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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I'll be playing this for sure when it's done. Hell, I still play KOTOR I everytime there is a new mod or addition that strikes my fancy.
  2. You've never seen how good I am at maneuvering those trenches. " :cool:
  3. I think a great "twist" would be if the PC can romance the enemy and if you are able to get her (for male pcs) or him (for female pcs) to fall in love with you, then conflict can be ended in a peaceful way.
  4. As neat as a run through the Death Star trenches?
  5. Mine are all X-rated dreams. So any of you psychology wannabes can have fun analysing that.
  6. Obsidian probably didn't want to re-use characters, so it doesn't really touch on it. But that Rodian weapons guy is back, and much of the Khoonda Militia is made up of Dantooine inhabitants, plus there was mention that the Matales vacated their mansion AFTER the Malak attack. As for Taris, again, yes I'm sure the vast majority of the population was killed. However, since the planet itself was not destroyed, I'm sure a small percentage of it would have survived. That's not only possible, but also quite plausible.
  7. Don't forget that the PLANET of Taris wasn't completely destroyed (ala Alderaan). It was just bombarded, and as we saw from Dantooine, people can survive a bombardment.
  8. How often does a man turn down a woman's advances? Perhaps that has more to do with men's inability to turn down a physical encounter, but I have yet to see a female "fail" at flirting with a man. But I've seen many occurances of "crash and burning" by men attempting it.
  9. Not necessarily. All that means it that they never find the "Promised Land". I'm sure the storytellers can weave some magic and explain how the many tunels and whatnot in the undercity lead to safety from the bombardment of Malak.
  10. But if it were to be a realistic game, then male PCs should have a disadvantage to their flirting ability than female PCs since most males suck at flirting. "
  11. True, but it shouldn't have to. "
  12. About freakin' time! *notices Darque's pointing shoes...backs away slowly*
  13. No. Retire already. He's just tarnishing what should be remembered as a phenominal career.
  14. I think Darque has a fever. She's becoming delusional.
  15. She won't be harmed as long as she learns her place. Jags already tried to get me to join. I turned him down like his date on prom night.
  16. I think I'm one of the select few that actually agrees with Volo's opinion of the NWN OC. I thought it was good. Not great, not once-in-a-lifetime, but good.
  17. Glad I have your approval.
  18. RPGs. I just don't like shooters. Bad memories of my colleges days.
  19. I think romances can add to a game, assuming they're done right. I admit I had fun with the Bastila romance, especially all the teasing and her reaction to it. But as long as the romance doesn't take away the focus of the actual game, I think adds to the flavor of the whole package.
  20. Never played one. So I can't say whether they suck or not.
  21. Define "cool" though. I thought some of the robes in TSL were much better looking and gave a much more "authentic" Jedi feel than in K1.
  22. (spoken in the Emperor's voice): "I think you overestimate your importance in the grand scheme of things, my child."
  23. Problem is they're basing it off the Old Republic image of Jedi. And as far as I know, they tended to wear robes all the time. Luke was just a trend setter.
  24. IMO, voice overs are a must in a game like this. Especially when the rest of the game features voice overs.
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