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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. This could explain why MGSV was great in the first chapter, not so great in the second chapter.
  2. I never listen to the radio, so I didn't even notice a difference.
  3. That sucks if true.
  4. That was one of the first things I noticed about FO4. The dialogue is just there to be there. It kind of goes hand in hand with my complaint about the NPCs not really having much to say compared to other RPGs, and your player character not really adding much or pressing them on the stuff they do say. It's a very, very watered down dialogue system this time around.
  5. Did he say there was a chance to do another KOTOR, but Obsidian didn't want to? Or did I misread that because my mind was too busy fangirling over any mention of further KOTOR titles?
  6. I don't know if it's because I put the beds in difficult to reach areas of a two-floor building, but I've seen groups of people in settlements standing in a mob around one sleeping bag at night. One will lay down, the other 19 will just group around them and stand there. Reminds me of hordes of zombies. Doesn't help that they all turn toward me at the same time as I walk near.
  7. I had a brahmin stuck in a shack for days in one of my settlements. I built a gated community with only one way out, so it didn't seem to know how to get out.
  8. Do you have enough settlers working the food? After so many planted foods, you'll need another person to work the food. Well that's another issue. I have this one settlement with 20 people walking around. I lose track of who is actually working on which vegetable because it doesn't say (that I can see) who is. So maybe I'm allocating two workers to one plant, or maybe I'm missing a plant entirely. In any case, how stupid are these settlers? You shouldn't have to hand-hold them to even think maybe instead of sitting on a broken chair all day, they could harvest some corn without me commanding them to? If you look at the various things for Power, one of them includes the varieties of connectors? The power line pylons and such? Several of them are things you need to put on a house, and those you can connect the power lines to. Anything within a certain radius of them that needs power in a house will then function, so depending on the size of the house, you might need to connect several together going around it. In fact, this might help : http://www.gosunoob.com/fallout-4/how-to-power-up-a-house/ Those connectors and stuff confused me simply because the little write up that shows up when you're on the create an item screen only says so much. I just wish if they're going to include this feature in their game, it wouldn't be so confusing about how to make them work. Also, building a house is a chore, especially if you're trying to build around an existing structure that can't be torn down. The walls and roofs never align properly, the floor floats in mid air, and the stairs don't seem to line up.
  9. The Laser Turrets are quite good for ramping up the Defenses, and having power so you can put lights in and around buildings can make things a touch nicer during the night time visits. Speaking of lights, that's another thing that's giving me problems. I built a generator for a settlement, then decided to build them one of those tiny outside lights. It said it requires 1 thingy of energy, and the generator produces 3. Yet, the light won't turn on. And there's no option to "attach wire" like there was when I was connecting the generator to the recruitment antenna. What gives?
  10. Food for my settlements always seems to be an issue. I grow a bunch of stuff, but they still seem to be in the red when it comes to food. Water is easy since you can just build water pumps to raise your score. Same with defense. But food is giving me a hell of a time. I also still don't really get the point of power. Unless I need some to run a water pump that's in water, or to raise a recruitment antenna, I've seen no point to power.
  11. I keep hovering over the "buy it" button on Best Buy. I'm just not sure if it'll be my kind of game. Sounds like combat isn't very forgiving, and I'm not the sort who enjoys difficult combat; I'm more of a play it for the story with minimal trouble during combat encounters kind of guy.
  12. The way the dialogue with the companions is set up just seems really ... robotic. Doesn't feel natural. Do some stuff they like, then you get a conversation with them where they open up a bit about their past. But you don't actually get to ask a whole lot. So it's just them performing a soliloquy and ending with "but that's it for the moment, let's get back to the task at hand". You can prompt a couple of times, but there's no big back and forth dialogue. On a positive note since I seem to be focusing on the negatives in my posts, it is an addictive game. I don't even know why that is -- maybe it's the exploration, or the combat, or the overall "feel" of the world. But it's fun. On another note, is anyone else a hoarder? I can't help keeping stuff and just dumping them in my storage unit back in Sanctuary Hills. I've got stuff that I've never even used and probably will never use, but I just can't bring myself to sell it.
  13. Preston's the worst companion for me. I don't know if it's just happening to me, but he constantly gets stuck on the environment, so I'll have to backtrack when he goes missing. This also means that if I come across any enemies, I'm on my own because he's doing God knows what. Also, I'm not a fan of the tiny places you visit. I miss past Fallout games where you visited various decent sized cities/towns, each with their own set of quests.
  14. Also, what's the point of adding "power" to a community? Generators, etc., that sort of thing. Especially with the smaller communities, I haven't found a use for power unless I'm building an antenna to attract new settlers. For defense, I just use the turrets that don't require power and guard posts that only require settlers to man it. So what am I missing?
  15. That being said, you can keep ignoring them. They will just eventually depopulate. But then I'd be a failure as a Minuteman. By the way, I hate the name. Not exactly a group you want to be associated with if you show up at a bar and are trying to pick up a pretty lady.
  16. The people on Abernathy farm should think about keeping their daughter locked up in the house somewhere. I rescued her right near the beginning of the game, and then when I neglected the farm and it no longer was allied with me, I got the task of rescuing her again -- and they rejoined me. Today I spent a tedious amount of time just trying to raise the happiness of each of my farms/settlements. What a chore. It's especially annoying when you have to assign workers to vegetable gardens. Seriously? They don't even have the common sense to figure out that someone has to pick the vegetables once they're grown? They'll starve if I don't tell someone to specifically do it?
  17. So I keep losing farms/settlements because I keep ignoring their happiness meter. Why did Bethesda think it would be a good idea to implement this in a RPG? I'm playing Fallout, not the Sims. Yet I have to waste time at each and every farm/settlement building stuff for them or they get cranky and leave? It's not fun, it's tedious and has no real point in the overall game. I saved you from Raiders/Mutants. I built you food, water, and turret defenses. Now do something for yourselves for change. Jesus.
  18. The requirements for the companion quests are all over the place. On one hand, I've had a couple of companions with me a lot of times and they seem to love everything I do. Still no companion quest from them. McCready, who I've brought along maybe on 2 or 3 quests, already has given me a companion quest for him. And Paladin Danse still keeps hitting on me. Slow your role, big guy.
  19. Does he even like anything? He dislikes it when I put on my power armor. He seems to dislike me helping people.
  20. Please be true.
  21. Isn't Prey a FPS? Or am I mistaking it for another title?
  22. I think the settlements are Bethesda's attempt to get the Sims's crowd. Either way, they're definitely more annoying than fun. Speaking of which, I just can't seem to get my companions to open up to me. The only one that's opened up enough to give me their personal quest is Cait. Piper has talked a lot, but she doesn't seem to have a quest (that I've gotten). The others just don't talk.
  23. I think it's a bad game design decision. I'm perfectly fine with the "go help this settlement" quests the first time around. But the way it works, it's just tedious and annoying. It's one thing if they tell you their defenses are strong enough and you don't build them stuff, so you have to come help them when they're under attack. It's something else when they're Fort Knox and you still have to show up because a handful of level 1 raiders with pipe pistols is threatening them.
  24. Amazon's taking forever to re-stock Batman Arkham Knight. I ordered it during the Black Friday sale so I'd get it for like $30 off, but it's still not in stock yet.
  25. It's much better equipped/stocked than any other settlement I have. So that can't be the reason. On settlement currently has 13 people there, but I haven't even equipped it with a single defense. It's never been attacked.
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