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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Indeed. Buying a game used isn't like piracy because it's not stealing. Legally and ethically they show no similarities. Yes, used games might lower the number of total units sold, but we could also say that a similar game released at the same time also might lower the number of units sold. I could understand how buying a used game might be like pirating if there was a (legit) way of selling your game and still playing it, but as-is, the publisher gets paid for every game someone owns. It doesn't matter if it's passed through one hand (the retailer) or five, they've gotten their money.
  2. If it makes you feel better, the reason that false rape accusations are so high is because actual rape is very low in Finland. That's not the case in the US or Canada where sexual assult is far more common.
  3. Has PC gaming ever been as large as consoles? I think there might have been a boom of PC exclusives in the 90s when home PCs dropped dramatically in price, but even then I recall consoles were more numerous. Even in 2010, more people have TVs than PCs and a new PS3 is less expensive than a (gaming) computer.
  4. Within any RPG, the vast majority of elements will not have important in-game consequence and ramifications, making that a very limiting rubric. I have no problem with weapons degradation in Fallout 3 because your character is not supposed to be a super-soldier but a scavenger eking a living in the Wasteland. It helps convey the mood of the setting the same way that drinking irradiated water from a dirty toilet does, even if the game itself makes survival a trivial matter. I recall STALKER also had that mechanic and it seemed to fit. Which is not to undermine your point that it's often a mechanic that seems poorly implemented (one's pistol breaks down so quickly, you might as well hit everything with a wrench) or used simply because developers feel they need a limiter to PC power and that's the best they could come up with. I actually prefer gun balance in Left4Dead where you have a limited supply of ammo, can only hold a certain number of weapons, and get a default pistol that always works. I
  5. What is TOTLM?
  6. This is a triumph. I'm writing a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
  7. Teenager Plays DDO to Forget Murdering, Raping Disabled Teen Portal 2 Videos EA Stands Behind Medal of Honor Taliban Feature
  8. That's phallic.
  9. I know novelists can write a rough draft in a month, but outside of some Harliquin lines with 50k word count, I'm not aware of any living novelists who've claimed to write a final draft in six months. Can you name one? I know Kerouac claimed that he wrote On the Road in one three week period, but that was after seven years of writing out various scenes in notebooks. James Patterson appears to finish four books a year, but he's hired 6 other writers to write under his name as well as having 2 personal assistants and editors. VC Andrews published 5 books in 1999 despite having died in 1986 thanks to a talented team of ghostwriters. Brandon Sanderson is a well known fantasy novelist (he's finishing Jorden's The Wheel of Time) who's been known to crank out 5k words a day. However, he does significant background writing and outlining before hand, as well as editing afterwards. He
  10. Why does it cost double to rez an elf, anyway? Does the cleric have to make a long distence call?
  11. I don't know anything about Elemental. What issues does it have?
  12. Just finished my read through. Excellent work! Keep it up. I've never played the game and you actually make it look interesting.
  13. Game publishers, and software publishers in general, seem to think they're above the free market. They've already diluted the concept of ownership in a way no other industry has managed to do. If he thinks he has it bad, he should look at the book publishing industry. Retailers can return any books they don
  14. It looks like the qunari beat Hawke handedly until the end. I'm not sure any of the well-armored, well-armed, and well-trained soldiers had a 'rip person in half' spell on them. The flaming dragon-claw hand does hint at that. IIRC, I bubbled my mage, walked up to him, waited as he cast all his protection spells, and then left the area and rested.
  15. The BioWare Social Network has several threads where people talk about their impressions of the game.
  16. I don't think you should trust a treasure map that leads you to a place called 'Rainbow Rock.'
  17. Let's test that statement! vs Result:
  18. Most male serial killers do, female serial killers usually don't exibit sadistic tendencies.
  19. Indeed! I even started a thead on it in the dusty days of yore. I like the same and bought the expansion, but, for me, the static evironments hurt the replay value. I also believe that one guy played through all of Greece naked and didn't die once, which is amusing.
  20. The Nova part in SC2 made me wish that Starcraft: Ghost had made its way to the stores. We need more steath based games.
  21. You're probably right.
  22. I went to a liberal arts college that was very accepting of using modern media in traditional classes as well as basing classes on modern media. For example, I took a class on comics one winter. I
  23. I thought WoW fit this trope well until I hit level 80 and started grouping with people. Healing is a great job the 10% of the time the tank is properly geared, the DPS does damage without grabbing aggro, and people remember that if they want me to heal them, I need mana.
  24. When I first heard of ME and Spectres, I'd hoped they were more like Sam Fisher than Rambo.
  25. I glanced at the Torchlight thread and remembered my fondness for the game. It's an amazing creature in that it's both mindless hack and slash and a very fun and polished product. Too often, people conflate easy and pure escapism with making any crap reminiscent of a popular game. What I'm looking for is your list of games that you find fun, engaging, and well made, but is also simple and undemanding. Think of them as 'I've come home at 9 pm and just want to game a few hours before heading to bed' type games. Torchlight fulfills this criteria for me. I have no idea what the story is, and the game doesn't expect me to do so. I turn it on, kill massive waves of evil with minimal effort, watch the pretty graphics, and end up with sweet loot. World of Goo is another one. While the puzzles were often complex, they were more absorbing than stressful (like the Myst series). The music, the whimsical environment, and the soft liquid bouncing of the black balls sort of lulled me into a stupor. Robot Unicorn Attacks has got to be its antithesis; it’s loud, garish, with explosive death an inevitability. Prince of Persia. Yes, the new one. The original PoP: Sands of Time had a compelling and dramatic story, and the angst drew me in. The new one has a story that’s easy to ignore, so the vast majority of time, the object of the game is to leap around beautiful environments catching little balls of light. Batman: Arkham Asylam. Batman is good, everyone else is evil. Sneak up on them and hit them/swoop down on them/hang them from a gargoyle. Any other suggestions?
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