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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Has James Bond ever run out of ammo? Has Jason Borne? They always have exactly enough and then lose their gun when it comes to do hand-to-hand fighting.
  2. It's not that bad.
  3. Yes. They would. In Obsidian games, love interests exist to die, betray you, or be forever apart from you via the cruel machinations of fate.
  4. It's sad, because it's a good game except for the horrible respawning.
  5. ... they're bitching because when you hit 80 you're one of the weakest classes until you hit the highest gear levels, then you blow people up so they nerf you. Power levels for various classes change with every patch, and I think it's deliberate. Blizzard doesn't want balanced classes; they want frequently changing unbalance. I remember when a druid couldn't get into a group even as an off-tank or off-healing. Now they do solid DPS or Tanking or Healing.
  6. I think you're completely off the mark. They're both third-person RPGs with guns. That's it. Deus Ex had that, and featured a pregen protagonist who fought terrorists in a semi-modern setting and could go through levels via stealth. That no one compares AP to DE just shows most gamers have a very short memory.
  7. Did you know that the movie rating board requires priests to be in the room with raters when they review the movie's content? Anyways, yes, TV shows, movies, and games all tend to be slightly different when it comes to rating material.
  8. Is Alpha Protocol supposed to be realistic? It seemed to be a game in the vein of classic and modern spy thrillers.
  9. World of Warcraft. Warrior - level 22. Who in the world was complaining about this? WoW is one of the few games were playing a warrior is just as fun as playing a rogue or magic user.
  10. You've convinced me. LA is crap. No more LA, please.
  11. Star Wars is crap. No more Star Wars games.
  12. Obten is not game-breaking. Play Malkavian.
  13. Does it require both expansion packs?
  14. Why are console games so expensive? I just looked up Left 4 Dead, Game of the Year Edition for a B-day present. PC: 39.99 - XBox 360: 59.74 Whoa! How can consoles compete on non-exclusives? And isn
  15. The developers have said several times that it's not as big as BG 2. Edit: From what we've heard, the toolset is incredable. Almost everything (character creation, spells, classes, races) is handled via scripts, they have a terrain editor like NWN 2, and they're betaing a mod-builder social site. There is other neat stuff, but I don't understand it well enough to explain.
  16. Interestingly enough, they're all coming out in October.
  17. It depends on what you mean. Hercules killed his children by Megara in a fit of madness induced by Hera.
  18. Did the article mention the Dog has a party buff where he urinates?
  19. A quick note. David Gaider has said that it's their biggest game other than BG II. I
  20. I thought Dead Space was scary. I haven't been able to finish it.
  21. You could only enable it for the "super experienced master game completer mode". If there is one thing that has seen no progress at all in games development, it's the AI. Left4Dead had a progress in AI.
  22. That's not what your inflatable sheep told me last night! Uh.. wait.. Remember to rinse with bleach before and after.
  23. I have faith that Leliana will be awesome.
  24. They have said that the romances are not limited by race.
  25. You have a what in a what and you get a good load of what? If I hadn't played EVE I wouldn't have a clue about what you just said His friend and him have a piece of **** up in the W space system so they're clearing it out. (Colon clenser I'd presume) It's a good load of Icelandic kr
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