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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Yes. I've only played one DMC, but it was rather tense. However, what about a Silent Hill type combat? You could both feel vulnerable while engaging the player a bit more in combat.
  2. Isn't Modern Warfare 2 like the goose that laid the billion-dollar egg? If someone made me that much money, I'd probably let them screw my dog. I guess it's a good thing I don't own Activision. Or a dog.
  3. Will it be canon? If it comes out, yes.
  4. English Announcement. "You guys?" I do not squee or swoon. I do giggle on occation, though I'm more likely to chuckle.
  5. Supposedly Orsen Scott Card is making a DA comic.
  6. Aimo, one of the best artists in the community, and David Gaider teamed up for an great comic.
  7. Drakensang. I don't know about games, but books with the word 'dragon' in the title or a dragon on the cover tend to sell well. Also, I've heard from a very reliable source that you are, in fact, a balloon humping bunny. Would you like to respond to that allegation?
  8. Divinity 2 felt like 1/3 of a great game. I played Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity. As i was rolling to the end of Divinity 2, I found myself thinking "I'm sure they wouldn't roll out the same 'trick ending' again. I mean, it wouldn't make sense if " *giggle snort*
  9. Video you linked in your original post had seven minutes of someone walking around a small room with the occasional text popping up that I couldn't read. That was the *only* gameplay shown. Then you have a cut scene that's comedy with about five seconds of scary. It might be an excellent game, but I don't think the preview you linked to shows off that excellence.
  10. The patch came out five days ago. That's a copy of the patch for people with pirated copies of the game.
  11. I harassed Mary about her lawful evil qunari, and this is what she said.
  12. The Obsidian Forum/BioWare Cycle (works somewhat for Fallout 3) Announcement
  13. The Forgotten Realms invented the idea of evil? Here I thought it was something that man has grappled with for millennia. Thanks for the insight, Boo. How is that trouble? But people like him, therefore he can't be evil. He's well written, so he can't be evil. Killing the family is not what bothered Sten. What bothered Sten is losing control of his emotions. He's a lawful evil dude seeking repentance because he had a chaotic evil moment.
  14. They cut out the tongue of mages and force them to live on leashes because 'all must serve'. How is that not classic lawful evil? They occasionally throw giant parties and afterwards hold executions for those who get too rowdy.
  15. The Exalted Marches could have destroyed the qunari, but the Andrestean Chantry is fine with one set of heathens (qunari) destroying another (Imperial Chantry.) No one will aid Tevinter.
  16. My thoughts on the matter: **** ****. Also, that you for the information.
  17. Achievements list - Added the achievements for Awakening.
  18. Bos_hybrid, Okay, you
  19. Penny Arcade is doing an Awakening Comic Another companion: Sigrun. Ferret Boudin talks about Sigrun here. Ferret designed the stronghold aspects of NWN2 and is the lead designer of Awakening. In Awakening, we get Virgil's Keep as a stronghold.
  20. It's the core of the first story. The setting is much larger. For that reason alone, they need to not have the Warden or the Blight show up in DA2. Imagine if people thought the Bhaalspawn and the Sword Coast were all the Forgotten Realms setting had to offer. I was just looking for details. Awakening looks to have epic level nonsense. We know that the developers had a limited budget and it was rushed out because the longer you wait for an xpac, the less profitable it will be. The one thing I see Awakening as having that Origins seriously lacked is a good antagonist. The Architect isn
  21. He probably means that NWN2 sucked until MotB was added. But again that's like an opinion. I was hoping for something a bit more interesting than 'NWN2 suck. MotB awesome.' I see.
  22. DA 2 won't be about a Warden or Blight. What do you mean by "what MotB was for NWN2?"
  23. I love BioWare games, but I accept their limitations. Companions are some of the most 'zot' heavy elements. They didn't bring Dog back because he takes too much effort/resources to animate. Would they create a companion that some people would have no access to? No.
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