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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Who is Yada?
  2. You know it's bound to happen.
  3. OMG NOES!!!!!
  4. Upon reading Influence's post and seeing that he agreed with me, I now change my vote to C-3PO.
  5. Sacrifice your life for the LS ending, sacrifice the life of someone your character "loves" for the DS ending.
  6. Yeah, let's see HK enable the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon! I'll take the REAL star of the Star Wars films anyday.
  7. Not overly impressive, but to be honest I don't care what the box looks like. I just care that the game looks and plays good.
  8. I've wondered this too. I guess it depends how much time and effort it takes to create an expansion disk rather than a full-fledged sequel. Maybe LA felt that since the games are coming out so close together, there's no need for an expansion disk. Although after KOTOR II, I'd rather they make an expansion disk to follow, and spend a LOT of time making huge changes if/when KOTOR III is released down the road.
  9. I voted for the Rakata to destroy the Star Forge because, well, it's an easy "out" for Obsidian to rid themselves of the Star Forge should you select the DS ending.
  10. I don't think it ever was. But people started speculating based on the dialogue between Mission and Bastila when Mission says something like "you ain't much older than me, missy." and Mission was believed to be 14 or 15 in KOTOR.
  11. Am I the only one who thought of the Sesame Street song when I read the title? "Sunny days, keeping the clouds away.....Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street"
  12. This is staying on topic. The topic is whether Anakin can defeat Bastila or vice versa, so therefore any evidence about their "opponents" has very much to do with the topic. You can't compare their strengths if you don't mention people they've fought and compare those people's strength as well.
  13. Let me preface my explanation by first saying that Nur Ab Sal is obsessed with Bastila and thus thinks ANYTHING in the story that had her do or act any different than what he thinks she should have done, is "wrong". But this "bug" that he refers to is how on the Leviathan, no matter what you do, Bastila always is captured by Malak and falls to the DS, and that no matter if you're "killing" Malak in your fight, the cutscene kicks in where Malak freezes you. So in reality, it's not a "bug", but Nur Ab Sal insists it is because he doesn't like the idea that the character he believes is the most powerful Jedi in the game gets caught regardless of what you (the PC) do.
  14. did Yoda defeat him? Unarm him? Have him at his mercy? Nope. Therefore, draw.
  15. I hope never. I don't want to learn anything new about the game than I already know. I want to experience it when I play through for the first time.
  16. For the love of God, stop calling it a bug! It's not a bug! It's a design decision that you're obsession over Bastila makes you dislike.
  17. For the love of God, no!
  18. Malak wasn't anywhere as powerful as Dooku though. Everyone's already pretty much in agreement that Malak was nothing but a wannabe-Sith Lord. Dooku, on the other hand, was able to battle Yoda to a draw in both Force useage and lightsaber dueling.
  19. That sums up pretty much how I felt.
  20. Jennifer Hale and that guy who does Optimus Prime from the Transformers.
  21. that response actually explains a lot of questions I had about you.
  22. Anakin would just whine, Bastila would pout and act huffy. I think someone should just spank the both of them and be over with it.
  23. As I think has been mentioned, since the game difficulty wasn't too much, I tended to go with the sword configuration that "looked" better, regardless of whether it was the most powerful. That's one of the reasons I was disappointed in the color of one of those specialty crystals (the yellowish orange one), and even though it was powerful, I was hesitant to use it because it just didn't look appealing to me.
  24. As an aside, I didn't mind the "thuggery" aspect on Taris, mainly because, well, that's what my character basically was. At the time, I didn't have Force skills and thus wasn't trying to be a DS character, I was trying to be a "bad" guy. The thuggery aspect only started to seem out of character and badly portrayed when I had become and Jedi and still kept acting like a petty thief.
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