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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. If Fionavar spams a topic, who do we report him to? Himself? :D
  2. I hope so. K2 discussion is played out, and we got the shaft here by having the NWN2 forums moved, so there's not much to discuss in terms of Obsidian games.
  3. Not really. The extra time it would take to "complete" the game would require LA to pay more to the developers for those extra months of work. I don't think that would be offset by any increase in sales, because as it stands most people who were going to buy the game would have already.
  4. Those were awesome, dude!
  5. Ditto. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ditto again. I should probably get writing a background for my character then, as well as a portrait.
  6. It would be interesting to see stats comparing which has more violence-related incidents among teenagers.
  7. I prefer to let my enemies suffer slowly, 5 hit points at a time.
  8. We know their second game is not a handheld, and by all accounts PNJ isn't. But hopefully their 4th, 5th and 6th or so aren't either. Keep churning out those PC cRPGs and I'll keep spending my money. Deal?
  9. If Obsidian does get into the handheld game market, hopefully it's way down the line when they've already established themselves with 5 or 6 titles under their belt.
  10. The NJO books have quite a few Jedi (although not nearly as much as back then), but the authors did a pretty poor job of portraying them so they come across as kind of wimpy and wishy-washy.
  11. That's my biggest beef with this whole crusade against video games that depict sex. "oh I don't mind my 11 year old son blowing up pedestrians with shotguns, or running them down in stolen vehicles, but I will be damned if I let him play a game where there are sexual acts portrayed!" Ridiculous.
  12. If you'd like (or if it's not too much trouble), I could alternate with Eru where each of our characters are non-vital almost NPCs (except obviously controlled by us) that can be inserted into the game without messing up continuity.
  13. I don't think they intend it to be anything other than a FPS. Which is a shame really.
  14. I don't even want to know how you'd know that.
  15. So in other words use a defensive build to make the game artificially more challenging. "
  16. That gets my vote as well. Anything to do with strategic advantages is really a moot point because of the lack of combat difficulty.
  17. Two of your posts have been about the "fastest way to get..". Do you actually play the game to enjoy the story and get everything out of the experience, or do you just rush through trying to get as powerful as possible? I just don't get why people do that, especially with RPGs. <_<
  18. I'm hoping to use Jags' real life picture as my character's portrait. What say you, Jags?
  19. We're supposed to say something nice about you guys? *wonders if they have the ability to ban* "
  20. I still think it would have been better if that info was only learned if you got enough influence with Mandalore. Just like the other NPCs' past, it would have been better if you had to gain influence with Mandalore to find out who he really was.
  21. IMO, the Canderous/Mandalore part of the story wasn't smoothly integrated into the game to make a real impact.
  22. *cough*Batman Begins*cough* "
  23. How dare he get a life away from these forums. <_<
  24. Has it been determined what did happen to Phosphor?
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