" party members when robots attacked my base. I couldn't do anything about it because they weren't in my party and thus I had no control over moving them, and by the time my controlled party members mopped up the robots, the two of them were already dead.
  23. There is great dialogue in a Bethesda game?! Is this a first?!
  24. More Wasteland 2. Just got WRECKED by a giant scorpion robot. The main robot itself was difficult enough (high HP and does a lot of damage with its attacks), but it also launches a bunch of mini-scorpion robots that attack you as well. Had to re-load prior to that mission. I'll either have to level up and get better gear or figure out a better strategy for handling the encounter.
  25. Because I do all my gaming on my PS4, because my PC is a POS?
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