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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. I have it on good authority that Morgoth is not German, but part of the Austrian evil empire.
  2. The idea that people only fall in love after spending months to years of getting to know one another doesn
  3. Are there any in-game/HUD clues to help you know how well stealthed you are? Like the light bars in Thief and Splinter Cell?
  4. I was interested in this game when it came out, but forgot about it soon after. What's the price on PCs? The Force.
  5. Gah! You're right. Austria is not Germany. What's the difference between the two anyway?
  6. There's a ton of side quests. The main story itself though is quite linear. Tyte. I think this is the only time I've envied a German gamer. Enjoy it while it lasts. :D
  7. How linear is this game? The original Divine Divinity, had a very linear main plot, but also a great deal of side content.
  8. I am full of love for Hell Kitty's photoshoping abilities. Thank you.
  9. I'm going to join the club, but I need to find the right avatar first. How about this?
  10. It is so cute!
  11. A new look at the dwarven commoner origin. Spoilers Ahoy!
  12. I bet they crashed their spaceship into the planet after the dwarves shot them down. AmIright? The fans will watch the movie regardless of what it is. The premise of the movie will be something appealing to someone who's never played the Warcraft or World of Warcraft games.
  13. It's the setting that's not a setting. The idea is that the world is a vast and dark wilderness with 'points of light' in the form of villages, cities, and towns. They don't give you a world, but detail locations (dungeons, ruins, civilizations), societies, and NPCs that the GM can place wherever. How long does it take to go from the Tower of X to the City of Y? As long as your GM says it does. Does Town B exist in Kingdom A? It does if you want it to, it doesn't if you don't. When you hear people complain about them ditching the Great Wheel for the Astral Sea, Feywild, Shadowfel, and Elemental Chaos, they're talking about the Points of Light setting becoming the base setting for DnD. It's not completely different. Many of the gods are the same. They're trying to make a setting that's more savage than the 3.5 base. There are fewer high-level NPCs, and the intelligent, monsterous races rule several nations. That said, I don't think they succeeded, as I find the flavor of the adventure modules and a great deal like the 3.0-3.5 ones.
  14. Finished Mirror's Edge. Playing World of Warcraft. Started a game of Diablo II and quickly realized it sucked.
  15. Whatever you're trying to link isn't happening. Not that I know if I want to see you loving your new computer.
  16. I prefer all-or-nothing death. Winning the fight, but reloading anyways because one person died isn't fun, nor am I willing to go the rest of the game without a companion I like. I don't find combat that compelling that I think it should dominate gameplay considerations.
  17. Yeah, the party members in ME beat the party members in NWN for forgetability. David said that 1/3 of the dialogue in the game is with party members, so I
  18. This depends on the game and the fight. Again, 80% of the time, I didn't need to control my party in ME. My first group was Talia, Liana, and myself as a soldier. In the mid to late parts of the game, the PC could stop for a smoke break while Liara spammed warp and Talia blew away the flying hostiles with her shotgun. It worked and I was happy. Non-PC party members could do that, and I'd like them to, but people would throw a ****-fit. Sometimes Wrex charges forward in a battle when you order him to stay put. To me, this is great. He
  19. A sneak attack adds +2d6 to physical damage to a hit at levels 1-10, +3d6 at levels 11-20, and +5d6 at levels 21-29. There's a level 20 daily wizard spell that does 3d10 damage; half damage if it misses; 8d10 damage if it's the last daily spell you have left; can be fire, ice, or electric; and is AOE so it can hit multiple targets. You know, there are good reasons to dislike 4e, but the vast majority of complaints I encounter are from people who have never bothered to read the book, or even find out what the rules are. Instead, it's the same incorrect information regurgitated from person to person.
  20. Viconia was the best romance in BG2. The only way you're going to get a gay romance is if you convince yourself Michael Thorton is a very butch woman.
  21. I wondered where all the bizzare Alpha Protocal avatars were coming from. Somehow I'm not surprised Hell Kitty is at the bottom of this. Good work!
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