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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. If you're a dude, you can have sex with Miranda, Tali, Subject Zero, and Kelly. No threesomes. All the ladies magically know if you've shagged one of the others.
  2. You can also buy a space hamster.
  3. Right. Like DA, ME 2 is having problems with downloading and registration. I assume that like DA it will take 3-7 days before everything is fixed. If we do that, do we get the "Summon Bigger Fish" ability? No. I was just very sad when I came in from a mission to find a bunch of dead fish.
  4. Morrigan and Subject Zero are bitches. Miranda is an ice princess. Instead of managing inventory, you buy or scan upgrades and do research. The companions are the plot. Mass Effect 2 is far superior to Mass Effect in regards to gameplay, story-telling, and squadmates. It's possibly the most linear BioWare game since Jade Empire though. Feed your fish after EVERY mission. If someone says, "You need to talk to companion X or important person Y," feed your fish before hand. Some conversations will lead immedately to missions.
  5. Pretty much.
  6. Yes, it appears there's a 'sekret' squad mate.
  7. You mean the comic? Indeed. Then again, the writer seems a bit fixated. Comic one: A group of batarians try to rape Liara, she beats them up. Comic two: A batarian tries to rape Liara, she bashed his head into a wall and kills him. There's also this: http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/107/ariagrope.jpg Right. She's in the middle of a dramatic negotiation and stops to fondle herself for the viewer.
  8. I don't think it will be as good as the first one. And the first one had some great elements, but wasn't a great game. The atmosphere was what set it apart and the use of audio logs to tell stories wasn't original but is still something more games should do. The concept of a grand dream gone terribly wrong is a compelling one. Even if I don
  9. The whole point of a rite of passage is to make someone an adult. When she left the flotilla, Tali was treated like and expected to behave like a child. When we returned and was accepted into a ship, everyone treated her like and adult and she
  10. Do you think I'm playing ME 2 for the deep plot and characterization?!
  11. 5? What happend to there is only three comment by Hudson? That's a GREAT question. Is is three love interests and two flings? I'm going by this: It's just trying to copy this(NSFW-ish). I actually prefer the Moridin one. K.I.S.S. I really wish BioWare would focus their effort on more interesting things. BioWare "romances" are cringe worthy most of the time. Well, at least they're optional. I agree. They should focus on the more interesting things like romances for the FEMALE Shepard.
  12. Good point. There won't be nearly as much banter, but character do interact on the Normandy sometimes. DudeSheps apparently have 5 female 'romance' options on the ship.
  13. It's the same as Dragon Age. Disk Check. There's day 1 DLC including a new squadmate that you get with the Cerberus Network Card. The CNC is included free with all new copies of the game. So, basically it's EXACTLY what they did with Dragon Age and Shale. I'm going to guess they'll do this with all their titles now. What I'm wondering is if Zseed will be as well done/integrated as Shale. Something tells me he won't be because I know the writers on DA talked about Shale from the very beginning (2005), but Zseed seems to be something they added when they saw how well it worked for DA.
  14. Devil May Cry?
  15. Is this the actual Sci vs Fi 'documentary?' Cause it feels like I'm watching a seven minute long infomercial.
  16. I sympathize with people who find BioWare formulistic or dislike the way they prioritize. However, I consistently enjoy BioWare games. I
  17. I hear the 'Fighting in Tunnels' mod one of the forumites is working on has a great deal of 'tunnel' exploration. I meant the manic smile. Women do not like scars. Men like scars. Me Tarzan. I know you did. That
  18. Almost forgot. I
  19. *wanders in* Maria's are terribly fickle creatures. I dig through the posts and find whatever you want s response to tomorrow. Cross my heart and hope to die.
  20. Great picture. Have you gotten the virulent bomb combo yet?
  21. It was an interview from the CES. I think Tali is the third romance option for dudes, but I hope otherwise. Also, I hope next time BioWare comes to Las Vegas, they pick a venue that's open to the general public.
  22. What Boo meant was that BioWare needs to have the courage to show hawt, naked women. Artistic integrity is just a codeword for BOOBS, you know. Dragon Age had a single preview trailer that was FMV and we
  23. Samara isn't confirmed, only speculated. Kelly was a developer post that appears to be either a joke or refering to a fling. Tali is more speculaiton. According to Casey it's three love interests per gender, if he was remembering correctly. DudeShep 1. Miranda 2. Subject Zero 3. ??? Femshep 1. Jacob 2. Thane 3. ????
  24. NWN 2 had both better graphics and a better story than NWN. I expect that will be the case with ME 2. And while the graphics look better, they've cut down in other areas. No driving your Mako around empty planets anymore and companions on have two outfits, for example. The systems themselves have been improved. Companions know to equip themselves with a best version of whatever weapon you've given to them, so there's no shuffling through all ten inventories to make sure everyone is up to snuff. I realize some people will consider getting rid of most of the buying and selling of equipment as dumbing down, but I was one of the people who thought it odd that my Alliance Marine/SPECTRE operative was buying weapons in the first place. I like the bit at the beginning. It should be interesting to see Miranda, the authority loving scientist, vs Subject Zero, the authority hating science experiment. Also . I am... deeply unimpressed.
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