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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Is there a reason Sanctuary Hills gets attacked by Raiders more than any other settlement? I swear every second mission from Preston is about Sanctuary Hills in need of my help.
  2. Bethesda really needs to stop making the main stories so time-sensitive with their open world sandbox games. I mean, think about it. You're looking for your son. While there's not "clock" that says you fail if you don't immediately go after him, from a logical point of view you sort of have to. What person says, "I know I need to find my son as soon as possible, but I'm gonna stop along the way to help these settlers build vegetable gardens and find this guy his slutty sister first". It's just so immersion breaking, from a storytelling point of view, to have the main quest be about finding your kid as soon as possible, yet have you doing all these side tasks for the BoS, Minutemen, Rail Road, and the various other fetch quest givers you come across.
  3. His name reminds me of Forrest Gump's Lieutenant, Lieutenant Dan. So now I pronounce Paladin Danse's name in Forrest's voice every time.
  4. At this point I wouldn't put it past them...but I don't think so. I just wish they'd let us totally disable the whole shoddily written mess that is romance You sure he has one ? Not sure if he does. Obviously I haven't gotten one yet if he does since I refuse to flirt with him. I'm not THAT easy.
  5. I mean, does it mean I have to actually flirt with Danse to get his side quest? I got Cait's, but only after reaching max flirtation with her.
  6. Yeah, I'm not sure a Batman game is conducive to the kind of storytelling focused games they make. Batman under Rocksteady works because it mixes the cool stuff about Batman (action, gadgets) with a decent story backdrop. Not sure how a game will work in the Batman setting without heavy emphasis on the fighting.
  7. Speaking of Danse, the flirt option for dialogue just came out of nowhere. We're traveling together, the next thing he's talking about how he hasn't had a friend like me in forever, and I have the option to flirt with him. Apparently Bethesda is taking a page out of BioWare's book where every character is bisexual and wants to romance you.
  8. I had a similar "WTF" moment last night. I fast traveled to the Railroad HQ, but had Paladin Danse as a companion. As we arrived, all the members of the Railroad were gathered together and were talking about this new threat, the Brotherhood of Steel, and what they needed to do about it. Talking about it. With Danse standing literally right next to them. It was so immersion breaking. None of them responded to Danse's presence, Danse made zero comment about what they were talking about, etc. At least in New Vegas, you had to be careful what you wore or who you had with you in certain company. Don't bring Boone anywhere near the Legion. Don't wear Legion armor around town. In FO4, it's like everything is happening outside of the bubble that you and your companion are surrounded by.
  9. I can't seem to find Deacon anywhere. I sent him back to Sanctuary Hills, but I can't seem to find him wandering around the place. Piper seems to have taken up gardening, though. She's always tending to the vegetable garden with a shovel in her hands. Strong just walks down the street talking about eating things. And my town must have a bunch of dirty old men, because Cait keeps grumping about wanting to do damage to the next person who asks her to sleep with them.
  10. This makes me not want to get Just Cause 3. I hate games that make you grind through tedious stuff before you have access to anything remotely cool to use.
  11. Dunno... I don't want to be the one, but... yet you played it over 100 hours, so all in all it really can't be that bad. You could feel cheated by Bethesda if you bought it for 60€ and then stopped playing after 5 or so hours. But over 100? Even if the game is shait, feeling cheated at this point seems unreasonable unless someone had you play the game at gunpoint or something. I don't feel as strongly as the person you quoted -- I'm actually enjoying FO4, despite my complaints above -- but just from a general perspective, I'm a completionist. So if I start playing a game, I'll finish it. The only exception is if a game is so truly and horribly bad that I can't make myself slog through it. But I've finished a bunch of "so-so" games, and felt really disappointed with their quality at the end of it.
  12. I saw a "mission failed" notice pop up at one point because I didn't get around to doing one of those "settlement under attack" missions in a specific set of time. But when I visited that settlement, I didn't notice anything different. Still had the same number of people living there, still had the stuff I built for them, etc. On that note, guess which settlement needed me to save them again tonight? Sanctuary Hills. Ugh. Preston's opening line of "I just got word that a new settlement needs our help" just pisses me off at this point. It's our settlement, Preston. How about you stop wandering around between the various houses I built, and stop sitting on the various chairs and couches I built, and actually help out at one of the guard towers?
  13. This repetitive "save this community from attack" thing is getting annoying. It's also jarring from a story point of view because of the accompanying dialogue with Preston. I've saved Sanctuary Hills 3 times now from attack. That's dumb enough on its own. But the accompanying dialogue from Preston makes it seem like it's some far away settlement. HE LIVES IN THE FREAKING PLACE THAT'S BEING ATTACKED! Me: "I saved the settlement you mentioned." Preston: "That's great. Every new settlement we can recruit will just make us stronger." IT'S NOT A NEW SETTLEMENT, PRESTON! It's your friggin' settlement, and apparently all those gun emplacements I put up, not to mention you and all my other companions, can't fend off an attack without me present.
  14. Saints Row might be my choice. It's the only one that I'm remotely interested in that's also not still at full price. Me being cheap is usually the tie-breaker when deciding what to get.
  15. That doesn't work for long. Every. Single. Time. I equip my companion with a better weapon, and the next thing I know we're in combat and they're fighting with their old default weapon. Frankly, I don't know if they swap out at some point during combat or if they switch right after I close their inventory box. In either case, it's annoying as hell.
  16. Trying to figure out what games to get for my "Christmas list" for myself. Anyone played Just Cause 3? Is it like the Far Cry series? Or maybe I'll have to get some old games I never picked up way back when they were first released. Maybe one of the newer Saints Row, or GTAV. Perhaps a sports title. Decisions, decisions.
  17. Sanctuary Hills is turning into my own little brothel. I keep recruiting people and then sending them there to wander around when they're not accompanying me. Kind of funny I've got a super mutant running around muttering about wanting to eat something and no one seems to bat an eyelash at it.
  18. The companions do absolutely jack all in combat. At best, they're bullet sponges so the enemy focuses on them and allows me to take free shots while they're distracted. But in terms of actually helping me out, they'll maybe hit one or two of the enemies for a bit of damage, but otherwise I have to do all the work. They also don't seem to use better weapons when I give it to them. I gave Cait a modified combat shotgun, but she keeps using some double barrel thing she has as a default weapon. And then there's Strong. He just charges at enemies with some kind of club, but never even gets close enough to do damage with it. They just knock him out before he reaches them with their guns. Aside from the above mentioned bullet sponges, they're basically pack mules for me.
  19. She don't like when you steal she only has hots to see you to use those bobby pins with such great skill. She's got a weird moral code. That's just wrong -- and yet that's exactly where my mind went.
  20. She don't like when you steal she only has hots to see you to use those bobby pins with such great skill. She's got a weird moral code.
  21. Mike Thorton has popped up in Louisiana after years spent on a yacht with Scarlet?
  22. Piper has fallen in love with me, and all I had to do was press the Y (flirt) option a bunch of times after lockpicking a bunch of random items. Apparently she's into charming kleptomaniacs.
  23. I'm on the PS4. And in any case, I don't really want to metagame to that extent. I just would rather avoid losing all the gains I've got with Piper just so I can bring along different companions now and then.
  24. Does anyone know if you lose "friendship points" with your companions if you leave them behind to take another companion with you? I've currently got the reporter, but I'd like to try some of the others I've come across. I just don't want to suddenly have her lose all interest (thus closing off any potential avenues of dialogue/interaction) if I do.
  25. That was actually a damn good game. I kind of wish Bio had kept with that franchise. Please no , don't. I wouldn't want anyone currently on BioWare's staff working on the Jade Empire franchise. They've already ruined Dragon Age and did their best to ruin Mass Effect. I hope they leave JE be. Eh, I'd rather have an average new game in the JE universe than no game at all. Obviously I'd want the game as high quality as possible, but I'd settle for a watered down version over not being able to play any games again. Similar to both ME and DA. Sure, there were a lot of issues I had with both ME and DA. However, I'd take those games over never getting a new game in the series.
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