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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Haha I feel like a dolt. I didn't know you could actually click on the black/white ring to bring you to the dev's post. I just thought it was there to indicate they had posted, but that you'd still have to search the entire thread to find it.
  2. I don't think I'd buy it if that were the case. Ok I might. But my complaining would make Hades_One seem like a quiet alter boy.
  3. I'll agree with this. I thought the NPCs were very memorable and were well done and fleshed out. It's one of the things that I enjoyed about KOTOR the most, and one of the reasons I rate it so highly.
  4. You know, I can't seem to find the reference to Revan being male. I swear I read it on the official forums and it was confirmed by moderators and VIPs (people who work at Lucasarts/Lucasbooks) that the official continuity listed him as male. However, in the Star Forge databank entry the very last line indicates a LS ending.
  5. Did everyone's favorite Rodian, Gluupor return?
  6. My vote would go to Gluupor's scenes. Nothing will ever beat "Gluupor wonky" as a catch phrase. "Go ahead, make my day" "You can't handle the truth!" "Luke, I am your father!" "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get" "Gluupor....Gluupor....Gluupor wonky"
  7. All I see when I look at Hades' avatar is a big red X. No eroticism for me.
  8. Because it gives all players the option of continuing the game the way they ended the last. If they stuck to the official ending, then you'd have people upset if they played the DS ending, or played as a female. The only reason the databank used the LS male ending is for continuity purposes.
  9. The "official" ending, as per the SW databank on the official site, has the LS male Revan ending as canon.
  10. I know. I wasn't calling you a fanboy. I was saying that typically a fanboy of a particular game will often find arguments supporting that game to call it a RPG.
  11. And the combat system. The horrible, horrible combat system. Oh and the rather weak ending.
  12. I've applied inappropriate editing to pictures of the Obsidian KOTOR team. But that's because they're a bunch of sexy mofo's and it looks better that way in the poster above my bed.
  13. The day I send death threats to a developer, regardless of how upset I am at features being ommitted from a game I am looking forward to, is the day I volunteeringly admit myself to the local psychiatric hospital. <_<
  14. Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines The people over at planetvampire (and dilapidation before that) will tell you it's the single greatest story and experience ever in a game.
  15. Conclusion: fanboys will alter their definition of what a RPG is depending on how it fits their game they are defending/arguing for.
  16. The question is, do some of these people not want to be seen?
  17. I wonder what Chris Avellone's response to this would be. "
  18. I know this is a useless comment, since it seems rather obvious that Microsoft's "blessing" probably made pushing the XBox release forward, but....technically, why would LA or Obsidian need Microsoft's blessing concerning a PC issue?
  19. But does it occur after playing the game for many hours straight? Or does it happen after just turning on the XBox and loading up the game? I'm mainly asking to see if maybe one of the causes is the longer the XBox is running, the more the game starts to suffer. But if the slowdowns occur even when the XBox hasn't been in use for long, then this isn't really the cause.
  20. And Pamela Anderson's *cough*cop show*cough*.
  21. That is not good news for me then.
  22. Do slowdowns occur most often when you've been playing the game for long periods of time? Or do they occur even when you've just loaded the game and begin playing?
  23. I guess we'll have to wait for about a year until the www.starwars.com databank lists which the "official" ending is for KOTOR2.
  24. So then I guess you could say it would win for best AND worst game of the year for you?
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