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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. You messages me about this. I don't have Return to Ostigar. Right now the only customers that do are those who D/L it off X-Box Live while it was available. I'm going by the conversation in the spoiler forums.
  2. What bothers me is that the review didn't know why he was getting paragon or renegade points. Bioware needs to be clear about what this ethical system means. Anyways, a norwegian magazine leaked what looks to be the day one extra squadmate: Canderous? translate
  3. PC Gamer Review: (Note: I don
  4. Checkpoints work best in linear games. Imagine you're running around the Bracillan Forest fighting werewolves and the game saves when you enter that zone. You're running along and the PC's group nears one of the revenant's grave, do you put an auto-save there? The player might check out the grave stone or they might just miss it. Do you put an auto-save every time they get near it? There are four of them in the area and there's a bit of running back and forth, plus regular area transitions. A player might not enjoy continuously hitting an auto-save and having to wait becuasde they're nearing one of the grave stones again. In areas like the mage tower, where it's one straight forward dungeon crawl, the autosaves BioWare has work fine.
  5. I recall David talking about slamming his head into the wall in regards to the amount of cut content. Dragon Age was developed over six years and went through three executive producers. I think Mike Lawlaid was brought in with the directive to just get the game out the door.
  6. The *writing* for Return was done not long after DA:O shipped as it was originally supposed to be available in December.
  7. Heck if I know. A big spoiler about what happened at Ostigar and why it happened then is in the DLC though:
  8. I like accurate and thoughtful. Someone who insults games just to please his boss (and you know the Escapist's biggest draw right now is Yatzee) is no more useful to me than reviewers who praise games just to please their boss.
  9. Torchwood is the best Diablo clone yet, and will be until Diablo III arrives.
  10. DA:O Delayed Again: Ostagar.
  11. You can't cherry pick your porn though by comparing consensual porn to all video games. 120 Days of Sodom has a scene where a monk has a seven-year-old girl urinate in his mouth and then he ejaculates on her face
  12. You can't cherry pick your porn though by comparing consensual porn to all video games. 120 Days of Sodom has a scene where a monk has a seven-year-old girl urinate in his mouth and then he ejaculates on her face
  13. Return to Ostigar is now available for XBox and should be available for PC at the end of the day. PS3 is TBA. Interestingly, Chris, the community coordinator, said that its release was 'unexpected.' Given that the current release date was sometime in February, I wonder what happened there.
  14. Breaking News: No one cares about Ron Jeremy's opinion. That said, BioWare was at the CES but it's not open to the public and admission is $200 anyways. Sucks.
  15. I rather like Subject Zero, and she
  16. zazei, The Grey Wardens were kicked out of Ferelden and there hasn't been a Blight in 400 years. Most people only know GW as shining knights who ride gryphons. Alistiar is a dreamer who never really had to absorb what being a GW was about. Listen to him talk about the Wardens in the Anderfels - where the HQ is and where they've stood vigil since the First Blight - he talks about how hard and cold they are and how he couldn't relate to them. Is he 'Warden' material? He surived the Joining, can fight well, and can follow orders. That's all Duncan asked of him, and that's about all he's good for.
  17. I doubt it will be 'something major.' Part of me want to wait for ME 2 to come out, get a list of the various choices that actually matter and THEN play ME 1.
  18. They've gotten rid of the elevator scenes. Also, those annoying mineral quest from ME 1? They carry over to ME 2. How you handled the reporter also carries.
  19. I thought I was doing well until and then I encountered the skeletons near the tower. Ow. So instead of dealing with those I tried to kill the Black Ring warriors outside the temple with the giant squidman head. Owwwww. I need to find more goblins to kill, damnit.
  20. A blog by Christina Norman, lead designer: Enemy defenses in ME2 I'm run into dozens of men who've claimed they prefer to watch a female toon over a male one. I'm not sure I trust their word, but I've encountered it many times.
  21. Yes, those highly emotional and emotive Germans.
  22. It would've been as though a thousand fan girls cried out in pain. You have an ending where you sleep with Morrigan, one where you have Alistiar die, and another where you have Loghian die. Where is the ending where all three of these things happen? Anyways, I like that Morrigan had a Get-Out-Of-Death-Free card between her legs, but I found Alistiar's role irritating. The character was fine until the drama of his true nature arrived.
  23. Phyramid Head. I don't want to know what that says about me. Yeah, back then I figured the vaunted black and gray morality will culminate in a choice between nice-but-stupid King Forgothisname and somewhatevil Loghain. Disappointment, here I come. That would have been nice, but then the AlistiarTheAlsoStupid.. but Dreamy couldn't have gotten the throne.
  24. Right now, we only know about the Collectors. They appear to be an insectoid race serving the Reapers, though even that's not clear.
  25. Loghain and Saren are both not in their right minds. Only, Saren has an excuse (indoctrination/implants) and a legitimate fear driving him (the Reapers should easily be able to destroy the galactic civilization). Moreover, it seems as though his plan was on target: the Reapers *will* use organics as tools. In Saren's mind, the option is either become a slave to a powerful, ancient evil or just die. That is a rational assessment of the situation for those not blessed to be the Player wish fulfillment Character. Loghain is just nuts. He takes a strong and unified kingdom, starts a civil war, lets the Blight ravage the countryside, and allows enslavement of the populous, all because he
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