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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Yes! That's In Uthenera ( it's an archaic word referring to when an immortal elf passed their life onto the next generation.) and David suggested the full text w/ translation might be on the official wiki soon. She wants to mediate a pease agreement between a pack of werewolves and a Dalish tribe who seem to be at odds.
  2. You have to actually BUY the game for like ~$50 as well. That's incorrect. You can d/l the game from blizzard. Yes. No, they're not.
  3. Whenever I see a Mass Effect preview, I have to remind myself that Jennifer Hale will be speaking these lines in my playthrough, and she can make anything sound good.
  4. - mild spoilers. - mild spoilers. - You can now shoot off enemy limbs and do extra damage headshots. They seem to be fluffing the Renegade side. When she asks you if you're going to stop the assassin, your only options are 'why?' and 'no.' You can't just say 'Yes, I'm going to stop the assassin.' Likewise, there are now sudden events in the game where you can show how bad ass you as by kicking people off buildings. If you mean
  5. Thane is male. Given as Purkake has made the OFFICIAL Mass Effect 2 thread, I'll try to post what we know. 1. Shepard restarts at the beginning ME 2. Developers claim that this is because of their all new powers, but I suspect it's because they let you get to level 60 in ME1. 2. You can play after the game finishes, if you survive. 3. There are multiple endings that depend on what actions you take in the game and how loyal certain people/groups are to you. There are 'winning' endings and there are 'oh f-ck' endings where you get yourself and everyone with you killed. 4. Liara is in. The drell are prominent in the Termanus. A large part of the game takes place in the Termanus Systems. (You may remember that the Council in ME1 didn't want to send warships to that area as it would provoke hostilities) While Citadel space is controlled by the Council, the Termanus is like the 'wild-west' in that there are dozens of competing powers, no centralized government, and far more crime and corruption. I'd point out though that a conceit of the original game is that Citadel Space had a hundred or so intelligent species, you just never saw them. The other new species is the Vorcha. They seem to be a great deal like the Krogan, only short lived and without the pesky genophage.
  6. BioWare has rolled out the Dragon Age Tome of Knowledge. It's a wiki from the developers it seems.
  7. And now there's Mage Preview on that German site as well. It seems they're getting all the origins.
  8. I've played the second one several times. I've finished it once. It
  9. A month or so ago, Mary Kerby and Sheryl Chee joked that Mary had turned the Followers into Sims 3 characters. A poster as the BioWare forum (who I noticed joined today) found this Flicker account, the images being that of DA's followers as Sims. I have no idea if this is legit or not, but it's very amusing.
  10. But that assumes that your average straight, male police officer will let you flirt your way out of a DUI. Speeding or a other minor traffic violations, I could see, but I'm pretty sure that after a cop has seen someone smeared across the road, they're not going to be persuaded by big **** and eyelash fluttering. My suggestion: Drinking heavily is more socially acceptable for women than it has been previously.
  11. I never finished the first one (boring) and I finished the second one once. I often wish DnD had started the RPG industry, and then quickly been forgotten.
  12. Eh, a day in customer service might cause the mildest of people to characterize customers as whiny b*tches. Middle-management is more likely to give platatudes like 'the customer is always right' or 'we have to give 110%!'
  13. Dalish. What is the 'eth' character?
  14. Spellcasting is only for the mage class. There are specilization classes for each class - I listed them a page or so ago - but we don't know what they are yet. There are class abilities (which don't overlap), class talent (both the rogue and warrior have a duel wield talent tree), and skills, which everyone has.
  15. Just like in almost all wRPGs no matter how much they try to cover it up. I like this personally, the endless character creation choices that amount to nothing in DnD 3.5 just kept getting on my nerves. I'd say it depends on the system. In World of Warcraft (yes, I know you hate it, but almost everyone knows the game) I'd say playing a hunter is sufficiently different than playing a warrior, rogue, or mage because of the focus on traps and using your pet. Between multiclassing and prestige classes, I think 3.5 pretty much tossed the idea of class purity out the window anyway.
  16. Rogue talent tree here Warrior talent tree here Mage spells here Skill list (available to all classes) here
  17. I'd rather RPGs have expansions and sequals. At the same times, I hope it primes the market for 'episodic content,' so games that might not be able to develop normally (Longest Journy 3, for instence) can still be put out. Bring Down the Sky was free though. I can see the Stone Prisioner being worthwhile DLC, as it adds Shale, who's a fully voiced party member. I wish they had a DLC that added personality to the party members of ME. Oh, I just had an idea! Dragon Age: Romance Pack DLC. Adds a romance line to a follower, and new gifts to give them. I bet it'd sell like hotcakes too. MAOR: They updated the Wynne page with a video. She seems to be a lawful good mentor type.
  18. BioWare is taking a pounding on the ME boards for not delivering enough DLC. Posters claiming they have lied to and betrayed fans, etc. Of course, there are threads on the Dragon Age board now about how BioWare is ripping off fans with the DLC and have become a pawn of Electronic Arts. Five years ago, if someone had told me how important DLC would become to fans (pro and anti) I never would have believed it.
  19. Um, there are cow activists. And people who want to liberate pigs. It won't get it's own 'reality' TV show but that's not the movements fault, is it?
  20. Okay -- one more bit of information.
  21. I'd prefer a Mako in Dragon Age to Blood Dragon armor in ME.
  22. It's free for an original copy. If you buy the game used (remember, it's on PC, XBox, and PS3) then you have to pay $15. She's the best looking dwarven female I've seen in a computer game. Though her arms are strangely long.
  23. In other news, they've finalized the CE of Dragon Age: Origins. It has Blood Dragon armor... for Mass Effect.
  24. Pictures of female dwarf creation in DA:O It's part of this german article: Dragon Age-Special: Alles
  25. BioWare made a complete RPG. Reven either defeated the Sith or became a powerful Sith Lord. End of Story. Obsidian came along with 'Reven went into the edge of the universe to stave off a threat!' and a story about the Exile that had a bunch of loose ends. Fans then decided there needed to be a KotOR III. Guess what? There doesn't need to be. BioWare is, rightly, ignoring those loose ends and beginning a new story set in the Old Republic. And they're doing it through an MMORPG. Lucas Arts is going to get the people who were displeased with Galaxies and the BioWare fans who loved KotOR I. BioWare gets to return to the setting they helped create, a bunch of start up cash, and a chance to dip their toe into a new field.
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