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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Gaider didn't work on either of the ME games. Graphics: ME > DA Dialog that doesn't make you want cringe: DA > ME And the sex scene conversations don't count because they all had bad moment. "Oh Captain, my Captain" is just as bad as "Tis cold in my tent!" The voice acting in ME is generally superior, but they need to boot Mike Meer and replace him with someone like Micheal Ironside (that's the guy who plays Sam Fisher, right?) Locations: DA > ME Side Quests: DA > ME Main Quest: ME > DA Hate to say it, but Saren was more interesting than Loghain, and the Unicron far more interesting/scary than the Archdemon. I hope Alpha Protocal has good characters and isn't half as shallow as it looks.
  2. Jennifer Hale. Whenever I see one of the videos, that's that I say to myself "Jennifer Hale." It's sad when I'm chanting the name of a voice actor to myself in the hopes that she makes Shepard's lines somewhat bareable.
  3. Her name is Talana? I have to say, the voice work in this game is great. I assume they had VA from the British Isles.
  4. My level 5 PC angered Ser ****hat of the Golden Armor, a level 12 NPC with a two handed sword that could kill me in two hits. This majestic specimen was trying to steal PIGS. The strongest NPC in the area and he
  5. @Kaftan: You're getting pretty good at that. Fixed and QFT. You're suffering from amnesia. I distinctly recall male posters on the DA boards linking to pictures of Morrigan and speculating how her big lips might improve certain acts of physical intimacy. Not to mention creative uses for her shapechanging ability. I'd rather hug a xenomorph. If Samara qualified as a xenomorph, I'd agree. But I assume you're talking about the originals. Have fun with that.
  6. Miranda seems more like Morrigan in Space. Jacob. He was the 'star' of the Mass Effect: Galaxy game. He seems incredably boring. As the developers haven't even bothered to make a trailer for him, I'd guess they feel the same. I hope Samara swings both ways. I've seen the Tali trailer and read the threads, and I still say she might not be a love interest. Thomas said Kelly was his favorite romance option. Part of me hopes that means that you can hit on her and she immedately shoots you down. Part of me wonder if Thane is romancable or not. As they don't show FemShep, we can't see them interact, and there have been no articles suggesting that this is the case. The only evidence for Thane being romancable is the bajillion threads where women talk about wanting to romance him. Previously, BioWare has said that they had no clue that Garris or Tali would appeal to people, and BioWare has horribly misjudged female interest previously. David still gets female fans who pop up to tell him how much they hated that one cleric dude from BG II. Part of me just likes to imagine the reaction if Thane wasn't a romance option.
  7. She looks like a BDSM lesbian. I wish BDSM lesbians looked like that. Wouldn't Jacob qualify for that title more? Thane's a frog, after all. Women are nuts. The fangirls are so into Thane, you have to wade into his threads with rubber boots and a mop. And the fan art is pretty bizzare. I can't imagine a man talking about how much he want's to have sexy time with a fictional character and then sticking her face on a pokimon. There's also one of Thane as a kitten.
  8. I remember being so instantly hooked that I suffered through the 5 minute loading times and choppiness of the unpatched version all the way to the end. But not because of Geralt, more the depressingly pretty graphics and music in the beginning village and the vizima temple quarter. The everything is falling apart atmosphere of the game really struck a chord with me. I'm surprised you didn't find the humor and in jokes engaging at the very least. I liked the Witcher. I thought it was very well done in parts and am looking forward to the sequel. However, I don't see it being better than Dragon Age for a number of reasons. Gameplay: Witcher - Click the mouse button at the right time to create sword combos and toss in an occasional spell Dragon Age - Control four characters with a large variety of spells and abilities PC: Witcher - Geralt, Geralt, and Geralt Dragon Age - Able to choose my gender, race, appearance, and class. Length: Witcher -
  9. What? She's cute.
  10. That's just a coinsidence. The dwarven elevator note in DA is an easter egg though.
  11. I thought the erotic art was well done, even if I didn't like the over all mechanic. Better than DA's sex scenes at least. I'm not sure how the Witcher could be better than Dragon Age though. Perhaps I just didn't get into Geralt as other's did.
  12. Only SuZe has been confirmed as a romance for DudeShep. Samara and Kelly were confirmed as romances, but no one's said which way they swing. I assume Samara is bi like Liara. I don't think Tali has been 'hinted' at, though Miranda sure has been. SuZe = , aka Jedi Tank Girl.
  13. It would have been more awesome if the man would have been modeled after Sheen, but as they probably had him deisgned before they signed Jed bartlett to do his voice its ok. It's even more awesome than when World in Conflict managed to get Alec Baldwin to do their VO. I've seen the concept art, before Sheen signed on, the guy looked to be in his fifties or early-sixties. Miranda's concept art was of a darker skinned woman. They changed her last name as well. Apparently, there are no dusky women with Scandinavian last names in Sidney.
  14. Yeah, the heavy weapons are available to every class. There are now 19 weapon types divided into 6 weapon catagories. And all classes can wear all armors. I'm waiting for the soldier reveal. I played a soldier in ME 1, but I'm not seeing any reason to keep the class in ME 2. The Sentinal is now the 'tank' while Vangard is the 'get in their face and blast them to bits' class.
  15. I'd assume so. As queen, you'd still be Warden Commander, right?
  16. Maybe Anora is the NPC if Alistair dies? Otherwise they're making the ritual canon for a surviving Warden, which would send the social site into a frenzy. Oh and Oghren is the returning party member. No, they're not making anything canon. The devs have said that if Alistair is dead in your game then he's dead in the expansion. I saw a red-headed dwarf in the trailer, but the picture was too blurry to make out if he was Oghren or not.
  17. I didn't read the book. I suppose if everyone were a darkspawn, the Blights would no longer be a problem.
  18. I guess I'm going to need a playthough where Alistair doesn't die. But it's so tempting to kill him one way or another.
  19. I believe 'the Architect' is from the Dragon Age: The Calling. He's an intelligent darkspawn who wants to end the Blight by making everyone in Thedas a Grey Warden. What trailer? Oh, I found it.
  20. Touchlight. I'm enjoying the gritty realism.
  21. Return to Ostagar Delayed "We're sorry but the planned Return to Ostagar downloadable content scheduled to launch on January 5th has been delayed for all platforms." As am I. I guess the rumors were right.
  22. It doesn't need to stop. It needs to remain in orbit around Terra Nova. The terrorist is trying to use the 'thrusters' to push it out of orbit so it crashes into the planet. The asteroid was hijacked while on course to planet, not after it arrived. Even if it were in orbit, it would still need to be stopped, gravity pulling the thing toward the planet certainly won't help the situation. You're correct about it being hijacked while on course. However, they don't need to 'stop' the asteriod completely, they just need to cut the thrusters and it will orbit the planet. The original plan was to make X57 a satellite.
  23. Return to Ostigar isn't coming out tomorrow. The date is TBA.
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